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Books on C++

The COBS Review Series

  Roger Woolnough and Nicole Crémel IT/User Support

This is the third in a series of articles where we intend to make a brief assessment on the books offered at the CERN COBS Service (COmputing Books Selling Service). This time we have selected our offerings on C++.

Note that the list of books proposed may evolve in time according to the needs (e.g. new editions, new software or product versions, etc.) and to user feedback.

At the date of publication of this CNL (September 1998), the list of books proposed in the category C++ is:

  1. The C++ Programming Language  (Bjarne Stroustrup)   -  [I/A]
  2. The Complete C++ training course  (Dietel & Dietel)   -  [B/I]
  3. The C++ Primer  (Stanley B. Lippman & Jose)   -  [B/I]
  4. Practical C++ Programming  (Steve Oualline)   -  [B/I]
  5. C++ the Core language  (Gregory Satir & Doug Brown)   -  [B/I]
  6. Effective C++  (Scott Meyers)   -  [I/A]
  7. More Effective C++  (Scott Meyers)   -  [I/A]
  8. Scientific and Engineering C++  (John J. Barton & Lee R. Nackman)   -  [I/A]
  9. C++ for Fortran Programmers  (Ira Pohl)   -  [B/I]
  10. Object Oriented Programming using C++  (Ira Pohl)   -  [I]
  11. Advanced C++ Programming styles  (James O. Coplien)   -  [A]
  12. Unix system programming using C++  (Terence Chan)   -  [I/A]
[B] Beginners   -   [I] Intermediate   -   [A] Advanced

The C++ Programming Language-   Bjarne Stroustrup -  [I/A]

This book is written by Bjarne Stroustrup who is the designer and original implementor of the C++ language. This is one of the best selling books ever on C++. It may be used both as reference and also a tutorial in the way in which it is written. There is a supporting Web page at URL:

The Complete C++ training course-   Dietel & Dietel -  [B/I]

The package is composed of the book by Dietel "C++ How to Programme" and a CD ROM that runs on Windows 95 or NT or Solaris. This is an excellent interactive method to learn C++. There are 8 hours of audio and 1400 excercises to help you learn. This book was purchased due to heavy demand for an interactive C++ course.

The C++ Primer-   Stanley B. Lippman & Josee Lajoie -  [B/I]

This has been the standard book for learning C++ and is now considerably modified in its 3rd edition. It is written as a tutorial with many programming examples that illustrate the design of generic and object-oriented programs. Supporting Web page is at URL:

Practical C++ Programming-   Steve Oualline -  [B/I]

This O'Reilly book is in the catalogue as it provides a good transition for C programmers to learn C++. As the title suggests it provides lots of practical tips including debugging and making your code easily understandable to others. The book also includes a number of exercises after each chapter to help the reader.

C++ the Core language-   Gregory Satir & Doug Brown -  [B/I]

This book is for C programmers moving to C++. It is the companion book to "Practical C++ Programming". It is designed to enable readers to understand a basic subset of the language and then to move on to another more comprehensive book on C++.

Effective C++-   Scott Meyers -  [I/A]

This book and its sister title "More Effective C++" provide many guidelines on writing better code. There is excellent guidance on Object-Oriented design, class design and use of inheritance.It includes an examination of the standard C++ library and how the Standard Template Library (or STL) and classes like string and vector affect the structure of programmes. A book for C++ experts.

More Effective C++-   Scott Meyers -  [I/A]

Again as the title suggests full of lots of explanations on improving programming techniques. It includes an examination of the time/space costs of C++ language features. Includes information on many advanced features of the language like placement new, virtual constructors, proxy classes and double-dispatching. A book only suitable for those who already have a good knowledge of C++.

Scientific and Engineering C++-   John J. Barton & Lee R. Nackman -  [I/A]

The CERN bookshop's best selling C++ book ! It is the book used for the C++ courses given at CERN. It was originally stocked as one of the few books available that provided a good transition for Fortran programmers to learn C++. It suits the CERN environment especially well as it is oriented towards scientific uses of the language. Suitable for experienced programmers only.

C++ for Fortran Programmers-   Ira Pohl -  [B/I]

The title tells everything here, a book for the Fortran programmer to learn C++ ! It includes C++ to Fortran equivalencies and features engineering computations throughout. There is a chapter on STL (Standard Template Library) and code to go with this title is available at URL:

Object Oriented Programming using C++-   Ira Pohl -  [I]

Another very popular book with CERN users for their introduction to Object Oriented Programming. The book is well written and includes excercises and many examples to help the reader understand the concepts. Code is available for all examples at URL:

Advanced C++ Programming styles-   James O. Coplien -  [A]

Assumes a basic knowledge of C++ and discusses the benefits and pitfalls of using advanced C++ techniques. It includes large-scale design issues including exception handling, distributed processing and library design. Provides guidelines for translating object oriented designs into C++ implementations. Another title for the experienced programmer.

Unix system programming using C++-   Terence Chan -  [I/A]

This book provides help for Unix and Posix system programmers to develop C++ programs. It provides information on advanced network programming using sockets. Included are extensive example programs demonstrating how to construct C++ classes and applications with ANSI, UNIX and POSIX standard functions and classes.

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