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Garfield Version 6.33

Rob Veenhof , GSI (Darmstadt, Germany)

Garfield version 6.33 provides additional functionality for the simulation of avalanche processes. This version is able to compute the signals induced by a single track in several electrodes, such as a collection of strips in a CSC.

CELL section:

Maxwell generated field maps with rotational symmetry around an axis can now be read. Also, 2-dimensional r-z maps are now accepted.


No changes.


The FORCES command plots, on request, a diagram which shows whether a wire is in stable or labile equilibrium.

The CHANGE-VOLTAGES command now also works for planes and for the tube.

FIELD section:

No changes.

GAS section:

No changes.

DRIFT section:

In collaboration with Peter Cwetanski and Ulrich Moosbrugger, considerable progress has been made in the understanding of avalanche statistics on small scales. This has on the one hand resulted in the PROJECTED-PATH integration parameter, which to a large extent eliminates the dependence of the avalanche size on the Monte Carlo step size. On the other hand, a new procedure RND_MULTIPLICATION has been written which simulates the avalanche fluctuation over a fixed path, taking attachment and multiplication into account.

SIGNAL section:

Multiple weighting field maps computed by finite element programs are now accepted. This should simplify the computation of response functions of cathodes segmented in strips and pads.


A limited amount of user control of the layout of Cartesian plots is provided through the LAYOUT graphics command.

Histograms, Matrices, Formulae and Calls:

As usual, many procedures have been added. Of particular importance are the RND_MULTIPLICATION mentioned before, and random number generators according to functions and histograms (RND_FUNCTION and RND_HISTOGRAM). The function random number generator is based on the FUNLUX routine from the CERN program library.

Garbage collect for matrix assignments in loops has been improved.

Datasets and input / output:

No changes.

Compilation, batch:

No changes.


Currently, the most accurate information can be found in the help pages and the description of the command line.