From Tue Nov 19 17:58:52 1996 Date: 19 Nov 1996 17:42:01 U From: Bryan Pattison To: CCC Members Subject: CCC AGM Minutes 1995 Subject: Time:17:39 OFFICE MEMO CCC AGM Minutes 1995 Date:19/11/96 Minutes of the CERN CRICKET CLUB Annual General Meeting . CERN 9/11/95. AGENDA 1. Adoption of agenda. 2. Apologies for absence. 3. Approval of Minutes of last AGM. 4. Matters arising from minutes. 5. Captain's report. 6. Treasurer's report. 7. Groundsman's report. 8. Kit report from Vice-captain. 9. Election of Officers for 1996. 10.SCA affairs. 11.Fixtures for 1996. 12. Any other business. Present: Joan Bell, Adam Cash, Sarah Clarke, Martyn Davenport, John Evans, Vince Hatton(part), John Pym (part ), Bryan Pattison, Chris Onions, John Ostler, Mike Sale. 1. Agenda adopted. 2. Apologies : David Allen , Colin Carter , John Cook , Steve Hancock, Denis MacNamara , Vinay Ramakrishnan . 3.Minutes approved. 4. No matters arising . 5. Captain's report. Statistics were distributed . We won only 7 matches , including 3/3 against MCCC and a suprise win against ZUG. We nevertheless had some good scores ,over 200 against ALPINE,SRI LANKANS and GENEVA . Enjoyable away visits to the Durham Festival , MonteCarlo , Antibes , Milan and Basel. Batting: Chris Dean had a very good year (best average and highest total) . This year the president finished behind the captain . (Not an enviable position (ed) ) . Bowling : Bryan Pattison 6.9 Highlights: Chris Dean batting and bowling > 4 wickets. WWW:SCA now has a homepage with links to other clubs. Captain received a mail from an incredulous R Johnson(ex-Geneva) in South Africa who found us whilst browsing .We have even received an offer from a semi-pro to play for us during his holidays. Next season :We will lose some good players - Steve Kirk ,Emile Schyns (?) . Charities: We allowed Cossonnay their first ever win in the league . 6. Treasurer's report. 4-page report distributed 111 CHF overspent on the year. Balance is now 1493.70 CHF. Debacle over the transport of the mat ,various cheques raised and cancelled cost was eventually 404 CHF (mat itself was paid last year). Mike Sale estimated he was owed 459 FF for drinks provisionment. Subscriptions : more paid than last year ,still some outstanding e.g. (R Hillier,H Pols,U Vikas,D Allen,N Chohan,A Galloni,R Khan, M Sale). Most games played : Emile Schyns and Bruce King both played 19 games . (The ex-Treasurer John Evans congratulated John Ostler on his good work and excellent professional presentation of the accounts ). There was no discussion of subscription or match fees for 1996. 7. Groundsman's report. Potentially serious problem coming along due to the high cost of mowing the outfield. The ground is about 5000 m2 and takes about 4hours to cut . The task is at present done by an outside contactor who uses CERN equipment .The annual cost is about 5000 CHF for about 20 sessions. The Staff Association has mandated the CCC to reduce the cost this year. Bryan was asked to discuss with Mr Zbinden (head gardener ) to try to find a cheaper solution . The meeting thanked Emile and Adam for painting the hut. John Evans suggested that the groundsman and his team rent for the weekend a mechanised roller from a plant hire firm . The wicket could then be thoroughly rolled at the start of the season without risking hernias or bad backs. The meeting agreed on the need for more supports to hold the new mat. Barry Williams to be contacted. Good idea ? A wheeled device to push the mat from the wicket to the wall . Colin Carter to be asked to design one . Fence next to forest is overgrown with branches, brambles and rough grass many balls were lost in the rough. Bryan will ask Mr Zbinden to prune the overhanging branches to head height so that we can cut the rough grass by the fence. After elections , Bryan , Colin and Martyn asked to look into grass cutting, rolling ,fence clearing etc,. 8. Kit report . We have 5 decent bats - but most are reconditioned Carter specials. It was decided to buy 4 new bats ( " like Chris Dean uses " joked John Evans) . John Ostler volunteered to buy 4 Duncan Fearnley - 2 long and 2 short-handled . He was later asked to buy 2 new sets of bails . We need 18 new balls - Bryan will order them via SCA. . Adam was thanked for his very professional report. 9. Elections . Secretary : D Allen (proposed A Cash,seconded J Evans) Elected. Captain: C Onions(proposes J Evans ,seconded M Sale) Elected. Vice-Captain: A Cash (proposed A Cash ,seconded J Evans) Elected. If Adam leaves at the end of June ,there will be a new election. Groundsman : C Carter . Deputy : M Davenport. Tea Lady : J Bell Social Secretary: J Bell . 10. Social subjects. Tea Lady (Joan ) and helpers were congratulated for the 1995 service and for the organisation of the Christmas dinner . There are two weekend visits to CERN planned for 1996 , MCC and MCCC . A fund raising event before the season would be welcomed . Joan asked players to help more with the preparation of the tea-stand at the ground. Vice-captain will be in charge of pushing players to help. He asked for instructions on the help needed . 11. SCA Affairs. There was a report on the SCA meeting on 4/11/95 (B Pattison , M Sale ) . If there are 11 clubs next season - there will be one league , each club playing 10 games . If there are 12 clubs - there will probably be 2 divisions in the league , each club playing 5 games home and away. The AGM will decide. The recommendation is that the first 6 in the 1995 league will be in div. 1 and the next 5 plus newcomers will be in Div. 2 .The CCC representatives supported 2 divisions. Alpine won the 1995 league , CCC were next to bottom . Zug commented that they could not bring along some of their Sri Lankan players to CERN due to visa problems. We must try to find a ground in Switzerland next year in order to accomodate them. League matches must start within 30 mins of the arranged time. (CCC latecomers to home matches are increasingly a problem . It was agreed that for the 1996 season , the Start time and the realistic meeting time should be advertised. Members who arrive more than 15 minutes later than the meeting time will be fined 5 CHF.) Adam remarked that umpires in some league matches had been critisised or abused by players , umpires can report players to the SCA. First they should issue a warning and if it persists , then report them. He suggested that the SCA should circulate a page on the ethics and behaviour in league games. 12 Fixtures. MCCC have confirmed . MCC away will be 15/16 June . CCC invited to Zuoz - June 29 /30 (11 a side ) . Emile suggested St Moritz on ice competition ? He mentioned that one gets a proper dinner there and its glamour cricket . There were some reservations however - Emile and Bryan to gather some information . Barcelona as a pre-season warmup ? Considerable interest. John Ostler to contact MCCC for a contact in Barcelona. 13 AOB. CERN VM will eventually be stopped. A new mailing system has been adopted. Chris will give some details in these minutes. Clothes hooks in the upper hut would be useful . We need to remove and dump the array of small shelving/boxes first (Barry Williams?). Adam asked for plastic sheeting although I have no idea why ? Derek Oakes was thanked for his generous and useful donation of a sun shade. Could we have a phone in the hut to telephone in our excuses for being late before we are fined ? ( Bryan will look into it). Could we have ashtrays on sticks ? To keep the grass free a fag butts. (Emile's request ). The meeting ended at 20:12. M Davenport (If you thought his scoring was slow , what about his typing ?). _______________________________________________________________________ This mail has been sent to everyone on the cern-club-cricket list _______________________________________________________________________