Notes taken during the Annual General Meeting held on 15th November 2001 in Restaurant No.1,  for approval at the next Annual General Meeting in 2002.



Present:          D.Allen, V.Chohan, M.Davenport, J.Evans, R.Fielder, P.Jones, C.Onions, J.Osborne, B.Pattison, M.Sale, W.Salter, E.Schyns, J.Wall.



Apologies:      C.Bee, C.Carter, T.Goodyear, M.Hamilton, J.Roberts, D.Thompson.



The meeting was formally opened by the (Life) President at 5:43 pm and the agenda adopted as proposed. The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of November 2000 were accepted as taken.

Concerning matters arising from the Minutes, Rob Fielder clarified the position regarding insurance. There would be insurance cover for vehicle damage if this occurs during official matches, but not during training sessions.




Captain’s Report


            John Osborne began his report by stating that all the re-scheduled matches at the start of the season had in fact been lost. (An already extensive run of away games had to be extended further due to the new pitch not being ready). CERN had achieved the same as last year in the league, ie. won against Cossonay (home & away) but lost to Bern & Geneva (both home & away) and therefore finished third again in the Western League. CERN managed to beat a Nationwide side who brought an army of about 30 players! Rob Campbell had scored the most runs with 218 for the season, including a century to his name. Dave Allen & Adrian Hooper shared top spot in the batting averages with 37.6. Bryan Pattison & Emile Schyns each had the highest tally of wickets with 15 for the season. It was noted that Bryan, with best bowling average, had actually gone into double figures (from the usual treble figures, quipped Chris Onions!). John informed the Meeting that the new artificial grass pitch had been slit! It was agreed that the new surface played quite well, just a problem with the bowling approach from one end.

Full results for the season were: Won 6, Drawn 0, Tied 0, Lost 9, Abandoned 0, Postponed 2, Cancelled 7, Forfeited 0.




Treasurer’s Report


Rob Fielder presented his report, showing what appeared to be a healthy balance of 8850 Frs.

 Dec 2001 – DA




He explained that this figure was however misleading, as the Club still owed B.Pattison some 4500 Frs, mainly for purchase of the new mat. The figure was also boosted by the late receipt of 2450 Frs from the Staff Association in 2001, instead of 2000. Rob was grateful to those who had made donations towards the cost of the new pitch, which amounted to 675 Frs. It was noticed that one of them had apparently managed to scrape together 62 centimes as part or maybe all of their donation!




Groundsman’s Report


            In Colin Carter’s absence, several members present spoke about the condition of the ground. With the new pitch there was obviously less now for the Groundsman to do, ie. no mowing of the playing or practice strip. However, the mice & moles continue to be a nuisance & traps are apparently in place. Grass still has to come up where seeds have been sown & the whole ground requires a good rolling. John Evans suggested hiring a heavy roller from Loxam, the local plant hire company, for the start of next season. Bryan would ask the gardeners to do some “slashing” on the branches along the edge of the field!




Kit Report


In Iain Turnbull’s absence, the kit inventory he produced was passed around. Items making it on to the list this season were a Schyns roll-on/roll-off net practice device & the Schyns step-on/fall-off pavilion steps! Amongst the protection gear, two left-handed boxes were discovered! Equally, for protection, the Club is down to one helmet as the President managed to reverse his car over the other one in Porlezza! Bryan anyway thanked Emile for his construction of the nets & there was reportedly a new scoreboard in progress from the same manufacturer.

E.Schyns deemed it necessary at this point to mention the deplorable state of the huts. The ladies should not have to clear/clean up the mess left behind from the previous match before preparing the afternoon tea for the teams. A hut/pavilion committee would be formed comprising B.Pattison & C.Onions. The ladies were given a vote of thanks by the Meeting for their much appreciated efforts throughout the season.




Election of Officers


            Two nominations had been received - B.Pattison for President & B.Pattison for Secretary! There being nobody else capable of taking on the role of President, Bryan offered to continue and was duly proposed by J.Evans & seconded by M.Sale.



 Dec 2001 – DA




            D.Allen was standing down after serving eight years as Club Secretary. After some prior scouting around, T.Goodyear was found to be (reluctantly) willing to take up the post. B.Pattison would organise Match Managers for the fixtures, thereby relieving E.Schyns of the task.

            A proposal by J.Osborne to revert to the previous system of having Match Managers only, was accepted. There would therefore be no official Club Captain and the Match Manager for a particular fixture would select a Captain for the day. W.Salter proposed having a pool of  perhaps four or five players willing to take on the captaincy.

            A discussion then ensued, concerned with making certain commitments, ie. punctuality from both sides participating, improved discipline within the team/club, etc.

            I.Turnbull was willing to continue as Vice-captain as long as he wasn’t depriving anyone else. This not being the case, he was duly voted in unopposed as “captain of vice” as Bryan puts it (annually!).

            As R.Fielder was doing such an excellent job looking after the Club’s financial interests, he was voted in unanimously as Treasurer.

            C.Carter was especially willing to continue as Groundsman as there was hardly anything to do anymore, now that there was an artificial grass pitch. Rob said that we do have to get on top of the moles though – that could be interesting!

            On behalf of Joan Bell, Martyn said she was happy to continue as Social convenor for the organisation of team teas & social evenings.




SCA Affairs & Fixtures for 2002


            The AGM of the SCA (Swiss Cricket Association), will take place in Bern on 19/01/02. An umpires course will be held 15-17/02/02 under the auspices of the newly formed sFOCUS (swiss Federation Of Cricket Umpires & Scorers).

            Next season sees CERN as the official club representing Switzerland for the SCA at the Zuoz Festival. This takes place the weekend following the traditional trip to Porlezza to play Milan. It would therefore be wise to move the fixture to sometime in September, as it has been in the past.




Any other business


            Emile Schyns proposed putting the scorecard of each match on the Website, aswell as providing better information regarding contact persons and/or Match Managers for other clubs. Suggestions for improvement to Website details should be sent to Chris Onions. It was decided to have another Meeting in Spring, prior to the start of the new season.




            The meeting was formally brought to a close at 8:06 pm.