The Eifion Jones Single Wicket Competition (26th August 2001) Twelve players participated in the 10th Eifion Jones Single Wicket Competition, a knock-out competition in which, in each game, each player must face 12 balls and deliver 12 balls (18 in the final). In the first round, there was only one surprise, with previous winner D. Allen (-3) being eliminated by M. Sayeed (14), whose first 4 balls were wides! (Note: 6 runs are deducted for each time a batsman is out, hence the negative score). Last years winner, R. Onions, progressed to the next round when his opponent, M. Finnis, retired hurt, splitting open a finger when trying to catch a full-blooded drive. In the quarter finals, the only surprise was the elimination by C. Onions (29) of his son, R. Onions (0), a reverse of the result in the 2000 competition. In the other games, B. Pattison (25) beat M. Sayeed (-9), R. Kumar (5) lost to J. Wall (11), and T. Goodyear (5) lost to M. Hamilton (18). In the semi-finals, B. Pattison (4) lost to J. Wall (11) and C. Onions (24) beat M. Hamilton (1). The final was close, with J. Wall making 18 off his 3 overs and C. Onions 21, C. Onions therefore winning the competition for the third time. Full details of the draw and the results can be found on the CERN Cricket Club web site.