The Eifion Jones Single Wicket Competition (13th June 2004) Sixteen players participated in the 11th Eifion Jones Single Wicket Competition, a knock-out competition in which, in each game, each player must face 12 balls and deliver 12 balls (18 in the final). In the first round, one of the favourites, M. Dasgupta, was eliminated. Two previous winners, C. Onions and D. Allen, also went out, thus ensuring that there would be a new name on the trophy in 2004. In the second round, with 4 Aussies, one Kiwi, one Dutchman and two Englishmen left, a betting man would have put his money on a Southern hemisphere winner, and so it proved to be. The only surprise in the second round was the defeat of captain R. Campbell by J. Osborne. In the semi-finals, new boy M. Elliott beat A. Goodwin. L. Kirwan, who made the highest score of the afternoon (and in the competition since it began) with 43 off the two overs, beat J. Osborne, in no small part due to some nice full tosses. In the all Australian 3-over final, L. Kirwan, with 17, beat M. Elliott by 2 runs, mainly due to the latter being dismissed three times and L. Kirwan only twice (6 runs are deducted for each time a batsman is out). Full details of the draw and the results can be found on the CERN Cricket Club web site.