CERN CC. Statistics

Select Year: Include all previous years:

Show Best performances:

Sort based on: Ascending Descending

Game Types: All League Non-League

Show only those player who played in the selected year:

Show results for which the following is/are true.
Custom Filter:
Match on Date (yyyymmdd): Show match result:
Extra Column:
Game Number/Range:
Game Against:

NOTE: For Custom Filter and Extra Column you can use the following variables.

Matches Played:      $P
Innings Played:      $I
Not Out:             $NO
Runs Scored:         $R
Batting Avg.:        $AVGR
High Score:          $HS
0's:                 $Z0
50's:                $X50
100's:               $X100
Catches:             $CT
Stumped:             $ST
Bowling Innings:     $B
Overs:               $O
Maidens:             $M
Wickets taken:       $W
Runs given:          $BR
Runs/Wkt Avg.:       $AVGB
Balls/Wkt Avg.:      $SR
Runs/Over Avg.:      $ECO
3 Wickets in matchs: $X3W
4 Wickets in matchs: $X4W
Game Number:         $G

e.g. if you want to have an extra column for catches per match, then add $CT/$P in the "Extra Column" field.
OR   if you want to see more than one extra columns then use ; in b/w the values e.g. $I/$P;$B/$P will add two
  new columns EC0 (for innings played per match) and EC1 (bowling per match).
OR for Game Number/Range field, if you want to see how different players have done in their first 10 games then use $G<=10 in Game number field,
OR if you are interested in games number b/w 10 and 20 then use something like ($G>10)&&($G<20)