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20–22 Mar 2018
University of Washington Seattle
US/Pacific timezone

This is a workshop on track reconstruction and other problems in pattern recognition in sparsely sampled data. The workshop is intended to be inclusive across other disciplines wherever similar problems arise. The main focus will be on pattern recognition and machine learning problems that arise e.g. in the reconstruction of particle tracks or jets in high energy physics experiments. 

This 2018 edition is the 4th of the Connecting The Dot series (see CTD2015 BerkeleyCTD2016 Vienna, WIT/CTD2017 LAL-Orsay).

The workshop is plenary sessions only,  with a mix of invited talks and accepted contributions. There will also be a Poster session.

Wifi is available on site, eduroam credentials, from your institution or CERN, are recommended (but not mandatory). 

Follow us on twitter @ctdwit , the official hashtag is #ctd2018 .

Proceedings will be peer reviewed by CTD committee and published in EPJWeb. The article needs to be prepared by using the template here and submitted  via  Indico interface by June 30. Each author also needs to fill the publication right form. The guidelines for number of pages is 10+/-2 for regular talk, 7+/-2 for Young Scientist Forum talk and 6+/-2 for Poster presentation.

University of Washington Seattle
Physics-Astronomy Auditorium A118
Program Committee
Alberto Annovi (INFN Pisa, Italy)
Marina Artuso (Syracuse U., USA)
Richard Brenner (Uppsala U., Sweden)
Paolo Calafiura (LBNL, USA)
Michel De Cian (Heidelberg U.,   Germany)
Markus Elsing (CERN, Switzerland)
Rudolf Frühwirth (HEPHY Vienna, Austria)
Frank Gaede (DESY, Germany)
Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (LBNL, USA)
Ceĉile Germain (LRI Orsay, France)
Martin Heck (KIT Karlsruhe, Germany)
Benedikt Hegner (CERN, Switzerland)
Fabrizio Palla (INFN Pisa, Italy)
Eugenio Paoloni (INFN Pisa, Italy)
David Rousseau (LAL Orsay, France)
Andreas Salzburger (CERN, Switzerland)
Andre Schoening (Heidelberg U., Germany)
Ariel Schwartzman (SLAC, USA)
Maria Spiropulu (CalTech, USA)
Are Strandlie (NTNU, Norway)
Local Committee

Shih-Chieh Hsu (UW, USA) - Chair
Anna Goussiou (UW, USA)
Yen-Chi Chen (UW, USA)

Gordon Watts (UW, USA)
Henry Lubatti (UW, USA)



Registration for this event is currently open.