Deploying an EGEE gLite VOMS service


  1. Objective
  2. Preamble
  3. System configuration
  4. Software installation
  5. voms-admin parameters' configuration and VO AUP update
    1. VOMS Groups & Roles
  6. LDAP synchronisation (if needed)
  7. Grid-map file generation from VOMS
  8. VOMS-aware services; LCMAPS configuration
  9. Generating voms proxy with voms-proxy-init
  10. References


This note hopes to assist the EGEE/LCG/OSG VO managers in installing, configuring and deploying gLite VOMS. The pre-glite VOMS version of this document is HERE.

Everything should be covered by the relevant section of the gLite installation guide.

Instructions on how to try the VOMS prototype server at NIKHEF can be found HERE.

gLite VOMS also runs on the CERN VOMS server, e.g.

When we installed we didn't have the meta_package available so we kept the following notes if need be. You may also consult VOMS troubleshooting notes and pending VOMS-related bugs/tasks/patches.


The CERN/IT Grid Deployment (IT/GD) team is operating a VOMS server containing the users of Virtual Organisations (VOs) Alice, Atlas, CMS, LHCb, SixT and Dteam. New VO Registration Procedures are described in VO Registration Security Policy is in explains what VOMS is and contains references to original design documentation.

System configuration:

Host: At CERN we installed glite-voms on host (dual-CPU box with 0.5 GB of memory and a 20 GB disk) which runs Scientific Linux (SL3). After sufficient testing of this glite-voms installation with the rest of the Grid services, we 'll move the main VOMS server to glite-voms as well. Then, all references to below will also apply to 100MBytes in /var/lib/mysql per VO should be sufficient. Seven VOs are configured on the same host without providing a reliable service.

Naming: Select a user-friendly hostname or DNS-alias that carries the name of your VO(s). Make sure a host certificate is issued for this host alias that your users will use to open the VOMS web interface, typically:
https://VOMSHostname.Domain:8443/voms/YourVO, e.g. .
Put the host certificate in the usual place at /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem, /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem.

Connectivity: The host needs ports open on the firewall. It, therefore, must have an INCOMING IP address allocated. It must be accessible from outside your intranet via a SSL connection to port 8443. The port numbers (referenced later on in this document as <Port_number> ) you select to offer one vomsd instance per VO, should also be open on your firewall for access from outside your domain. This is indispensable for your VO members trying to get their credentials approved against the VODB via the voms-proxy-init command. Example: On and, ports 15000-15020 are open and VOs are defined on the following ports:

VO Name Port
alice 15000
atlas 15001
cms 15002
lhcb 15003
dteam 15004
sixt 15005
test 15012

Processes needed:crond, sshd, edg-voms, tomcat5, mysqld (the present database choice).

User logins needed: This depends on the number of VOs that you configure on the same host. The users should be the VO managers and their deputies, when they type voms-admin commands from the shell instead of using the web interface. We estimate maximum 10 user logins for the VOMS server, where the LHC Experiments and DTEAM are hosted.

Expected concurrent operations:

These figures (estimated by the voms-admin developer Karoly Lorentey) can comfortably handle a population of 100000 users. If they type voms-proxy-init during the same hour, they resulting to roughly 30 VOMS operations per second. This can be easily handled by no more than 5-10 concurrent database transactions, which in VOMS are very short-lived, each lasting no more than a few dozen milliseconds. The default limit of no more than 5 concurrent database reads starts to fail noticably only at about 70 operations per second on a slow machine. This limit is configurable per VO in file:
/opt/glite/var/etc/voms-admin/your-vo/ Extract:

# An instance of the VOMS admin service won't create more than this
# number of query connections to the database. The default is 5.
voms.database.query.connections.max             5

Processes to run from cron:
13 8 * * * /usr/sbin/tmpwatch -f 240 /var/log/tomcat5             # Log update
#14 2,8,14,20 * * * /opt/glite/etc/cron/fetch-crl-cron               #Certificate Revokation List update no more needed. With glite this is done via /etc/cron.d
14 1,7,13,21 * * * /opt/glite/etc/cron/cron-voms-ldap-sync    #Contact and fetch LDAP contents IF your master VO DB are still in LDAP

The last of these processes consists of polling the contents of your LDAP directories (if you do have a LDAP-based VO before migrating to VOMS) to update your VOMS database. It will be obsolete when the LDAP directories will no more be updated (phase 4 of the migration steps, if you decide to follow them in that order).

Additional requirements:

Software installation (notes by K.Lorentey):

Start with a clean Scientific Linux reinstall.  I used
    a barebone Scientific Linux 3.0.4, with no optional packages installed,
especially not MySQL or Tomcat.
Install the following packages manually, to prevent missing dependency
errors later:
For the security utils and the rest of the stuff:
      apt-get install perl-DateManip
        apt-get install perl-libwww-perl
        apt-get install perl-libxml-enno
        apt-get install PyXML
        apt-get install 4Suite
      For voms-admin-client:
      apt-get install perl-SOAP-Lite
        apt-get install perl-Crypt-SSLeay

Go to and select "gLite 1.0"
From the Releases section.  You will get a list of links to gLite
deployment scripts.  Scroll down to "gLite VOMS Server and
Administration Tools", and download the installation script for RH
Enterprise 3.0 systems.  At the time of writing, the following
commands work fine:
        sh ./
Provided you installed the above dependencies, the script will
download and install everything.  There should be no obvious problems.

  Set the MySQL root password to something of your choice.
  service mysql start
        mysqladmin -u root password 'your-password'
        mysqladmin -u root -h localhost.localdomain password 'your-password'
  Install Java. (I use Blackdown Java ( in this example.)
        mkdir /opt/java
        cd /opt/java
        sh ~/j2sdk-1.4.2-01-linux-i586.bin
  Register Java.
  update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/java/j2sdk1.4.2/bin/java
        update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/java/j2sdk1.4.2/bin/javac
Set up Java paths.
  mkdir /etc/java
        echo 'export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/j2sdk1.4.2' > /etc/java/java.conf
(Before an official gLite release containing these versions.)
Upgrade glite-config to version 1.1.0 to fix broken problem.
Upgrade the voms-related RPMs to the latest versions:
        glite-security-voms-admin-interface-1.0.2 (same as in gLite 1.0)
(The autobuild system should generate the 1.0.4 RPMs real soon now.)
The client package was not installed by, it needs to be installed by hand.
Copy the gLite config templates to prepare for customization.
          cd /opt/glite/etc/config
        cp templates/*.xml .
          Set the global configuration parameters.
          cd /opt/glite/etc/config
        edit glite-global.cfg.xml
                Set site.config.url to ""
                Set JAVA_HOME to "/opt/java/j2sdk1.4.2/"
Set up the gLite Security Utilities.
  cd /opt/glite/etc/config
        edit glite-security-utils.cfg.xml
                Set cron.mailto to an address of your choice.

Run the Security Utilities configuration script.
(It should say "gLite Security Utilities configuration successfully completed".)
 Set up RGMA.
  cd /opt/glite/etc/config
        edit glite-rgma-common.cfg.xml
                Set rgma.server.hostname.
                Set rgma.schema.hostname.
                Set rgma.registry.hostname.
                (I used `localhost' for all three.)
  edit glite-rgma-servicetool.cfg.xml
                Set rgma.servicetool.sitename.  (I used `localhost'.)
        rm glite-rgma-servicetool-serviceName.cfg.xml
                (We don't need this.)
Log out and log in again to have all gLite environment variables loaded.
Set up the VOMS server.
        edit glite-voms-server.cfg.xml
                Define as many VOs as you want.  Example settings:
                R-GMA for the fnord VO:
                    rgma.servicetool.service_type="VOMS Server"
                    rgma.servicetool.status_script="${GLITE_LOCATION}/etc/init.d/voms-admin status"
Run the VOMS configurator script.
Set yourself up as a VO admin:
        voms-admin --vo [VONAME] create-user [certificate.pem]
        voms-admin --vo [VONAME] add-member /[VONAME]/Role=VO-Admin [certificate.pem]
You are done!  Go to https://server:8443/voms/VONAME with your
certificate loaded, and enjoy your new VOMS server.  The core service
should also be running correctly on the port that you set it up on.

voms-admin configuration files

Subject: Re: VOMS-admin config files (fwd)

** Templates: Files & dirs in /opt/glite/etc/voms-admin
=> ls
context-siblings.xml.template  notification
ldap-vo-config.xml             web

** For setting the parameters both for voms-admin (VO manager
notification, VO access URL) and for voms-server (VO access port for
the client etc), edit file:

** For tailoring your welcome page on your-server-host create the file:
and include your customized text with HTML markup.
(GLITE_LOCATION_VAR is normally set to /var/glite.)

** In case you syncronise with a LDAP "copy" of your VO:
/opt/glite/etc/cron/cron-voms-ldap-sync runs from cron and executes
/opt/glite//sbin/voms-ldap-sync according to config. in file

voms-admin parameters' configuration:

  1. Set environment variable GLITE_LOCATION=/opt/glite
  2. Install VO instance:
    $GLITE_LOCATION/sbin/voms-admin-configure install --vo=<your-vo> --port <Port_number> --dbapwd=<db_pw>
  3. Start up VO instances in VOMS:
    $GLITE_LOCATION/etc/init.d/voms-admin start
    $GLITE_LOCATION/etc/init.d/voms start
  4. Configure VO properties in file:/opt/glite/etc/voms/<your-vo>/voms.conf
    Example DTEAM VO properties on VOMS server, file /opt/edg/etc/voms/dteam/voms.conf:
  5. Other useful commands:

For optimal usage of VOMS Groups and Roles it is recommended to:

  1. Give the name of your VO to the VOMS root Group.
    Example: for the Atlas VO                                                    /atlas
  2. Use VOMS Groups to represent special communities within your VO, by putting them into sub-groups.
    Example: the Atlas community sub-set that can only use OSG resources in USA             /atlas/usatlas
  3. Use VOMS Roles to represent VO members with special privileges.
    Example: the Atlas software installers                                 /atlas/Role=lcgadmin
  4. LHC Experiment VOs and DTEAM decided not use the VOMS Capabilities. Other VOs are welcome to find an optimal use and mapping of this attribute.

More examples:

VO VOMS Group VOMS Subgroup VOMS Role
CMS /cms /cms/datatag /cms/Role=admin
DTEAM /dteam /dteam/lcg1 /dteam/Role=lcgadmin
ATLAS /atlas /atlas/usatlas /atlas/lcgadmin

Limitations to the number of VOMS Groups:
VOMS' enhanced functionality in terms of fine-grain categorisation of users in Groups and Roles cannot be exploited beyond a limited set of 2-3 Group and Role values. This is due to the lack of an encapsulating Service that manages ACL permissions and masks the limitations of the Unix file system. The problem is how to manage grid users (who may belong to many VOMS Groups) and files on the computing resources (which can only belong to one Unix group). Either the file creator has to change appropriately his/her group before writing the file, or all files should be world-readable, which is not acceptable by most VOs. Suppose a user was registered in VOMS with X valid Roles and he presents his/her credentials to the resource fulfilling Y out of those X. The process has to run at a site, using a user account that must be present in /etc/group as a member of all the local Unix groups that correspond to his/her present Y  VOMS Roles, and only those. This means that the user account under which a job runs may belong to any valid combination of groups in /etc/group, which makes their maintenance difficult to manage.

How Groups/Roles are used in the grid-map file:
This depends on the sequence in which these Groups/Roles appear in edg-mkgridmap.conf file. The one listed first is the only one used. So, we list the one with most privileges first so that users appearing in multiple Groups and Roles will get the most privileged accounts on the service nodes. Here is the edg-mkgridmap.conf file of the LHC Experiment VOs and DTEAM .

How Groups/Roles are used in LCMAPS (input by Martijn Steenbakkers):
*All* VOMS attributes are mapped to (possibly different) groupnames and
the mapped user will be added to these groups. For determining the poolaccount LCMAPS creates a
leasename of either
"< DN>:<pgid>",
where <pgid> is the groupname that is the result of the mapping of the first VOMS
attribute, or
"< DN>:<pgid>[:<sgid1>[:<sgid2>.....[:<sgidN>]....]]",
where <sgid1..N> are the secondary groups that are the result of the mapping of the
other VOMS attributes.
Which one is used depends on the LCMAPS configuration: if in lcmaps.db the voms
poolaccount has the "-do_not_use_secondary_gids" flag set the first type is used,
otherwise the latter.

With this entry in the gridmapfile:
" /atlas" .atlas
and these entries in the groupmapfile
" /atlas" atlas
" /atlas" atlasmc
in the former case a user with the attributes "/atlas" and "/atlas/mc"
gets mapped to the account "atlas001" with gids "atlas" and "atlasmc" and a second userwith only the attributes "/atlas" gets also mapped to account "atlas001", but with onlygid "atlas".
In the latter case the first user gets mapped to "atlas001" with gids "atlas" and
" atlasmc" and the second one to "atlas002" with gid "atlas".

In the latter case the first user gets mapped to "atlas001" with gids "atlas" and
" atlasmc" and the second one to "atlas002" with gid "atlas".
So in the latter case you get a better isolation of different roles, but at the cost of using (many?) more poolaccounts.

LDAP synchronisation (if needed):

  1. Configure LDAP OUs to VOMS Groups/Roles mapping in file: /opt/glite/etc/voms-admin/ldap-vo-config.xml
    Example; Synchronising with the LDAP directory of the DTEAM VO:
    <!-- The name of the VO and the port that the C++ core service runs on. -->
    <vo name="dteam" port="15004">
    <!-- The hostname of the LDAP server. -->
    <!-- The base DN for listing people. -->
    <!-- Mapping LDAP groups to VO groups or VO roles. -->
    <map dest="/dteam">ou=lcg1,o=dteam,dc=lcg,dc=org</map>
    <map dest="Role=lcgadmin">ou=lcgadmin,o=dteam,dc=lcg,dc=org</map>
  2. Synchronise with command:
    $GLITE_LOCATION/sbin/voms-ldap-sync --verbose --vo=<your-vo> --url=http://localhost:8080/edg-voms-admin/<your-vo>
    $GLITE_LOCATION/sbin/voms-ldap-sync --verbose --vo=dteam --url=http://localhost:8080/voms-admin/dteam

Grid-map file generation from VOMS:

All Computing and Storage Elements (CEs and SEs) as well as the Resource Broker will need to become accepted clients of the VOMS server in order to run the edg-mkgridmap script from the LCG2 RPM location for Scientific Linux and RedHat7.3.
and generate the grid-map file from VOMS. The valid version in June 2005 is 2.4.2.
The following procedure explains how these nodes (called remote_hosts further on in this document) become eligible to access the VOMS server and list the contents of the VOs defined there:

Alternative procedures:

A. No action needed: If the remote_host is certified by a trusted, i.e. present in /etc/grid-security/certificates Certification Authority (CA), then it can list the VO without extra action, provided Global ACL for list privileges is enabled.

B. Via ACLs: A good way to grant access to the compatibility interface for a remote_host is to change the ACL of the VO group (named /atlas, /dteam etc.). This can be done:

  1. Via the HTML VOMS administration interface.
    Example: In the case of the VOMS server and for the DTEAM VO the URL is:

    Operation: list
    Admin DN, Admin CA: the remote_host 'DN & CA

  3. Alternatively, login as root on the VOMS server and use the command line Perl client:

    voms-admin --url=http://localhost:8080/voms-admin/dteam add-acl-entry /dteam allow list .remote_host .pem

C. Enter the remote_host as a VO member: Create on the VOMS server side the Role=VO-List in the VO group. Add the client remote_host as a user and a member of this Role. Document explains the steps in detail. The draw-back of this method is that the remote_host has to be registered as a VO member together with the actual users.

D. Use voms-httpd: A section in the VOMS integration document prepared by Grid-IT explains the installation of this HTTP implementation of VOMS based on Apache and mod_perl and is linked from HERE.

Write the exact lines needed to configure your grid-map file generation. Example HERE.

VOMS-aware services; LCMAPS configuration:

LCG2 LCFGng and Manual Installation Guides contain instructions on how to introduce additional VOs to the service nodes. As of the LCG2 Release LCG-2-4-0 automatic mechanisms will be provided to update the necessary parameters in files:


The LCG2 Release includes the hooks for all parameters necessary in the CEs, SEs, RB and gatekeeper files for LCAS/LCMAPS configuration. A detailed documentation on VOMS - LCAS/LCMAPS installation, prepared by Grid-IT is linked from HERE but, in June 2005, it has pre-glite content. You may go to and select the rpms under gLite Security Utilities.

Generating voms proxy with voms-proxy-init

LCG2 Release 2_6_0 contains the voms-client code and the vomses directories for some VOs pre-configured. Here are the Release and configuration notes. If you need to start from scratch, then:

Download the voms-client code can be found on the CERN LCG Rpm directory for Scientific Linux .
Configure User Interface(UI) by editing the file: /opt/edg/etc/vomses/[your-vo]-VOMSHost.Domain

The order of the parameters per line is "VO nickname", "hostname", "Port_number", "Host_Cert_Subject", "your-vo"

Example DTEAM configuration (in LCG2 Releases so far we still use $EDG_LOCATION and not yet $GLITE_LOCATION): The file is "$EDG_LOCATION/etc/vomses/" containing line:
"dteam" "" "15004" "/C=CH/O=CERN/OU=GRID/CN=host/" "dteam"

Syntax of the voms-proxy-init command: voms-proxy-init -voms [VO nickname]:/group/Role=[VOMS-Role]

Example DTEAM voms-proxy-init command: voms-proxy-init -voms dteam:/dteam/Role=lcgadmin



EDG Security Installation Guide

EDG-VOMS-ADMIN Install Guide


The information in this document has profited from instructions edited by Chih-Chiang Chang and Min Tsai, documentation by Enrico Ferro and his colleagues, corrections by Karoly Lorentey, advice by Ian Neilson and comments by all of the Grid Deployment community. Thank You!

Maria Dimou IT/GD Grid Infrastructure Services.