for Nuclear



Has taken place on Thursday the 4th of September 2003 at the CERN Building 40, room 40-S2-B01 between 08:30 and 18:00


MAD-X is the successor of MAD-8, a program for accelerator design and simulation with a long history. We had to give up on MAD8 since the code had evolved in such a way that the maintenance and upgrades became increasingly difficult. In particular, the memory management with the Zebra banks seems outdated these days.

MAD-X was first released in June, 2002. It offers most of the MAD-8 functionality, with some additions, corrections, and extensions. The most important of these extensions is the interface to PTC, the Polymorphic Tracking Code of E. Forest.

The most important new features of MAD-X are:

The goal of this one day event is to introduce MAD-X to the accelerator community at large. Since MAD8 is frozen we will try to convince its users to switch to MAD-X. To this end it will be discussed which of the missing functionality should be transferred from MAD8 to MAD-X and which new features might be desired. However, we will no longer support the various modules from MAD8 that were limited to special cases only. In particular, we will base the treatment of thick elements entirely on the PTC module which allows to treat those elements in an acceptable manner. It is important to note that due to limited manpower we can no longer do all the implementation ourselves here at CERN. Instead, while taking full responsibility and care for the core program we expect that various modules will be maintained by members of the interested accelerator communities. We would therefore like to invite everybody who is interested to use MAD in the future to come to the MAD-X Day. Please inform the workshop secretary if you wish to do so, in particular to insure housing and to get the necessary papers needed for visa. We appreciate to receive proposals for oral contributions and will add them to the program.


For the time being we envisage 20 minutes talks followed by a 10 minutes session for questions. In case many more talks might be given we may decide to shorten them such that ample time remains in the afternoon for general questions and to try out examples on the computer.

8:30 - 8:50 F. Schmidt MAD-X An Overview MAD-X_proper.ppt
9:00 - 9:20 H. Grote MAD-X Design Criteria
9:30 - 9:50 F. Schmidt PTC Integration into MAD-X PTC.ppt & all files
10:00 - 10:20 W. Herr Closed Orbit Techniques in MAD-X file & Orbit.pdf file
Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:10 J. Jowett Windows Version of MAD-X MADX on Windows.pdf
11:10 - 11:20 J. Jowett Higher Level Interaction with MAD HigherMAD.pdf
11:30 - 11:50 H. Burkhardt MAD-X for Transfer Lines Transferline.pdf
Lunch Break
13:00 - 13:20 F. Zimmermann MAD-X for Linear Colliders (CLIC) CLIC Requirements for MAD-X .ppt
13:30 - 13:50 C. Milardi (Frascati) MAD-X for Small Machines MADX_4_9_03_f.ppt
14:00 - 14:20 N. Malitsky (BNL) MAD-X & UAL linked by SXF MAD-X & UAL linked by SXF.ppt
15:00 - 16:00 All Open Discussion Session MAD-X Wish List.ppt
Coffee Break
16:30 - 18:00 All Treating Examples on Computers

