User Guide for the M2 beam

The M2 beam is a secondary or tertiary beam that can provide to the experiment in experimental hall EHN2 one of the following types of beam:

  1. A high-intensity muon beam in the momentum range ±60 to ±190 GeV/c with fluxes up to 2 108 muons per SPS cycle,
  2. depending on the momentum chosen and limited by radio-protection guidelines,
  3. A secondary hadron beam of momenta between ±40 and ±280 GeV/c at a maximum allowed flux of 108 hadrons per SPS cycle,
  4. A low-intensity electron calibration beam (typically 103 to 104 electrons per SPS cycle), of momenta up to -60 GeV/c. Note that the quality of the electron beams is limited by the large amount of air and material on the beam line.
This User Guide gives an introduction to the use and operation of the M2 beam. Part of the operational procedures are restricted to the CRN operators or SL/EA liaison physicists. These parts are indicated in brown italic.

The M2 has recently been modified significantly to better match the needs of the COMPASS experiment (NA58). A description of these modifications is available on the Web. Also available are some notes from the M2 commissioning in 1999.

1. The Layout of the M2 beam

A 400 GeV/c primary proton beam is extracted from the SPS towards the North Experimental Area. A fraction of this beam, selected by two stages of septum magnets, is directed towards the primary target T6. The proton intensity incident on this target is decided by the SPS coordinator and may be in the range between 2 1012 and 1.2 1013 protons per SPS cycle. For a proper operation of the M2 beam the symmetry of the beam on target should be about 80%, as can be checked from the so-called Page1 screens in the control room (explanations are available here). From the T6 target a secondary beam (positive or negative) at zero production angle is derived. This beam is either transported directly to the experiment (in the case of the hadron beam), or tertiary muons or electrons are selected.
A schematic layout of the M2 muon beam is shown below:

 <-- Please click in the picture
for a larger size image

A more detailed description of the M2 beam layout is available in the form of a so-called Beatch listing, indicating the exact positions of all magnets, collimators and detectors. A more graphical view is provided by the optics drawings, which in addition to the positions of the numerous beam elements, show the different optical terms for the available beam modes:

Optics version



Hadron section of muon beam
Muon section of muon beam
Hadron optics, standard version
Hadron optics, compatible with P61 operation
Secondary beam section of electron beam
Tertiary beam section of electron beam

2. The Control Tree

The user wants to select the energy and polarity of the particles in his beam, to steer the particles into a selected part of the detector and to adjust the spot size (focussing). He needs to choose the type of beam particles, control the beam intensity and eventually to stop the beam and get access to his experimental zone. He will use the beam instrumentation to check certain properties of the beam. Finally he needs to monitor that all the equipment in the beam is functioning correctly.

All these tasks can be performed from the beam X-terminal, connected to a cluster of HP/UX computers running the NODAL system. From this X-terminal the user controls the beam and related equipment through the so-called TREE program, invoked by the command 'RUN TREE', or if necessary 'RUN<index>TREE' , where the 'index' is 239 in case of the M2 beam. From then onward the user just follows the menus offered by the control tree. A detailed explanation of the control tree can be obtained from your liaison physicist.

Note that the NODAL system only accepts upper case! In case you get lost or stuck, you can leave the control tree by typing CTRL-C. You can then enter the tree again by 'RUN TREE' (you may also try the commands RUN and BACK). In case your X-terminal hangs, try to switch it off and on again. Normally it should re-boot correctly and present you with the appropriate tree program

3. Beam files

In the M2 beam, most of the beam characteristics are defined by magnet and collimator settings. In the M2 beam there are 9 independent groups of main bends, 36 quads and 7 correction dipoles (Trims), as well as 7 magnetic collimator currents. The currents requested from the corresponding power supplies, as well as the the collimator apertures are collected in lists, called beam files. There are 10 read-only beam files, called M2.A to M2.J, which are reserved for the SL-EA physicists and contain mostly theoretical currents and collimator openings. In addition there are up to 40 user files, which may be modified by the user and which contain tuned settings for the different types of beams and for different momenta. These are numbered M2.1 through M2.40. A list of available files is obtained by
          FILES / LIST
The actual conditions in use at any given time (i.e. the last values asked for via the tree program) are available in a special beam file, called BIM.0 (under beam index <123>).

The user can select new conditions by loading a file via the tree program:

          FILES / LOAD / M2.nn
where nn indicates the file number. The program proposes the following options:

MAGS:Only magnet currents,
COLLS:Only (non-magnetic) collimator settings,
SCR:Magnetic collimator settings,
MIBS:MIB currents (MIB = Magnetised Iron Blocks,
ALL:Magnet currents and (non-magnetic) collimator settings.

Note that magnet current changes happen in general much faster than collimator changes!
Two options refer to equipments not included in the beam files:

  1. The SCRapers (magnetic collimators) serve to define the momentum band of the muon beam and to reduce the muon halo around the beam. They are essential for proper operation of the muon mode of the beam. For the hadron beam they may have some small, though positive, effect if properly used,
  2. The MIBs are static magnetic toroids. Their function is similar to the one of the scrapers, but they cover a larger surface. Usually scrapers are followed by MIBs.
The MIB currents are handled by a special subprogram (also accessible via
          TUNE / SPECIAL / MIBS
which proposes settings for Muons (Positive or Negative), Hadrons or Electrons. The latter two correspond to switching the MIBs off. In practice it may turn out to be better for the beam quality if they are switched on with the appropriate polarity, even for the hadron or electron beams.
A scraper has not only a current, but also four positions: two upstream and two downstream. The motors can be controlled individually or in pairs, namely via the so-called "Displacement" (average position) and "Angle" of each jaw. The 28 motor positions are in the normal beam files, but are not handled by the standard programs in the FILES menu. The scraper control is in a special branch:
          TUNE / SET / SCRAPER
The SCR option in the FILES / LOAD program will indeed activate the required scraper positions, but this is only meaningful if these settings have been defined explicitly beforehand! Therefore changes to scraper settings should be left to experienced users!

Note that the FILES / LOAD command (as well as the scraper and MIb programs) not only sends commands to the hardware, but also updates the BIM.0 file. It is thus possible and strongly recommended to check that the equipment has responded correctly to the requested changes by typing

          STATUS / MAGNETS   
          STATUS / COLL

and verifying that the currents (positions) read correspond within tolerances to the currents (positions) in BIM.0. Tolerable deviations are 0.2-0.3 Amps for BENDS and QUADS, 0.5 Amps for TRIMS, 0.2 mm for collimators. In case of problems, try once more to load the file. If the problem still persists, call the CRN operator by phone 75566, over the intercom - CRN - or by Natel 16-0137. The liaison physicist can do nothing for you in this case!

4. Fine Steering and Focusing of the Beam

BENDs Steering of a beam is done by BENDing magnets (dipoles) Bend-1 to Bend-9. Normally the currents in the dipole magnets are defined correctly in the beam files and the user should not modify them without discussing with the EA physicists. In particular the Bend-6 current should not be changed, as it defines the beam momentum.
QUADs Quadrupoles are like lenses in conventional optics, they are used to (de-)focus the beam and thus change the spot size of the beam. The spot size of the beam at the test zone is controlled by QUADs 35 and 36. Which quad controls what projection depends on the beam file used. In the beam files these quads are usually defined to minimise the spot size at the main experiment locations.
TRIMs Trim magnets are correction dipoles, used for fine steering of the beam. Their nominal (theoretical) currents are zero, but as the M2 Trims are short, large-aperture and therefore weak magnets, their tuned currents may be quite substantial!

The currents in these magnets can be set using e.g.

          TUNE / SET/ TRIM / 3 / current
These changes are updated in BIM.0, but not saved in the files M2.nn! If required, they can be saved by the command
          FILES / SAVE / M2.nn 
where the reply '*' as new title preserves the old title.

In all optical modes the relevant (almost)orthogonal steering elements are:




Bend-7 or Bend-9 Trim-5 and/or Trim-6
or a linear combination,
depending on the optical mode


Trim-7 or Bend-8 Bend-4 or Bend-5

The focusing can be adapted by small adjustments of Q35 and Q36. Q35 is (in most of the modes ) a horizontally focusing quadrupole, Q36 a vertically focusing one. Normally single scans of Q35 and Q36 are made to minimise the rate in some small aperture halo counter (read via a EXPT scaler) close to the nominal target position. Note that Bend-6 defines the reference momentum and it should always be kept on nominal current.

The steering and focusing can be monitored by the analog wire chambers in the M2 beam via

          TUNE / MEAS / MWPC / PROFILE / ALL (or chamber #) / DICO
The first four chamber frames (2 planes each) are motorised. They can be moved IN/OUT via a special program
          TUNE / SPECIAL / CHAMBERS / In (or Out)

5. Beam Intensity and Momentum Spread

The beam intensity is easily controlled via the reading of XION-2 or several of the EXPT readings (experiment-dependent). For fluxes below 106 particles per SPS cycle, a more reliable measurement is provided by the coincidence of TRIGGERs 1 and 2. Convenient programs are the following:

STATUS / GENERAL : Detailed overview of M2 status & performance

TUNE / SPECIAL / QUICK : Some important counting rates repeated every SPS cycle

The beam intensity is normally controlled by