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Persistency example P03. More...


class  ExTGActionInitialization
 Action initialization class. More...
class  ExTGDetectorConstruction
 Detector construction class using text geometry file. More...
class  ExTGDetectorConstructionWithCpp
 Detector construction class using text geometry file and C++ code. More...
class  ExTGDetectorConstructionWithCuts
 Detector construction class using text geometry file using cuts per region. More...
class  ExTGDetectorConstructionWithSD
 Detector construction class using text geometry file and using a sensitive detector. More...
class  ExTGPrimaryGeneratorAction
 Example of primary generator action. More...
class  ExTGRCDetectorBuilder
 Detector builder class implementing cuts per region. More...
class  ExTGRCLineProcessor
 Line processor that adds the definition of regions. More...
class  ExTGRCRegionCutsMgr
 Region cuts manager. More...
class  ExTGRCRegionData
 Stores cuts per region data. More...
class  ExTGRunAction
 Dumps geometry in text format. More...
class  ExTGTrackerHit
 Example of hit. More...
class  ExTGTrackerSD
 Example of Sensitive detector. More...

Detailed Description

Persistency example P03.

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