
G4OpenGLViewer commands.

Sub-directories :


G4OpenGLViewer set commands.

Commands :

export [name] [width] [height]

Export a screenshot of current OpenGL viewer
If name is "", filename and extension will have the current value
If name is "toto.png", set the name to "toto" and the format to "png".
If name is "toto", set the name to "toto" and the format to current format.
Will also add an incremented suffix at the end of the name, except if name is the same as previous it will not reset the incremented suffix.
Setting size is available only on eps/pdf/svg/ps formats.

Available at all Geant4 states.

name type s Omittable : default value = !
width type d Omittable : default value = -1
height type d Omittable : default value = -1

flushAt [action] [N]

Controls the rate at which graphics primitives are flushed to screen.
Flushing to screen is an expensive operation so to speed drawing choose an action suitable for your application. Note that detectors are flushed to screen anyway at end of drawing, and events are flushed to screen anyway depending on /vis/scene/endOfEventAction and endOfRunAction.
For NthPrimitive and NthEvent the second parameter N is operative.
For "never", detectors and events are still flushed as described above.

Available at all Geant4 states.

action type s Omittable : default value = NthEvent Parameter candidates : endOfEvent endOfRun eachPrimitive NthPrimitive NthEvent never
N type i Omittable : default value = 100


Print Encapsulated PostScript file.
See "/vis/ogl/export" for other file formats.
Generates files with names G4OpenGL_viewer-name_nnnn.eps, where nnnn is a sequence number, starting at 0000. Can be "vectored" or "pixmap" - see "/vis/ogl/set/printMode".

Available at all Geant4 states.