Pair production by Linearly Polarized Gamma Rays - Five-dimensional (5D) Bethe-Heitler Model

The G4BetheHeitler5DModel described in Five-dimensional (5D) Bethe-Heitler gamma Conversion to e+e- can generate the conversion of either linearly polarized photons or non-polarized photons. The performance is compared to that of other models in [GB17]. If the optimal estimate of the event azimuthal angle is used, that is, the bisector \(\phi_{+-}\equiv (\phi_+ + \phi_-)/2\) of the electron azimuthal angle \(\phi_-\) and of the positron azimuthal angle \(\phi_+\) [GB17a], the G4BetheHeitler5DModel is the only physics model with which the polarization asymmetry of nuclear conversion is verified to be compatible with the low-energy [GB17a] and with the high-energy [BP71] asymptotic expressions, that have been obtained from partial integration of the Bethe-Heitler differential cross section.

As expected (eg. from [May51][OM59]), the electron and the positron are preferentially emitted in the polarization plane (if azimuthal angles are measured from the polarization plane, the single-lepton azimuthal angles \(\phi_-\) and \(\phi_+\) take their maximum at zero). Accordingly, the bisector \(\phi_{+-}\) and the recoil azimuthal angle \(\phi_r\) take their maximum at \(\pm\pi/2\).

The polarization asymmetry is optimally extracted from the average value of a weight computed from the azimuthal angle of the event [Ber13a][GB17a].

See also the extended electromagnetic example TestEm15.



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