CERN -- European Laboratory for Particle Physics

HP-GL Viewer

Apple Darwin / MacOS X Installation at CERN

[CAD Support] [HP-GL Viewer] [CERN Installation Guide]

1. Installing the Application Package

The MacOS X package is available for MacOS X versions running on the Intel (32 and 64 bits) and PowerPC platforms. The 32 bit Intel version is there for old MacOS releases 10.6 and 10.7, and the 64 bit Intel version is known to work on MacOS releases from 10.8 to 14 (on ARM-based Macs under Rosetta2). The PowerPC version has been tested on old 10.2 Jaguar and should work fine on anything newer. To install, get either one of the Intel packages: hpglview-543_MacOSX_Intel_32.dmg (32 bits), or hpglview-543_MacOSX_Intel_64.dmg (64 bits) or the PowerPC package hpglview-543_MacOSX_PPC.dmg. These packages are standard MacOS disk images, which must be mounted after downloading by double-clicking them. Install the viewer by moving the application folder HpglView to the Applications folder. On the Intel platform all file associations including drag-and-drop of files to the application icon should work out of the box. On PowerPC drag-and-drop works but the file associations do not get automatically assigned to the viewer.

2. Notes for MacOS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and later

Beginning from MacOS X 10.8, Apple dropped X11 server from the base distribution. As the HP-GL viewer needs X11 to run, you will need to get it specifically and install it yourself on your machine. For details see Apple knowledgebase article: About X11 and OS X, which will give information on how to install XQuartz, a freely available X11 implementation for OS X.

Note: The newest XQuartz releases are incompatible with the current 32 bit binary HP-GL viewer binary. Up to release 2.7.8 XQuartz is known to work, but for newer XQuartz releases, please use the 64 bit version of the HP-GL viewer. However, the 64 bit binary does not work on old MacOS X releases 10.6. and 10.7.

Note that on MacOS X 10.10 two symbolic links necessary for X11 applications to run, /usr/X11 and /usr/X11R6, are not created automatically. Therefore, you may need to create them yourself to make the viewer work. Open the terminal window and run the following commands:

sudo ln -s /opt/X11 /usr/X11
sudo ln -s /opt/X11 /usr/X11R6

As these commands will need to run with administrator privileges, you will be prompted to give your password.

MacOS X 10.8 and later also include a new feature, Gatekeeper, which can be used to restrict running of applications downloaded from untrusted sources. The CERN HP-GL viewer has not been signed as a certified application by Apple, which means that in its default settings, Gatekeeper will block it from running (you may see a message that the application is damaged and should be moved to trash). To enable the viewer in that case, open the terminal window and run the following command:

sudo xattr -r -d /Applications/HpglView

As this command will need to run with administrator privileges, you will be prompted to give your password.

3. Special Information for the Old PowerPC Machines

The MacOS X version of the viewer uses the X11 server. For 10.3 Panther and earlier you may still be able to find an installation package via Apple Support Downloads page. For 10.4 Tiger and later the X11 server is included on the distribution media.
If you have any problems, please contact EDMS Support.

[CAD Support] [HP-GL Viewer] [CERN Installation Guide]
CERN -- HP-GL Support, modified 2024-05-07