Athenaeum - Remote Athena

Version (build 02/Oct/2012 at 13:36:10 CEST)


Athenaeum implements client connection to (remote) Athena process via XML-RPC bridge using Athena Python shell. User can execute any Python script on the server and get its results. Plugins allow customised access to Athena functionality.



Athenaeum provides several clients. It is preferable to use the Java client because it is the only client implementing some additional features:

The same data are shared between different Frameworks/Applications implemented in different languages. All data representations are derived (generated) from the XML Schema.

Ant Build files build.xml manages building and testing Athenaeum.

The package distribution is available here (it includes command line client Athenaeum.exe.jar and JSP Web Service Athenaeum.war). Java 1.6+ is required to run. Ant 1.5+ and JWSDP 1.5+ are required to build. XercesC 2.7+ and XSD 2.1+ are required to build and run C++ API.

Public servers are running on several machines, their status is available from Web Page or Google Gadget: Add to Google.




Release History

Related Documentation and Presentations

Related Documentation:


J.Hrivnac, 02/Oct/2012 at 13:36:10 CEST