- Isidro @ CERN -



CMS Collaboration

T2_Spain_IFCA: IFCA provides have of the computing resources for the Spanish Tier-2 fo CMS. I work on the supervision of this resources, monitoring the correct performance of network, computing and storage and coordinating the different aspect involved. I have developed a set of widgets aiming at helping in the monitoring tasks.

Object Oriented programming: I started porting CMS Software to C++ using OO techniques. In particular I worked on the first implementation of CMS Simulation based on Geant4 and on interfacing the OODBMS Obectivity with CMSSim. More information may be found in this place.

ALICE Collaboratio

Click here to see the UI developed for Geant4 using ROOT. Or here if you want to see the results of some comparisons on hadronic processes in Geant4

DELPHI Collaboration

Analysis: I worked on Higgs searches in the τ+τ-qq channel. These studies were regularly presentated in the DELPHI Searches Team B meetings.

Thesis: Búsqueda del bosón de Higgs en el experimento DELPHI en el acelerador LEP en sucesos con dos leptones τ y dos jets (i.e. Search for the Higgs boson in the DELPHI experiment at the LEP accelerator for events with two τ leptons and two jets). Read on June 11th, 2001.

Prethesis (in Spanish): Estudio de sucesos a cuatro fermiones en LEP 2 (i.e. Study of Four Fermion Events in LEP 2).

Event Viewer: It is just a small program I did in C++, using object oriented techniques. It worked under Windows based systems. The program was partly ported to Java so it could be run through a web browser.




Isidro González Caballero
Instituto de Física de Cantabria
Teléfono: +34 942 201343
CERN address