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Latest batch system ...

CERN is now using a thing called LSF.   The primer seems most useful reference.

An email about batch server from Hans Grote, concerning our local machines.

Subject: batch server
   Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 11:34:39 +0100 (MET)
   From: Hans Grote <Hans.Grote@cern.ch>
     To: all hp users --

Our batch server slapb01 is now in operation. The batch submission
system used is LSF both for this server, and for shiftnap. The job
submission is done with "bsub". The documentation can be found in


Jobs submitted on slap will go by default to the HP (slapb01). If you
want to use the DEC machines, when submitting specify the option '-R dux',
or '-R type==DigitalUNIX'. If you want to use the HP specify '-R hpux' or
'-R type==HPPA'. If you do not care specify '-R shift' or '-R type==any'.

Hans      27.3.98

Commands I like:

    bsub scriptname
to submit a job in a file and
    bjobs -l
to see complete information about my jobs.   There is a more useful graphical interface in the command
With my setup, the default is to run on the NAP machine when the above bsub command is executed on a slap machine.   However you must first log in to the slapb01 machine so that a klog is done there and the machine has an AFS token to save files. 
Joys of Unix.

Another thing is that the job script must contain the option line

#BSUB -R shift
Another thing to watch: MAD pool files created on HP or IBM do not work on NAP (Digital) machines.!!

To run on RSPLUS, there is probably some option but the easiest thing is just to submit the job from an rsplus terminal window.  The klog nonsense does not apply.

Traps discovered to date

    11/1/1999 To run jobs on the NAP (or whatever they're called) machines, like slapb01, I seem to have to execute the bsub command on slapb01 itself.  One way is to rlogin slapb01 but I can also do things like

    rsh slapb01 bsub public/scripts/BasicBatchJob.csh

    to submit a job.

  1. Watch how you specify path to a batch job script.  E.g. if currently in AFS home directory, the command
  2. bsub public/scripts/BasicBatchJob.csh

    will submit a job which will not find the script.  You have to type something more explicit, like

    bsub ~/public/scripts/BasicBatchJob.csh

    to get the desired job to run

Some basic example batch jobs follow.  When the job has run, the results will generally be found in a sub-directory of the directory in which the bsub command was run.  It will be called

LSFJOB_<some job numbers>

Usually, it will be more convenient to manage the file locations explicitly.

Generic batch job

Here is a trivial basic job, based on example from above primer, showing how to do some trivial Unix commands.

Mathematica batch jobs

Here is a  basic job, showing how to do some typical things.  This is meant to be used as a model and is quite heavily commented.  I should add any new tricks to it.
18/3/1999.  Improvement on above:   I just wrote a function that will prepare a batch script to run a Mathematica job in CERN.  It is part of my BumpEtc package (loaded by default in my setup and that or SLAP Unix users).  The usage message is:

makeBatchScript[mathFile,batchFile] creates a batch job script for the CERN batch system that will run the commands in the file mathFile.

Some points about how this works:

MAD batch job example

There seems to be no LSF version of the old madbatch command (??) with a standard method for dealing with a certain standard set of output files from MAD. Meanwhile, here is a current basic MAD job, showing how to do some triviall things.  In general it will require explicit paths to any files that it uses.  I should add any new tricks to it.
This job contains the MAD commands.  Obviously, it may often be more convenient to use a command like
    mad -new < file.mad
I should really make something similar to the Mathematica batch job preparer above.