lucassem - LaTeX document class for slides

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The lucassem LaTeX2e document class is based on the cernsem class of M. Goossens of CERN/CN which in turn uses the seminar class. It is basically similar but is (in my humble opinion) more flexible and easier to use.

This package may be freely used by anybody who cares to do so.

Installing the lucassem document class

To install it, simply save the files below into a directory which is accessible to LaTeX (on unix, see the TEXINPUTS environmental variable).

lucassem.cls - this file defines the lucassem document class.

It needs to be present but you should not need to modify it. Feel free, however, to change it in any way you like. If the change constitutes a bug fix or another improvement, please let me know so I can update the standard version.

lucassem_example.tex - example LaTeX file using the lucassem document class

It consists of several example slides describing the lucassem class. The comments in the LaTeX source code document the available options. It is also available as a postscript file: - use Shift+LeftArrow to turn it over in ghostview.

Lucas Taylor 7 October 1997