L3 events collected in the year 2000

Candidate events for ee --> WW

WW --> qqqq at 206.6 GeV;
(Run:825807; Event:494) 3D view in gif and jpeg format
WW --> qq e nu at 206.4 GeV;
(Run:838404; Event:2184) 3D view in gif and jpeg format
WW --> qq mu nu at 200 GeV;
(Run:809203; Event:1385) 3D view in gif and jpeg format
WW --> qq tau nu
(Run:819602; Event:318) a 1 prong event at 205 GeV gif and postscript format
(Run:827804; Event:239) a 3 prong event at 206.6 GeV gif and postscript format
WW --> tau nu mu nu at 205.4 GeV;
(Run:835003; Event:333) 3D view in gif and jpeg format

L3 Webmaster August 7, 2000