L3 events collected in the year 2000

Candidate events for ee --> ZZ

ZZ --> qqqq at 205.4 GeV;
(Run:827603; Event:2992) the masses of the two dijets are 96.1 GeV and 89.8 GeV.
ZZ --> qqee at 205.4 GeV;
(Run:821802; Event:3492) the mass of the e+e- system is 89.9 GeV, the recoil mass off the e+e- is 91.3 GeV
ZZ --> qq tau tau at 205.4 GeV;
(Run:839603; Event:399) the 5C fit mass is 93.7 GeV
ZZ --> qq nu nu at 206.6 GeV;
(Run:817802; Event:1012) the visible energy is 104.5 GeV, the visible mass is 92.3 GeV, the recoil mass is 89.6 GeV

L3 Webmaster July 18, 2000