L3 events at 200 and 202 GeV

Candidate events for ee --> ZZ

ZZ --> qqee at 200 GeV; the mass of the qq system is 95.0 GeV, the mass of the ee system is 92.8 GeV, the 5C fit gives a mass of 93.8 GeV.
ZZ --> qq mu mu at 200 GeV: the mass of the qq system is 92.1 GeV, the mass of the mu mu system is 92.5 GeV, the 5C fit mass is 92.3 GeV.
ZZ --> qq nu nu at 202 GeV.
ZZ --> qqqq at 202 GeV; jets are represented by big arrows, the length of the arrowhead being proportional to the jet energy.

L3 Webmaster 12 November 1999