Optics repository for runII/2015. ======================================== The files in this repository are related to the settings and models in use in 2015 for regular operations or machine studies. Directory Structure --------------------- The directory structure and file names are kept as stable as possible. In case of bugs old files are placed in the obsolete directories and new file replace old ones. In case of settings changes, new file name are created. ### Sequences Sequences contains element and lattices definitions. They cannot be mixed up. - `lhc_as-built.seq`: Official as-built sequence, manually edited to fix inconstinstencies or make it compatible with running scripts. The sequence is based on the STUDY version sequence dumped from the LHC layout database (cern.ch/layout) - lhc_as-built_db.seq: dump of the LHC layout database without modifications (cern.ch/layout) ### Complete Optics files The contain all the strength for a machine without imperfections described by ``lhc_as-built.seq`. They also contains the nominal settings of the crossing bumps knobbs (e.g. `on_x1=...`) and the energy (`NRJ`). - `opt_inj.madx`: Injection strength - `opt____.madx`: flat top optics indexed by the beta function in the corresponding IP ### Individual Optics files Individual strength file used to generate complete optics files. `IR`: directory containg individual strength file and orbit corrector knobs. The normalization of the crossing knobs is arbirtrary. `Arc`: Strengths files and knobs of the arcs. ### Aperture Files