
GitCondDB is the new backend for condition data in LHCb.


The idea is simple: map time evolution of conditions data on a filesystem hierarchy and use Git internal database to manage versions and tags.


The conditions database uses a 3-dimensional structure, where the axis are:

  • condition id (usually, path to an XML file)

  • version (tag, commit id, branch name, …)

  • Interval Of Validity (IOV, range of event times a value should be used for)

The first two axis, id and version, map directly to the two axis of a Git repository (path and version), while for the IOVs we use a special convention:

  • if a condition id points to a file, there is only one value for the whole span of all event times (from 0 to MAX)

  • if a condition id points to a directory, it must contain a file called IOVs in which each line is constituted by the start of the IOV for a value and the relative path to the file containing the value, or payload (the end of the IOV is defined by the next line or set to MAX for the last line of the file. If the path to the value points to a directory, the algorithm to extract the value is repeated on the contained IOVs file and the deduced IOV is truncated to the boundaries deduced in the previous iteration.

To explain better how the IOV definitions work, let’s assume we need to find the value for condition Conditions/MyDetector/Cond.xml at event time 1234

  • if Conditions/MyDetector/Cond.xml is a file: the value is the content of the file and the IOV is [0, MAX)

  • if Conditions/MyDetector/Cond.xml is a directory (simple case)

    1. we open Conditions/MyDetector/Cond.xml/IOVs where we find something like











    2. the value is the content of Conditions/MyDetector/Cond.xml/value3 and the IOV is [1000, 2000)

  • if Conditions/MyDetector/Cond.xml is a directory (nested case)

    1. we open Conditions/MyDetector/Cond.xml/IOVs where we find something like







      1. we open Conditions/MyDetector/Cond.xml/subdir2/IOVs to look for IOVs in [1200, MAX), where we find something like





      2. the value is the content of Conditions/MyDetector/Cond.xml/value3 and the IOV is [1000, 2000)

    2. the value is the content of Conditions/MyDetector/Cond.xml/value3 and the IOV is [1200, 2000) (i.e. the IOV found in the subdir, bounded to the IOV of the subdir itself)


The old COOL-based CondDB partitions have been cloned (only global tags) to Git repositories at, with a regularly updated mirror on CVMFS (/cvmfs/

The ONLINE partition is regularly updated with conditions produced at the Pit (PVSS and automated alignment and calibration).

Testing with old COOL CondDB

Any software project based on LHCb v42r2 or later uses GitCondDB by default, but the old COOL CondDB can be used just setting one environment variable:

export NO_GIT_CONDDB=1

Development workflow

Developing changes to GitCondDB is not different from a standard Git-based development workflow:

export GITCONDDBPATH=$(pwd)
git clone
git checkout -b my-changes
# edit
git commit -a -m 'super improvement'
git push -u origin my-changes
# create a merge request

To review you changes before committing them, you can use the CondDBBrowser:


The environment variable GITCONDDBPATH is enough to tell an LHCb application to use the GitCondDB repositories from that directory, then you need to just tell it to use the right version, adding the following lines to an option file:

from Configurables import CondDB
CondDB().Tags['DDDB'] = 'my-changes'

You can use as tag anything Git understand as a commit identifier (tag, branch name, commit it…) plus the empty string, which instructs the application to use the checked out files rather than a commit.


tags and branches for the Upgrade geometry must be prefixed with upgrade/ and you should use the branch upgrade/master instead of master.

Using overlays

When working with the checkout of whole databases is unpractical (e.g. ONLINE), it’s possible to override individual files or directories in the database from a local directory, let’s call it an overlay.

An overlay has to be a Git repository, even if it’s only a directory in which git init was called, then it must be declared in the configuration through the “addLayer()” method of the CondDB configurable:

from Configurables import CondDB

Add files to a GitCondDB

For each IOV to add:

  • create a directory with the files to be added for one IOV, with the appropriate hierarchy

  • use the script (from LHCb) to copy the files

For example, I want to add a new version of MomentumScale.xml in LHCBCOND at Conditions/LHCb/Calibration/MomentumScale.xml starting from 2018-11-20 00:00:00 local time, this is how to proceed:

sh mkdir -p tmp1/Conditions/LHCb/Calibration/
emacs tmp1/Conditions/LHCb/Calibration/MomentumScale.xml
# beware, the clone needs about 2 GB of disk space (at the end of 2018)
git clone ssh://
git checkout --no-track -b new-mom-scale origin/dt-2018
lb-run -c best LHCb/v50r1 --debug --since $(date +%s000000000
-d 2018-11-20) ../tmp1 .
git add .
git commit -m 'New MomentumScale'
git push -u origin new-mom-scale


Cloning new global tags from COOL/SQLite

See Porting changes from COOL to GitCondDB


What to do when cherry-picking fails

From time to time, when one tries to propagate a merge request to other branches using gitlab web interface, the red error message will show up “Sorry, we cannot cherry-pick this merge request automatically.<br />This merge request may already have been cherry-picked, or a more recent commit may have updated some of its content.”, and the cherry-picking just cannot proceed as intended. In this case, please use the following command lines to fix things manually:

  1. Clone the git repository:

    $ git clone
  2. look for the merge commit in the original branch and locate the correct commit reference, Sim10/2012 in this example:

    $ git log origin/Sim10/2012
  3. prepare the cherry-pick commit using that commit reference:

    $ git cherry-pick -m 1 4e122e6eb38e36652f04fa98dc618c6eaa7d44b8
  4. merge conflict! see what’s wrong:

    $ git status
  5. fix the conflict by doing some additional editing:

    $ vim Conditions/Ecal/Calibration/Gain.xml
    $ git add Conditions/Ecal/Calibration/Gain.xml
  6. finish the cherry-picking (and edit the commit message):

    $ git commit -c 4e122e6eb38e36652f04fa98dc618c6eaa7d44b8
    $ git push

Now go back to the web interface to finish creating the new merge request.