The LHCb installation of the GEANT4 toolkit

Welcome to the website of the LHCb build of the Geant4 toolkit as a CMT project


To have access to all the available versions, please follow this link.


Geant4 is a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter develop by the Geant4 collaboration. It is used in LHCb through a GEANT4 project built with CMT and released in the Geant4_release_area.

End users should not select a version of Geant4, as the appropriate version is selected automatically when selecting a Gauss version.

Reference documentation

Documentation for available releases can be found by following the links at the top of this page.

Additional Documentation

Information on how to use and configure Geant4 in Gauss can be found in the Gauss web site.

Documentation for Geant4 version used in DC06 production:

Documentation for latest Geant4 version (not used but closest available to 8.2:

Refer to the Geant4 web for more information on Geant4 and complete manuals (also for other versions of Geant4).

Structure and particularity of the LHCb Geant4 project

There is one package per global library with the name of the global library.

There is a G4config package to fix the Geant4 version, the Geant4 path and the location of include files, libraries and data files:

G4VERS           v<i>r<j>
G4PATH           /afs/
G4SHARE         $G4PATH/$G4_native_version
G4SRC              $G4SHARE/source

G4INSTALL   $Geant4_release_area/GEANT4/GEANT4_$G4VERS/InstallArea
G4LIB                $G4INSTALL/$BINDIR/lib

G4LIB is appended to LD_LIBRARY_PATH  

GaudiPolicy is used from $Gaudi_release_area to get compiler options, tags and patterns definitions.
CLHEP is used from $Gaudi_release_area
Geant4 data files are accessed from $LHCb_release_area/PARAM/Geant4Files/v<n>r<m>

Packages do not contain any source files nor include files.

Include files are copied from the geant4 release area include/ directory to the InstallArea of the project version the first time a "source setup.csh" is performed in the Geant4Sys package:

> cd Geant4Sys/v52r4/cmt
> source setup.csh
>cd ../../..; ls *

Source files are copied from the geant4 release area to the local package the first time a  "source setup.csh" is performed in the package:

> cd G4geometry/v4r0/cmt
> source setup.csh
> cd ..; ls
cmt doc management solids biasing divisions magneticfield navigation volumes

When some source files of a package need to be modified they are kept in srcnew/ directory and compiled after all other files to replace original ones.
srcnew/ directory is kept on a SVN branch of the package.

Softlinks are made to all dynamic libraries in the InstallArea of the project version.