The PANOPTES Project

Welcome to the PANOPTES project website

Panoptes is the RICH online monitoring application based on the Gaudi framework, the LBCom classes, the Online project and the Rec classes.


To have access to all the available versions, please follow this link.

The name Panoptes originates from Greek mythology where Panoptes is an all-seeing giant with a hundred eyes (refer to the Panoptes or Argus articles on Wikipedia for further details).

Panoptes is structured as a CMT project containing an application package, also called Panoptes, and a set of packages (component and linker both) specific to the online monitoring of the RICH detector. The application package provides the job options and main program for running the Panoptes application for both offline tests and in the online environment.

In detail, the constituent packages are:

Additional Documentation

A dedicated Twiki page exists for more detailed infomation.
An internal LHCb note CERN-LHCb-2007-112 is also available.


A dedicated mailing list has been set up: lhcb-rich-software[AT] cern [dot] ch