The VETRA Project

Welcome to the VETRA project website.

Vetra is based on the Gaudi and LHCb frameworks


To have access to all the available versions, please follow this link.

Vetra is the LHCb data reconstruction project which emulates the performace of the TELL1 readout board processing algorithms. This project is required for monitoring and commissioning the LHCb silicon detectors. A full bit-perfect emulation of the TELL1 processing algorithms is performed. This project allows raw data (non-zero suppressed) to be processed to produce the standard zero suppressed data, used by the LHCb reconstruction project Brunel.
The Vetra framework is used by the VELO and ST detectors in the LHCb. Vetra can be used to monitor the performance of the detector and the data acquisition algorithms. The parameters that control the data acquisition boards are determined and optimised using Vetra. The project can be also used for testbeam and laboratory tests, including production testing for the modules, slice tests upgrade testbeam studies ect.

Vetra is built on the Gaudi framework and provides mechanisms for sequencing algorithms within this framework. Like all other LHCb applications, Vetra uses CMT for code management and is structured as a set of CMT projects. The Vetra project groups together component packages used only by the Vetra application, as well as the job options for running Vetra. Vetra also uses components from the LbCom project.

Future releases

Future releases typically have 2 reasons of being: (1) improvements and bug fixes to Vetra's packages; and/or (2) builds to follow up with the new stacks of LHCb software on which Vetra depends (LHCb, LbCom, Rec projects). For what concerns the Vetra project, the package updates to consider for future releases is documented in the LHCb tag collector page.

Supported platforms and compilers

Source code and binaries for supported platforms are available on disk under the AFS directory /afs/ ($LHCBRELEASES), and in the form of tar files distribution kits. The list of currently supported is given here.

Project history

The history of dependencies and included packages can be viewed for any tagged version (including the ones that have been removed) from the SVN web interface. Check for the versions with the relevant SVN tags. For project dependencies see the VETRA_vXrY/cmt/project.cmt file. For the versions of the packages included in the VETRA project see the VetraSys/vXrY/cmt/requirements file.

Some highlights:
Branch v9rX onward are the versions used to analyse the data taken in normal running.
Branch v8rX is dedicated to cope with the real data taken in any scheme (including the round-robin). It is supported for testbeam studies only.

Reporting bugs

You are encouraged to report any bugs concerning VETRA via the Savannah portal. It has been agreed to do so on the LHCb Data Quality Savannah project page, chosing the "Velo" category. The direct bug submission link can be found here. You can also view the bugs history.

VETRA installation at the pit (Online cluster)

The VETRA project is now available on the Online cluster at the LHCb pit. This installation is done and maintained by the VELO software experts and is meant to be used by regular VELO shifters. A checkout list is provided together with a number of scripts that facilitate usage of the online installation. A detailed description on how to run VETRA and analyse the data taken at the pit is provided here: VETRA at the pit (follow the Vetra and root link).

Reference documentation

Documentation for available releases can be found by following the links at the top of this page. The environment for working with a given version of Vetra should be set up with the SetupProject Vetra script.

Here are listed very interesting links to the documentation Twiki pages that have been created in order to help run Vetra in the pit:
Main Vetra How-To page: VETRA for experts page
Running VETRA on shifts: VETRA for shifters page
The NZS data monitoring: NZS Moni page
Maintenance tasks of the Vetra project: twiki


A primer about the general structure and utilisation of the Vetra can be found here: Basic tutorial
An advanced features of the Vetra platform can be found here: Advanced tutorial
The second part describes in detail: the pit operations using the Vetra software, the python configurables and how to run with the gaudirun script, the processing parameters and how to determine them using the NZS data stream and how to use the monitoring GUI.

Additional documentation twikis

Additional documentation - LHCb notes and presentations

Presentations (see also Tutorials section above)


A dedicated mailing list for VELO software issues has been set up: lhcb-velosoft[AT] cern [dot] ch