Linux @ CERN

CERN > IT > Linux

CERN Private Cloud operating system images: SLC6/CC7/C8

CERN runs OpenStack Private Cloud infrastructure: for information please consult documentation

Available images

We provide images of CERN supported Linux versions: these images can be selected for installation from OpenStack user interface while setting up your virtual system instance. Look for image names following this schema: where YYYY-MM-DD correspond to year-month-day of release.

Images content

These images are provided as a base for further customization:

Images configuration

For installations to be managed by CERN Configuration Management (Puppet), please refer to documentation. (paragraph below does not apply to puppet managed systems)

Following is preconfigured on initial startup of the system from the image:

(*) - according to information found in LanDB for the system.

System configuration and management

For installations to be managed by CERN Configuration Management (Puppet), please refer to documentation. (paragraph below does not apply to puppet managed systems)

Virtual systems installed from images can be managed same way as standard hardware ones. Please refer to SLC6, CC7, C8 documentation for details.

Converting image system to a CERN 'standard desktop' installation

SLC6 and CC7 systems offer a 'CERN Recommended Setup' installation option: a system installation with development tools and graphical user interface installed. Images can be easily converted to this kind of installation (but not including graphical user interface) by running:
# /usr/sbin/cern-recommended-setup install
If you wish to install including graphical user interface, please run:
# /usr/sbin/cern-recommended-setup install-desktop

Adding swap

If provided system memory is not enough for your application, you may add swapfile this way:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile.001 bs=1M count=1024
# chmod 600 /swapfile.001
# mkswap /swapfile.001
# echo "/swapfile.001 swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
# swapon -a
than verify that it is working correctly by running:
# free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           1829         320         104          27        1404        1276
Swap:          1023           0        1023

Known Problems

Images building information

Images are built using Koji CERN buildsystem. (Koji internally uses ImageFactory, Oz and libvirt with qemu-kvm running kickstart installations.)

Kickstart files used to create images can be found on CERN GitLab LinuxSupport Koji-Image-Build pages.

Support / Reporting problems

Please report problems to linux support @ CERN.