*---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Filename : HYDJET1_0.F * * Author : Igor Lokhtin * Version : HYDJET1_0.f * Last revision : 07-DEC-2005 * *====================================================================== * * Description : Fast event generator for AA collisons at the LHC * * Method I.P. Lokhtin and A.M. Snigirev, Eur. Phys. J C 45 (2006) 211 * *====================================================================== SUBROUTINE HYDRO(A,ifb,bmin,bmax,bfix,nh) real hsin,hgauss,hftaa real AW real A,bmin,bmax,bfix integer numjet,numpar integer ifb,nh,np external hsin,hgauss,hftaa,numjet,numpar,hyhard,hipsear external ludata common /lujets/ n,k(150000,5),p(150000,5),v(150000,5) common /hyjets/ nl,kl(150000,5),pl(150000,5),vl(150000,5) common /hyipar/ bminh,bmaxh,AW,RA,sigin,np common /hyfpar/ bgen,nbcol,npart,npyt,nhyd common /hyflow/ ytfl,ylfl,fpart common /hyjpar/ nhsel,ptmin,njet save/lujets/,/hyjets/,/hyipar/,/hyfpar/,/hyflow/,/hyjpar/ integer nnhyd, khyd real phyd, vhyd common /hyd/ nnhyd, khyd(150000,5),phyd(150000,5),vhyd(150000,5) save /hyd/ * reset lujets and hyd arrays before event generation n=0 nnhyd=0 do ncl=1,150000 do j=1,5 p(ncl,j)=0. phyd(ncl,j)=0. v(ncl,j)=0. vhyd(ncl,j)=0. k(ncl,j)=0 khyd(ncl,j)=0 enddo end do * set initial beam paramters: atomic weigth and radius in fm AW=A RA=1.15*AW**0.333333 * pi=3.14159 * generate impact parameter of A-A collision if(ifb.eq.0) then if(bfix.lt.0.) then write(6,*) 'Impact parameter less than zero!' bfix=0. end if if (bfix.gt.2.) then write(6,*) 'Impact parameter larger than two nuclear radius!' bfix=2. end if b1=bfix*RA bgen=bfix else if(bmin.lt.0.) then write(6,*) 'Impact parameter less than zero!' bmin=0. end if if(bmax.gt.2.) then write(6,*) 'Impact parameter larger than two nuclear radius!' bmax=2. end if bminh=bmin bmaxh=bmax call hipsear(fmax1,xmin1) fmax=fmax1 xmin=xmin1 3 bb1=xmin*rlu(0)+bminh ff1=fmax*rlu(0) fb=hsin(bb1) if(ff1.gt.fb) goto 3 b1=bb1*RA bgen=bb1 end if * set flow parameters Tf=0.14 ! freeze-out temperature if (ylfl.lt.0.01.or.ylfl.gt.7.) ylfl=5. etmax=ylfl ! longitudinal flow rapidity if (ytfl.lt.0.01.or.ytfl.gt.3.) ytfl=1. ytmax=ytfl ! transverse flow rapidity * set inelastic NN cross section, mb sigin=58. * calculate number of nucelons-participants bb=bgen*RA ! impact parameter npart=numpar(bb) ! Npart(b) npar0=411 ! Npart(Pb,b=0) * calculate number of binary NN sub-collisions br=max(1.e-10,0.25*bgen*bgen) factor=9.*sigin*AW*AW/(80.*pi*RA*RA) nbcol=int(factor*hftaa(br)) ! Nsub(b) nbco0=1923 ! Nsub(Pb,b=0) * generate total multiplicity in event, np, * fpart - fraction of soft multiplicity proportional to # of participants, * fbcol=1-fpart - fraction of multiplicity proprtional to # of NN subcollisions if(fpart.le.0.or.fpart.gt.1.) fpart=1. fbcol=1.-fpart rnp=nh*(fpart*npart+fbcol*nbcol)/(fpart*npar0+fbcol*nbco0) np=int(rnp) sign=sqrt(rnp) 1 if(nhsel.lt.4.and.np.gt.0) np=max(0,int(hgauss(rnp,sign))) if(np.gt.150000) then write(6,*) 'Warning, soft multiplicity too large!' goto 1 end if * generate hard parton-parton scattering (Q>ptmin) 'njet' times with PYTHIA if(nhsel.ne.1.and.nhsel.ne.2.and.nhsel.ne.3.and.nhsel.ne.4) > nhsel=0 njet=0 if(nhsel.ne.0) then if(ptmin.lt.5.or.ptmin.gt.500.) ptmin=10. q=ptmin njet=numjet(q) call hyhard end if npyt=n nhyd=np c if(nhsel.lt.3) then c nhyd=max(0,np-npyt) c else c nhyd=0 c np=n c end if if(nhyd.eq.0) goto 4 * generate sort of hadrons (pions, kaons, nucleons) in jetset7* format do ip=npyt+1,npyt+np !cycle on particles yy=49.*rlu(0) if(yy.lt.11.83333333) then kf=211 elseif(yy.lt.23.66666667) then kf=-211 elseif(yy.lt.35.5) then kf=111 elseif(yy.lt.38.375) then kf=321 elseif(yy.lt.41.25) then kf=-321 elseif(yy.lt.44.125) then kf=310 elseif(yy.lt.47.) then kf=130 elseif(yy.lt.47.5) then kf=2212 elseif(yy.lt.48.) then kf=-2212 elseif(yy.lt.48.5) then kf=2112 else kf=-2112 end if n=n+1 k(n,1)=1 k(n,2)=kf do j=3,5 k(n,j)=0 end do do j=1,5 v(n,j)=0. enddo kfa=iabs(kf) p(n,5)=ulmass(kfa) * generate uniform distribution in system of a fluid element 2 ep0=-1.*Tf*(log(max(1.e-10,rlu(0)))+log(max(1.e-10,rlu(0))) > +log(max(1.e-10,rlu(0)))) if(ep0.le.p(n,5)) go to 2 pp0=sqrt(abs(ep0**2-abs(p(n,5)**2))) probt=pp0/ep0 if(rlu(0).gt.probt) go to 2 ctp0=2.*rlu(0)-1. stp0=sqrt(abs(1.-ctp0**2)) php0=2.*pi*rlu(0) * generate coordinates of a fluid element c etaf=etmax*(2.*rlu(0)-1.) ! flat initial eta-spectrum etaf=hgauss(0.,etmax) ! gaussian initial eta-spectrum phif=2.*pi*rlu(0) rm1=sqrt(abs(RA*RA-b1*b1/4.*(sin(phif)**2)))+b1*cos(phif)/2. rm2=sqrt(abs(RA*RA-b1*b1/4.*(sin(phif)**2)))-b1*cos(phif)/2. RF=min(rm1,rm2) rrf=RF*RF*rlu(0) * generate four-velocity of a fluid element vradf=sinh(ytmax) sb=RA*RA*(pi-2.*asin(b1/RA/2.))-b1*sqrt(abs(RA*RA-b1*b1/4.)) reff=sqrt(sqrt(sb/pi)*RA) urf=vradf*sqrt(abs(rrf))/reff ! linear transverse profile c urf=vradf*rrf/reff**2 !square transverse profile utf=cosh(etaf)*sqrt(abs(1.+urf*urf)) uzf=sinh(etaf)*sqrt(abs(1.+urf*urf)) * boost in the laboratory system uipi=pp0*(urf*stp0*cos(phif-php0)+uzf*ctp0) bfac=uipi/(utf+1.)+ep0 p(n,1)=pp0*stp0*sin(php0)+urf*sin(phif)*bfac p(n,2)=pp0*stp0*cos(php0)+urf*cos(phif)*bfac p(n,3)=pp0*ctp0+uzf*bfac p(n,4)=sqrt(p(n,1)**2+p(n,2)**2+p(n,3)**2+p(n,5)**2) end do 4 continue * write(*,*) 'NHYD, NPYT, NTOT',nhyd,npyt,nhyd+npyt * fill array 'hyd' nnhyd = nhyd+npyt do ih=1,n do jh=1,5 phyd(ih,jh)=p(ih,jh) khyd(ih,jh)=k(ih,jh) vhyd(ih,jh)=v(ih,jh) end do end do return end ********************************* HYHARD *************************** SUBROUTINE HYHARD * generate 'njet' number of hard parton-parton scatterings with PYTHIA IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H, O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) REAL ptmin,pj,vj,pl,vl,bminh,bmaxh,AW,RA,sigin,bgen INTEGER PYK,PYCHGE,PYCOMP external pydata external pyp,pyr,pyk,pyquen common /pyjets/ n,npad,k(4000,5),p(4000,5),v(4000,5) common /lujets/ nj,kj(150000,5),pj(150000,5),vj(150000,5) common /hyjets/ nl,kl(150000,5),pl(150000,5),vl(150000,5) COMMON /PYDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) COMMON /PYDAT2/KCHG(500,4),PMAS(500,4),PARF(2000),VCKM(4,4) COMMON /PYDAT3/MDCY(500,3),MDME(8000,2),BRAT(8000),KFDP(8000,5) COMMON /PYSUBS/MSEL,MSELPD,MSUB(500),KFIN(2,-40:40),CKIN(200) common /hyjpar/ nhsel,ptmin,njet common /hyipar/ bminh,bmaxh,AW,RA,sigin,np common /hyfpar/ bgen,nbcol,npart,npyt,nhyd save /pyjets/,/lujets/,/hyjets/,/pydat1/,/pydat2/,/pydat3/, + /pysubs/,/hyjpar/,/hyipar/,/hyfpar/ * reset array of partons in 'hyjets' nl=0 do i=1,150000 do j=1,5 pl(i,j)=0. end do do j=1,5 vl(i,j)=0. end do do j=1,5 kl(i,j)=0 end do end do * generate 'njet' PYTHIA events and fill arrays for partons and hadrons if(njet.ge.1) then mdcy(pycomp(111),1)=0 ! no pi0 decay mdcy(pycomp(310),1)=0 ! no K_S0 decay do ihard=1,njet mstj(1)=0 ! hadronization off c mstj(41)=0 ! vacuum showering off call pyevnt ! generate hard scattering * generate quenched jets with PYQUEN if nhcel=2 if(nhsel.eq.2.or.nhsel.eq.4) then ifbp=0 Ap=dble(AW) bfixp=dble(RA*bgen) call pyquen(Ap,ifbp,bfixp) end if * fill array of partons nl=nl+n if(nl.gt.150000-np) goto 51 do i=nl-n+1,nl ip=i+n-nl do j=1,5 pl(i,j)=p(ip,j) end do do j=1,5 vl(i,j)=v(ip,j) end do do j=1,5 kl(i,j)=k(ip,j) end do do j=3,5 kk=kl(i,j) if(kk.gt.0) kl(i,j)=kk+nl-n end do end do 51 continue mstj(1)=1 ! hadronization on call pyexec ! hadronization done c call pyedit(2) ! remove partons & leave hadrons * fill array of final particles nu=nj+n if(nu.gt.150000-np) then write(6,*) 'Warning, multiplicity too large! Cut hard part.' goto 52 end if nj=nu do i=nj-n+1,nj ip=i+n-nj do j=1,5 pj(i,j)=p(ip,j) end do do j=1,5 vj(i,j)=v(ip,j) end do do j=1,5 kj(i,j)=k(ip,j) end do do j=3,5 kk=kj(i,j) if(kk.gt.0) then kj(i,j)=kk+nj-n end if end do end do end do 52 njet=ihard-1 end if return end ****************************** END HYHARD ************************** ********************************* HIPSEAR *************************** SUBROUTINE HIPSEAR (fmax,xmin) * find maximum and 'sufficient minimum' of differential inelasic AA cross * section as a function of impact paramater (xm, fm are outputs) real hsin external hsin common /hyipar/ bminh,bmaxh,AW,RA,sigin,np save /hyipar/ xmin=bmaxh-bminh fmax=0. do j=1,1000 x=bminh+xmin*(j-1)/999. f=hsin(x) if(f.gt.fmax) then fmax=f endif end do return end ****************************** END HIPSEAR ************************** ************************* HARINV ********************************** SUBROUTINE HARINV(X,A,F,N,R) * gives interpolation of function F(X) with arrays A(N) and F(N) DIMENSION A(N),F(N) IF(X.LT.A(1))GO TO 11 IF(X.GT.A(N))GO TO 4 K1=1 K2=N 2 K3=K2-K1 IF(K3.LE.1)GO TO 6 K3=K1+K3/2 IF(A(K3)-X) 7,8,9 7 K1=K3 GOTO2 9 K2=K3 GOTO2 8 P=F(K3) RETURN 3 B1=A(K1) B2=A(K1+1) B3=A(K1+2) B4=F(K1) B5=F(K1+1) B6=F(K1+2) R=B4*((X-B2)*(X-B3))/((B1-B2)*(B1-B3))+B5*((X-B1)*(X-B3))/ 1 ((B2-B1)*(B2-B3))+B6*((X-B1)*(X-B2))/((B3-B1)*(B3-B2)) RETURN 6 IF(K2.NE.N)GO TO 3 K1=N-2 GOTO3 4 C=ABS(X-A(N)) IF(C.LT.0.1) GO TO 5 K1=N-2 13 CONTINUE C13 PRINT 41,X C41 FORMAT(25H X IS OUT OF THE INTERVAL,3H X=,F15.9) GO TO 3 5 R=F(N) RETURN 11 C=ABS(X-A(1)) IF(C.LT.0.1) GO TO 12 K1=1 GOTO 13 12 R=F(1) RETURN END C************************** END HARINV ************************************* **************************** HSIMPA ********************************** SUBROUTINE HSIMPA (A1,B1,H1,REPS1,AEPS1,FUNCT,X, 1 AI,AIH,AIABS) * calculate intergal of function FUNCT(X) on the interval from A1 to B1 IMPLICIT REAL * 4 ( A-H,O-Z ) IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) DIMENSION F(7), P(5) H=SIGN ( H1, B1-A1 ) S=SIGN (1., H ) A=A1 B=B1 AI=0.0 AIH=0.0 AIABS=0.0 P(2)=4. P(4)=4. P(3)=2. P(5)=1. IF(B-A)1,2,1 1 REPS=ABS(REPS1) AEPS=ABS(AEPS1) DO 3 K=1,7 3 F(K)=10.E16 X=A C=0. F(1)=FUNCT(X)/3. 4 X0=X IF( (X0+4.*H-B)*S)5,5,6 6 H=(B-X0)/4. IF ( H ) 7,2,7 7 DO 8 K=2,7 8 F(K)=10.E16 C=1. 5 DI2=F (1) DI3=ABS( F(1) ) DO 9 K=2,5 X=X+H IF((X-B)*S)23,24,24 24 X=B 23 IF(F(K)-10.E16)10,11,10 11 F(K)=FUNCT(X)/3. 10 DI2=DI2+P(K)*F(K) 9 DI3=DI3+P(K)*ABS(F(K)) DI1=(F(1)+4.*F(3)+F(5))*2.*H DI2=DI2*H DI3=DI3*H IF (REPS) 12,13,12 13 IF (AEPS) 12,14,12 12 EPS=ABS((AIABS+DI3)*REPS) IF(EPS-AEPS)15,16,16 15 EPS=AEPS 16 DELTA=ABS(DI2-DI1) IF(DELTA-EPS)20,21,21 20 IF(DELTA-EPS/8.)17,14,14 17 H=2.*H F(1)=F(5) F(2)=F(6) F(3)=F(7) DO 19 K=4,7 19 F(K)=10.E16 GO TO 18 14 F(1)=F(5) F(3)=F(6) F(5)=F(7) F(2)=10.E16 F(4)=10.E16 F(6)=10.E16 F(7)=10.E16 18 DI1=DI2+(DI2-DI1)/15. AI=AI+DI1 AIH=AIH+DI2 AIABS=AIABS+DI3 GO TO 22 21 H=H/2. F(7)=F(5) F(6)=F(4) F(5)=F(3) F(3)=F(2) F(2)=10.E16 F(4)=10.E16 X=X0 C=0. GO TO 5 22 IF(C)2,4,2 2 RETURN END ************************* END HSIMPA ******************************* **************************** HSIMPB ********************************** SUBROUTINE HSIMPB (A1,B1,H1,REPS1,AEPS1,FUNCT,X, 1 AI,AIH,AIABS) * calculate intergal of function FUNCT(X) on the interval from A1 to B1 IMPLICIT REAL * 4 ( A-H,O-Z ) IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) DIMENSION F(7), P(5) H=SIGN ( H1, B1-A1 ) S=SIGN (1., H ) A=A1 B=B1 AI=0.0 AIH=0.0 AIABS=0.0 P(2)=4. P(4)=4. P(3)=2. P(5)=1. IF(B-A)1,2,1 1 REPS=ABS(REPS1) AEPS=ABS(AEPS1) DO 3 K=1,7 3 F(K)=10.E16 X=A C=0. F(1)=FUNCT(X)/3. 4 X0=X IF( (X0+4.*H-B)*S)5,5,6 6 H=(B-X0)/4. IF ( H ) 7,2,7 7 DO 8 K=2,7 8 F(K)=10.E16 C=1. 5 DI2=F (1) DI3=ABS( F(1) ) DO 9 K=2,5 X=X+H IF((X-B)*S)23,24,24 24 X=B 23 IF(F(K)-10.E16)10,11,10 11 F(K)=FUNCT(X)/3. 10 DI2=DI2+P(K)*F(K) 9 DI3=DI3+P(K)*ABS(F(K)) DI1=(F(1)+4.*F(3)+F(5))*2.*H DI2=DI2*H DI3=DI3*H IF (REPS) 12,13,12 13 IF (AEPS) 12,14,12 12 EPS=ABS((AIABS+DI3)*REPS) IF(EPS-AEPS)15,16,16 15 EPS=AEPS 16 DELTA=ABS(DI2-DI1) IF(DELTA-EPS)20,21,21 20 IF(DELTA-EPS/8.)17,14,14 17 H=2.*H F(1)=F(5) F(2)=F(6) F(3)=F(7) DO 19 K=4,7 19 F(K)=10.E16 GO TO 18 14 F(1)=F(5) F(3)=F(6) F(5)=F(7) F(2)=10.E16 F(4)=10.E16 F(6)=10.E16 F(7)=10.E16 18 DI1=DI2+(DI2-DI1)/15. AI=AI+DI1 AIH=AIH+DI2 AIABS=AIABS+DI3 GO TO 22 21 H=H/2. F(7)=F(5) F(6)=F(4) F(5)=F(3) F(3)=F(2) F(2)=10.E16 F(4)=10.E16 X=X0 C=0. GO TO 5 22 IF(C)2,4,2 2 RETURN END ************************* END HSIMPB ******************************* * function to calculate differential inelastic AA cross section real function hsin(x) external hftaa real hftaa common /hyipar/ bminh,bmaxh,AW,RA,sigin,np save /hyipar/ sigp=sigin taapb0=33.16 br=max(1.e-10,0.25*x*x) hsin=x*(1.-exp(-1.*hftaa(br)*sigp*taapb0)) return end * set of functions to calculate number of nucleons-participants at im.par.b integer function numpar(c) IMPLICIT REAL * 4 (A-H,O-Z) real HFUNC1 external HFUNC1 common /hynup1/ bp,x EPS=0.01 A=0. B=6.28318 H=0.01*(B-A) bp=c CALL HSIMPA(A,B,H,EPS,1.E-8,HFUNC1,X,RES,AIH,AIABS) numpar=int(2.*RES) return end * real function HFUNC1(x) IMPLICIT REAL * 4 (A-H,O-Z) real HFUNC2 external HFUNC2 common /hyipar/ bminh,bmaxh,AW,RA,sigin,np common /hynup1/ bp,xx save /hyipar/ xx=x b2=0.5*bp r1=abs(sqrt(abs(RA*RA-(b2*sin(xx))**2))+b2*cos(xx)) r2=abs(sqrt(abs(RA*RA-(b2*sin(xx))**2))-b2*cos(xx)) EPS=0.01 A=0. B=min(r1,r2) H=0.01*(B-A) CALL HSIMPB(A,B,H,EPS,1.E-8,HFUNC2,Y,RES,AIH,AIABS) HFUNC1=RES return end * real function HFUNC2(y) IMPLICIT REAL * 4 (A-H,O-Z) real hythik external hythik common /hyipar/ bminh,bmaxh,AW,RA,sigin,np common /hynup1/ bp,x save /hyipar/ r1=sqrt(abs(y*y+bp*bp/4.+y*bp*cos(x))) r2=sqrt(abs(y*y+bp*bp/4.-y*bp*cos(x))) s=1.-exp(-0.1*sigin*hythik(r2)) HFUNC2=y*hythik(r2)*s return end * to calculate nuclear thikness function real function hythik(r) IMPLICIT REAL * 4 (A-H,O-Z) common /hyipar/ bminh,bmaxh,AW,RA,sigin,np save /hyipar/ hythik=0.477465*AW*sqrt(abs(RA*RA-r*r))/(RA**3) return end * to calculate nuclear overlap function real function hftaa(br) common /hyipar/ bminh,bmaxh,AW,RA,sigin,np save /hyipar/ sbr=sqrt(abs(1.-br)) taa=1.-br*(1.+(1.-0.25*br)*log(1./br)+2.*(1.-0.25*br)* + (log(1.+sbr)-sbr/(1.+sbr))-0.5*br*(1.-br)/((1.+sbr)**2)) hftaa=taa*((AW/207)**1.33333333) return end * function to calculate number of hard parton-parton scatterings with * Q>x at sqrt{s}=5.5 TeV integer function numjet(x) common /hyipar/ bminh,bmaxh,AW,RA,sigin,np common /hyfpar/ bgen,nbcol,npart,npyt,nhyd save /hyipar/,/hyfpar/ dimension ptj(30),sgj(30) data ptj/5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,12.,14.,16.,18.,20.,23.,26., + 30.,35.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,90.,100.,120.,150.,200., + 250.,300.,400.,450.,500./ data sgj/31.,16.8,9.5,6.1,4.1,2.7,1.4,0.8,0.46,0.3,0.2, + 0.11,6.8e-2,3.9e-2,2.06e-2,1.16e-2,4.46e-3,2.e-3,1.e-3, + 5.3e-4,3.1e-4,1.9e-4,7.7e-5,2.6e-5,5.9e-6,1.6e-6,5.9e-7, + 1.e-7,4.8e-8,2.3e-8/ pt=x i=0 31 i=i+1 if(i.le.30) then dx=abs(ptj(i)-pt) if(dx.le.0.1) then sjet=sgj(i) goto 32 else goto 31 end if else call harinv(pt,ptj,sgj,30,sjet) end if 32 pjet=sjet/sigin ijet=0 do i=1,nbcol if(rlu(0).lt.pjet) ijet=ijet+1 end do numjet=ijet return end * function to generate gauss distribution real function hgauss(x0,sig) 41 u1=rlu(0) u2=rlu(0) v1=2.*u1-1. v2=2.*u2-1. s=v1**2+v2**2 if(s.gt.1) go to 41 hgauss=v1*sqrt(-2.*log(s)/s)*sig+x0 return end **************************************************************************