BEAMBEAM: Beam-beam Interaction

The command BEAMBEAM may be inserted in a beam line to simulate a beam-beam interaction point:
label: BEAMBEAM, SIGX=real,SIGY=real,
The beam-beam interaction is represented by a four-dimensional interaction with a thin element, i.e. horizontal and vertical non-linear kicks. The code for this element has been contributed by J.M. Veuillen (1987) and extended by S. Sorge (2007).

A beam-beam element requires the particle energy (ENERGY) and the particle charge (CHARGE) as well as the number of particles per bunch (NPART) to be set by a BEAM command before any calculations are performed.

Examples of a four-dimensional beam-beam element definition:

Collider regime example:

beam,   particle=positron,npart=1.e12,energy=50.0;
bb:     beambeam,sigx=1.e-3,sigy=5.e-4,charge=1.;

Electron cooler example:

gamma0=1.032;                           ! relativistic factors

i_e=0.2;                                ! electron current
re_cool=0.01;                           ! electron beam radius
l_cool=5.0;                             ! cooling length
nelect=i_e*l_cool/beta0/clight/qelect;  ! electron number in e-cooler


For the definition of the LHC head-on and parasitic beam-beam elements see beam-beam element examples.

hansg, ssorge, July 13, 2007