
RPLOT is a MAD-X plug-in that privides additional functionality using ROOT . It contains several tools
plotting tool that handles the results in paramremtric form

What makes it different from the standard PLOT module of MAD-X is that it is also able to deal with the parmateric results. RPLOT proviedes graphical user interface that allows to choose which functions shall be drawn, set its ranges and adjust all the details of the plot formatting. Of course, the result is immendiately visible on the screen, in contrary to the standard plot tool that is able to work solely in the batch mode. The user can choose several formats to save his plot, including postscript, gif, pdf, root macro and many others.

RVIEWER is able to draw the lattice functions

  1. along the layout
  2. at given position in function of one or two knobs
It provides a convienient way to set the knob values. As the value is set, the plotted functions are immediately drawn for the new value.

In order to run RVIEWER simpy issue "rviewer;" command

enables storage of the tracking data in ROOT NTuple/Tree format

Ntuple and its modern extension called Tree are formats designed for storing particle tracking data. It is proven to provide the fastest data writing and reading thanks to column wise I/O operations. It is commonly used for data storage by HEP experiments. Additionally, ROOT provides automatical ZIP data compression that is transparent for the user algorithms. Morover, ROOT provides wide set of very comfortable tools for advanced analysis and plotting of the data stored in Trees.

Addtionally, we plan to extend RVIEWER functionality that would provide intuitive graphical user interface to most commonly used features in particle tracking in accelerators. Thanks to that, the user is not forced to learn how to use the ROOT package.

Currently the feature is enabled only for tracking using the ptc_trackline command, however, it will be extended to other tracking modes.


The newest version is available here


Prerequisite: ROOT must be installed beforehand compilation and whenever the user wants to use the plug-in. See explanations on ROOT webpage.

To install RPLOT

  1. Unpack the archive, it will create directory rplot
       tar xvzf rplot-X.XX.tgz
  2. Change to rplot directory
       cd rplot
  3. Type
       make install





To be continued...