MAKETHIN: Slice a sequence into thin lenses

This module converts a sequence with thick elements into one composed of thin (zero length) element slices or simplified thick slices as required by MAD-X tracking or conversion to SIXTRACK input format.

Slicing to thin elements

The slicing is performed by the command:

MAKETHIN,SEQUENCE=seq_name, STYLE=slicing_style,
         MAKEDIPEDGE= logical; 
         MINIMIZEPARENTS= logical, 
         MAKECONSISTENT= logical; 
The parameters are defined as:

Number of slices

The number of slices can be set individually for elements or groups of elements using SELECT commands

SELECT, FLAG=makethin, 
        RANGE=range, CLASS=class, PATTERN=pattern[,FULL][,CLEAR],
        THICK=logical, SLICE=integer;
where the argument to the parameter SLICE is the number of slices for the selected elements.
The default is one slice and THICK=false for all elements, i.e. conversion of all thick elements to a single thin slice positioned at the centre of the original thick element.

Note that THICK=true only applies to dipole or quadrupole magnet elements and is ignored otherwise.

MAKETHIN allows for thick quadrupole slicing with insertion of markers between thick slices. Positioning is done with markers between slices, here however with thick slice quadrupole piece filling the whole length.

! slice quadrupoles thick, insert 2 markers per quadrupole
select, flag=makethin, class=quadrupole, thick=true, slice=2; 

! thick slicing for quadrupoles named mqxa, insert one marker in the middle
select, flag=makethin, pattern=mqxa\., slice=1,  thick=true; 

Slicing can be turned off for certain elements or classes by specifying a number of slices < 1. Examples:

! turn off slicing for sextupoles
select, flag=makethin, class=sextupole, slice=0; 

! keep elements unchanged with names starting by mbxw
select, flag=makethin, pattern=mbxw\., slice=0; 
This option allows to introduce slicing step by step and monitor the resulting changes in optics parameters.
Keep in mind however that subsequent tracking generally requires full slicing, with possible exception of quadrupoles and bending magents.

Additional Information

The generated thin lens sequence has the following properties:


Helmut Burkhardt, May 2014