Important notice: NXSG4 has been superseeded by the more advanced NCrystal project.
While NXSG4 continues to work for now, it is no longer being actively developed.
Please find more information at the NCrystal site:


Welcome to the NXSG4 website. NXSG4 is an extension to Geant4 based on the nxs library. In introduces effects of low-energy neutron scattering in polycrystalline materials, and is made freely available to the scientific community (see license).

As an appetiser, here are a few plots from the publication showing the effect of adding the correct crystal structure to aluminium:

Cross-sections and data for neutrons in Aluminium Example: Improvement to neutron scattering cross section in aluminium when supplying the crystal structure via NXSG4.

Scatter angles for 1.8 Aangstrom neutrons in Aluminium Example: Patterns from Bragg diffraction on the crystal lattice planes for neutrons in aluminium when supplying the crystal structure via NXSG4.