Beam profiles of CO2 MO

The University of Stuttgart kindly lent us their Spiricon Pyrocam system for two days, for charaterisation of the MO. Along with Rudi Maestle we performed some basic measurements of the beam profile in the near-field (19 cm after the laser), after some drift (~2.6 m after the laser) and in the focal plane (1.6 m focal length spherical copper mirror).

The spacing of the cells is 200 micro-meters (the inter-pixel spacing on the camera is 100 microns, but the resolution was reduced to make the plot clearer). For the first plot the camera was very close to the laser, so the extra spiking is most probably noise.

Near field distribution.

Far-field 1.6 m mirror.

Far-field as above but MO diaphragm fully open.

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