SPD Run Information


General Information

Where to go when you are on shift?

The SPD has a dedicated place in one of the two working rooms next to the general ACR at Point 2. Go to the room opposite the entrance, the SPD place is the first one on the right hand side (2 computers). On the keyboard is a sticker indicating "SPD".

Whenever the SPD is included in the general data taking we can also occupy a place in the second row in the main ACR.

The offline shifts need to be done for the moment from the office. No dedicated space has yet been attributed (to be updated).

Shift list

Shifts can be booked using the ALICE Shift Management System - SMS (use your NICE login and PWD). Please use Mozilla as browser, some problems have been detected with MS Explorer and Safari.

Link to the SMS

December 2007 shift list: for the December run the shifts cannot yet be booked by the electronic system.


Cooling System

Turn on
The cooling plant is always running. The policy is to open all lines, even if you need to turn on just one sector. Go to each loop panel and change the status to ON. Please allow 30" between one opening and the following to let the plant stabilize more safely.
Wait ~5' to have the cooling ready on all lines. You can check on the temperature monitor panel that all sector have a temperature drop from ~20oC to 15-17oC (depending on conditions).
Again, lines (all 10 of them) must be opened before you start turning on the detector and you should allow a few minutes (typically 10) to reach full stability.
Pressure values are: 3.95 bar on the liquid side, 1.6-1.7 on the gas side are typical values we are using, but tuning is in progress.

Turn off
Simply close the lines, putting each loop in OFF status, one by one, allowing 10" between consecutive closures. Note that you have to wait till the STATUS goes to OFF before starting counting, NOT the readback...

Line numbering
The physical correspondence between cooling line and sector number is shown below: (if you want to cool sector number x (first column) you have to turn on cooling line y (second column) )

Sector # Cooling line
0 10
1 9
2 8
3 5
4 4
5 3
6 2
7 1
8 7
9 6

First aid kit
You should not encounter problems with the cooling, unless you play in undue (and unauthorised!) mode with open/close commands and/or pressure settings. In the (hopefully) very rare case you get an alarm, the plant simply stops working and puts itself in the STOP status. In this case no action is allowed from the control room and recovery to normal RUN status is not automatic. An expert MUST check if it is possible to clear the alarm and restart safely the plant. DO NOT TAKE "creative" initiatives going to the plant in the cavern, even if a number of safety rules have been adopted in order to make the plant "dumb-operator proof".
In case you are clueless and a cooling expert is not by your side, do the following, respectively:

  • In the SPD user interface go to the Cooling item, SPDPlant, and open the panel. Press the ALARMS button and note down the kind of alarm, you will be asked this information by the expert.
  • Call the cooling "on-call" expert. Cell numbers, SPD-side: 164991 (Rosario Turrisi or deputy) or TS/CV-side 165708 (Jose Antonio Botelho Direito)
  • If the previous fails (can be due to the current on-call policy), call the Technical Control Room (TCR), 72201, and:
    • Tell them where you are (ALICE experiment, Point 2, control room)
    • Tell them that you want the DETECTOR COOLING PIQUET. It is very important that you do not omit "DETECTOR" because if you do you get the wrong expert.
    • Mention that you can be called back to the phone number where you come from (or whatever) because most likely the expert on call will call you asking some details about the problem, you must mention the kind of alarm you have.
    • If after a reasonable interval nobody calls, you could call directly the piquet: 162400. DO NOT CALL directly, always call TCR first.
  • If TCR does not answer for any reason, call directly the Detector Cooling Piquet, 162400 telling you are from ALICE at Point 2 etc. etc.
  • In the last case (and the piquet will ask you anyway) you MUST call back TCR and announce that you requested the DETECTOR COOLING PIQUET, because of insurance issues and extraordinary intervention invoice.
In any case, please note down in the logbook what happened with all possible details, this information will be very valuable for later debugging of the problem. Vale.

How to start the detector control system

All shifters have operator rights for the detector control system. This included that you can logon to the system, switch on/off cooling lines and power supply channels and configure the front end. Operators cannot change voltage settings, this needs to be done by an expert.

1. Open a terminal in one of the two SPD machines in the control room

2. Open a remote desktop connection to the operator_node_001 by typing: "rdesktop -a16 -g1200x980 alispdon001"

3. Login with your NICE user name and password

4. Login into the PVSS control system using the user name "spd" and the usual password (in case of questions contact the SCR)

5. The FSM panel will start automatically, it will take however a few minutes.


1. In case you accidentally close the panel, go to the Windows start menu and click on "spdUserInterface.exe"

Analysis of Standalone Calibration Runs

1. Login to aldaqdqm01.

2. Run 'SPDRefDisplayer.exe'.

3. Run DAs and copy reference data by pressing button 'Copy Reference Data'. (Put desired run number in dialog.)

4. Analyze the reference data by pressing button 'Analyze/Display Reference Data'. (Put run number in the left text field. Leave blank in right field. Check radio button 'Standalone Scan'. Put in 'Reference Data Directory' text field the following: '/local/home/spd/calibResults/ScanReference'.)


Login to aldaqdqm01. We have at the moment three dqm agents. If they are not running, start them by:

> amoreAgent -aamoreAgentSPD01 -s<dataSource>

> amoreAgent -aamoreAgentSPD02 -s<dataSource>

> amoreAgent -aamoreAgentSPD03 -s<dataSource>

where <dataSource> could be a GDC for instance '@aldaqpc031:'.

Run the amore GUI by:

> amore -dSPD -mSPDui1


SPDmood is available on aldaqdqm01 only. Login to this machine and run 'SPDmood.exe'.

Some documentation can be found here.

In case of problem it might help to rebuild the code. Logout and login again, then do:

> cd $SPDMOOD_SITE/src

> make clean; make

Phone numbers in the ACR

SPD work place:


Main ACR:

75879 (second row)

75811 (HLT)

76676 (DCS)

76678 (Trigger)

71711 (DAQ)

Run coordinator (Paul Kuijer): 16 5700

System run coordinator (Vito): 16 3187


Alex 79757

Cesar 16 5728

Domenico 71928

Gianluca 16 0581

Henrik 16 5725

Ivan 16 2040

Marian 16 4029

Michel 16 0915

Michele 71928

Mike 73061

Petra 16 4374

Romualdo 165726

Rosario 16 4991

Sveto 162455

The Really Important Stuff: SPD Songs

When you are in shift you are bound to encounter problems, errors and other natural disasters. If that is the case, do not despair, but rather sing the following songs aloud: the problems will still be there but you'll earn a lot of respect-points from the other detectors (the louder the better).

La Marcia del Cooling (ITA)

Chorus: e riempilo, riempilo, riempilo (x3)
tutto il tank!

L'abbiam riempito tutto,
E non gli ha fatto male.
Il cooling funziona
e domani puo' rannare!

L'Inno del SPD (ITA)

L'Esspiddi sta ... senza corente,
ma quando ranna' ... il DAQ ne risente.
ALICE nun fa' ... la stupida sta sera,
damme na mano ... a fa' fini' sto scift!

E noi je diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimo
e noi je faaaaaaaaaaaaaamo
c'hai messo il masking ...
nun ce fidiamo ...
Tanto per setta' ... tanto per ranna'! (x3)

Il Grande Fascio (ITA)

tutto l'accelleratore
Dalla Fortezza della Scienza arriva
Con i suoi grassi tevatroni, il fascio!
ad ALICE, il fascio!
ad ALICE, il fascio!

Si tuffa da Meyrin giu' in picchiata
Se sei il dump prega e' gia' finita
Lo shifter batte i denti, c'e' il fascio!
ad ALICE, il fascio!
ad ALICE, il fascio! (drift rotanti!)
ad ALICE, il fascio! (pixel turbo!)
ad ALICE, il fascio! (strip laser!)

Passa sotto ad una montagna
Dai lati sputa fuori raggi gamma
Non c'e' chi e' fico piu' di te, il fascio!
ad ALICE, il fascio!
ad ALICE, il fascio!
ad ALICE, il fascio! (time projection perforante!)
ad ALICE, il fascio! (time-of-flight diabolico!)
ad ALICE, il fascio! (transition radiation di fuoco!)
ad ALICE, il fascio! (fotomoltiplicatori saettanti!)
ad ALICE, il fascio! (particle identification spaziale!)
ad ALICE, il fascio! (doppie muon chambers!)
ad ALICE, il fascio! (zero degree razzo!)

What shall we do with a noisy Pixel? (ENG)

What do we do with a noisy pixel, (x3)
Early in the morning?

Shave its signal with a rusty razor, (x3)
Early in the morning!

Chorus: Wey-hey there up it rises, (x3)
Early in the morning!

What do we do with a busy router, (x3)
Early in the morning?

Reset the FED server 'till it's sober, (x3)
Early in the morning!

Chorus: Wey-hey there up it rises, (x3)
Early in the morning!

What do we do with a cooling leak, (x3)
Early in the morning?

Give it a dose of kicks and shouts, (x3)
Early in the morning!

Chorus: Wey-hey there up it rises, (x3)
Early in the morning!

What do we do with a sleeping shifter, (x3)
Early in the morning?

Put him in bed with the Chairman's daughter, (x3)
Early in the morning!

Chorus: Wey-hey there up it rises, (x3)
Early in the morning!

Work in progress ...

RAWdata (ENG)

Rollin rollin rollin (x4)

Though the triggers are swollen
Keep them mouses rolling
Air and pit and saltpeter
Hell bent the weather
Wishing a girl was by my side
All the things I'm missin
Good victuals, physics and theory
Are waiting at the end of my PhD

Move em on (head em up)
Head em up (move em up)
Move em on (head em up)
Mask em out (ride em in)
Ride em in (mask em out)
Mask em out (ride em in)

Keep movin movin movin
Though their disapprovin
Keep them mouses moving
Don't try to understand them
Just click, maximize and click them
Soon we'll be living high and wide
My brains calculating
My true love will be waiting
Be waiting at the end of my shift

Move em up (head em up)
Head em up (move em on)
Move em on (head em up)

Minnie the Shiftah (ENG)

Hey folks here's the story 'bout Minnie the Shifter
She was a low-down Hoochie Koocher

Work in progress ...

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