Round Trip testing June 2021


Date 02/06/2021
Location University of Bristol lab
People Sudan

Test objective

  • Test the round trip (return path) with both 50Mhz and 62.5Mhz firmware with both TLU to FMC and Fanout to FMC.
  • Three firmware/software configurations were tested.
    • 1. v5.4.0 firmware (62.5MHz) with dune daq software v2.5.0
    • 2. v5.3.0b2 firmware (62.5MHz) with standalone 5.3.0 software
    • 3. v5.2.1 firmware (50 Mhz) with standalone 5.3.0 software

Test setup - TLU-FMC


An AIDA 2020 TLU was configured to acts as master using the overlord fw design. An Enclustra AX3+PM3 with a timing FMC (pc053d) acted as an endpoint. The output from the TLU was fed into an 1:8 passive optical splitter via single mode optical fibre. The timing FMC was connected to one of the splitter outputs using a single mode optical fibre.

TLU UID: 0x5410ecbba408

FMC UID: 0x49162b675e3

Test 1: v5.4.0 (62.5MHz)


The bitfile used for the TLU was:

The endpoint bitfile was:


The software version used for this test was: dune daq v2.5.0 with timing tag rtt_testing

Device configuration

The TLU was configured using the following commands:

pdtbutler io PROD_MASTER reset  
pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER synctime
pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER part 0 configure

The endpoint was configured using the commands below:

pdtbutler io EPT_0 reset 
pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 enable -a 0x1
pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status

Test results

Following the configuration of the TLU and timing partition 0, the partition status command,

pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER part 0 status

yielded the following output:

Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50400, partitions: 4, channels: 5

-- Master state---

Timestamp: 0x1203d95266aed16 -> Wed, 02 Jun 2021 17:08:01 +0000

--------------Cmd gen counters--------------
|      | Accept counters | Reject counters |
| Chan |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|  0x0 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x1 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x2 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x3 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x4 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |

=> Partition 0

|    Register   | Value |
|     buf_en    |   0   |
|   frag_mask   |   0   |
|    part_en    |  0x1  |
|  rate_ctrl_en |  0x1  |
|    run_req    |   0   |
| spill_gate_en |  0x1  |
|  trig_ctr_rst |   0   |
|    trig_en    |   0   |
|   trig_mask   |  0xf1 |

| Register | Value |
|  buf_err |   0   |
| buf_warn |   0   |
|  in_run  |   0   |
| in_spill |   0   |
|  part_up |  0x1  |
|  run_int |   0   |

Event Counter: 0
Buffer status: OK
Buffer occupancy: 0

|             | Accept counters | Reject counters |
|     Cmd     |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|   TimeSync  |   343  |  0x157 |    0   |    0   |
|     Echo    |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  SpillStart |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  SpillStop  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   RunStart  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   RunStop   |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   WibCalib  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   SSPCalib  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig0  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig1  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig2  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig3  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   BeamTrig  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  NoBeamTrig |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
| ExtFakeTrig |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |

The endpoint status command

pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status

gives the output below.

Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                     0                      |
| State            | Waiting for phase adjustment command (0x6) |
| Partition        | 0                                          |
| Address          | 1                                          |
| Timestamp        | Wed, 02 Jun 2021 17:08:50 +0000            |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x1203d95b7a655cd                          |
| EventCounter     | 0                                          |
| Buffer status    | OK                                         |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                                          |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x0    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x0    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x1    |
| ep_stat    |   0x6    |
| fdelay     |   0x0    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |   363    |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |

Delay adjustment

Sending the delay adjustment command,

pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align apply-delay 0x1 0x3 0x7 --force

applies a coarse delay of 0x3, and a fine delay of 0x7 to endpoint address 0x1. The endpoint status after delay adjustment is: 

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status

Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

Error: Endpoints 'endpoint1' do(es) not exist
(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0  status
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                0                |
| State            | Ready (0x8)                     |
| Partition        | 0                               |
| Address          | 1                               |
| Timestamp        | Wed, 02 Jun 2021 17:11:24 +0000 |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x1203d97812a4923               |
| EventCounter     | 0                               |
| Buffer status    | OK                              |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                               |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x3    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x1    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x0    |
| ep_stat    |   0x8    |
| fdelay     |   0x7    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |   485    |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |

Checking application of delays

pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align apply-delay 0x1 0x3 0x7 --force

pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align toggle-tx 0 --on

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align measure-delay 0
Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50400, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-Jun-02 17:09:54,986 LOG [dunedaq::timing::GlobalNode::enable_upstream_endpoint(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/GlobalNode.cpp:96] Upstream endpoint reset, waiting for lock
ERROR ('RuntimeError' exception): ' Failed to bring up the RTT endpoint. Current state: 0xe'

File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/build/timing/python/timing/cli/", line 82, in measuredelay
   echo("Endpoint (adr: {}) RTT: {}".format(addr,lTopDesign.measure_endpoint_rtt(addr, True)))
Exception in user code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/build/timing/scripts/pdtbutler", line 104, in <module>
  File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/dbt-pyvenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 829, in __call__
    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/dbt-pyvenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 782, in main
    rv = self.invoke(ctx)
  File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/dbt-pyvenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1259, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/dbt-pyvenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1259, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/dbt-pyvenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1259, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/dbt-pyvenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 1066, in invoke
    return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
  File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/dbt-pyvenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 610, in invoke
    return callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/dbt-pyvenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 33, in new_func
    return f(get_current_context().obj, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/dbt-pyvenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/", line 21, in new_func
    return f(get_current_context(), *args, **kwargs)
  File "/users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/build/timing/python/timing/cli/", line 82, in measuredelay
    echo("Endpoint (adr: {}) RTT: {}".format(addr,lTopDesign.measure_endpoint_rtt(addr, True)))
RuntimeError:  Failed to bring up the RTT endpoint. Current state: 0xe

Test 2: 5.3.0b2 (62.5MHz)


The bitfile used for the TLU was:

The endpoint bitfile was:


The software version used for this test was: standalone/rtt_testing

Device configuration

The TLU was configured using the following commands:

pdtbutler io PROD_MASTER reset  --force-pll-cfg DUNE_TLU-DUNTLU09-Registers_62.5_mhz.txt
pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER synctime
pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER part 0 configure

The endpoint was configured using the commands below:

pdtbutler io EPT_0 reset --force-pll-cfg Si5394-053endptr_62-5MHz_4kHz-Registers.txt
pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 enable -a 0x1
pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status

Test results

Following the configuration of the TLU and timing partition 0, the partition status command,

pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER part 0 status

-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER part 0 status
Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5

-- Master state---

Timestamp: 0x1203d84e2728d8b -> Wed, 02 Jun 2021 16:44:44 +0000

--------------Cmd gen counters--------------
|      | Accept counters | Reject counters |
| Chan |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|  0x0 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x1 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x2 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x3 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x4 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |

=> Partition 0

|    Register   | Value |
|     buf_en    |  0x0  |
|   frag_mask   |  0x0  |
|    part_en    |  0x1  |
|  rate_ctrl_en |  0x1  |
|    run_req    |  0x0  |
| spill_gate_en |  0x1  |
|  trig_ctr_rst |  0x0  |
|    trig_en    |  0x0  |
|   trig_mask   |  0xf1 |

| Register | Value |
|  buf_err |  0x0  |
| buf_warn |  0x0  |
|  in_run  |  0x0  |
| in_spill |  0x0  |
|  part_up |  0x1  |
|  run_int |  0x0  |

Event Counter: 0
Buffer status: OK
Buffer occupancy: 0

|             | Accept counters | Reject counters |
|     Cmd     |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|   TimeSync  |  1638  |  0x666 |    0   |   0x0  |
|     Echo    |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  SpillStart |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  SpillStop  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   RunStart  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   RunStop   |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   WibCalib  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   SSPCalib  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig0  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig1  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig2  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig3  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   BeamTrig  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  NoBeamTrig |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
| ExtFakeTrig |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |

pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                0                |
| State            | Ready (0x8)                     |
| Partition        | 0                               |
| Address          | 1                               |
| Timestamp        | Wed, 02 Jun 2021 16:48:45 +0000 |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x1203d87af8d72df               |
| EventCounter     | 0                               |
| Buffer status    | OK                              |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                               |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x3    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x1    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x0    |
| ep_stat    |   0x8    |
| fdelay     |   0x7    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x0    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |   1544   |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |

Delay adjustment

Sending the delay adjustment command,

pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align apply-delay 0x1 0x3 0x7 --force

applies a coarse delay of 0x3, and a fine delay of 0x7 to endpoint address 0x1. The endpoint status after delay adjustment is:

Created endpoint device EPT_0

Hardware info---------- +----------------+---------------+
Board type fmc
Board revision kFMCRev3
Board UID 0x49162b675e3
Carrier type enclustra-a35
Design type endpoint



+---------+ +------------------+---------------------------------+

Endpoint 0


State Ready (0x8)
Partition 0
Address 1
Timestamp Wed, 02 Jun 2021 16:53:43 +0000
Timestamp (hex) 0x1203d8b2792504f
EventCounter 0
Buffer status OK
Buffer occupancy 0

Endpoint state --- +------------+----------+
Endpoint 0


buf_err 0x0
buf_warn 0x0
cdelay 0x3
ep_rdy 0x1
ep_rsto 0x0
ep_stat 0x8
fdelay 0x7
in_run 0x0
in_spill 0x0
sfp_tx_dis 0x0

Command counters --- +--------------+----------+
Endpoint 0


TimeSync 87
+--------------+----------+ </verbatim>

indicating the successful application of the coarse and fine delays

Checking application of delays

pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align apply-delay 0x1 0x3 0x7 --force

pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align toggle-tx 0 --on

-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align measure-delay 1
Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-02 16:47:50.304 pdt NOTICE   | Upstream endpoint reset, waiting for lock
2021-06-02 16:47:50.404 pdt NOTICE   | ept state: 0xe ept ready: 0x0
2021-06-02 16:47:50.505 pdt NOTICE   | ept state: 0xe ept ready: 0x1
2021-06-02 16:47:50.605 pdt NOTICE   | ept state: 0xe ept ready: 0x0
2021-06-02 16:47:50.706 pdt NOTICE   | ept state: 0xe ept ready: 0x1
2021-06-02 16:47:50.806 pdt NOTICE   | ept state: 0xe ept ready: 0x1
2021-06-02 16:47:50.907 pdt NOTICE   | ept state: 0xe ept ready: 0x0
2021-06-02 16:47:50.907 pdt ERROR    | Failed to bring up the RTT endpoint. Current state: 0xe
ERROR ('RuntimeError' exception): 'RTT endpoint failed to lock. Downstream ept address: 0x1'

File "/users/sp13109/rtt_testing_5_3_0/timing/python/pkg/pdt/cli/", line 82, in measuredelay
   echo("Endpoint (adr: {}) RTT: {}".format(addr,lTopDesign.measureEndpointRTT(addr, True)))
Exception in user code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/users/sp13109/rtt_testing_5_3_0/timing/tests/scripts/pdtbutler", line 102, in <module>
  File "/users/sp13109/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 829, in __call__
    return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/users/sp13109/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 782, in main
    rv = self.invoke(ctx)
  File "/users/sp13109/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 1259, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "/users/sp13109/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 1259, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "/users/sp13109/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 1259, in invoke
    return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
  File "/users/sp13109/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 1066, in invoke
    return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
  File "/users/sp13109/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 610, in invoke
    return callback(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/users/sp13109/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 33, in new_func
    return f(get_current_context().obj, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/users/sp13109/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/click/", line 21, in new_func
    return f(get_current_context(), *args, **kwargs)
  File "/users/sp13109/rtt_testing_5_3_0/timing/python/pkg/pdt/cli/", line 82, in measuredelay
    echo("Endpoint (adr: {}) RTT: {}".format(addr,lTopDesign.measureEndpointRTT(addr, True)))
RuntimeError: RTT endpoint failed to lock. Downstream ept address: 0x1


Test 3: v5.2.1 50MHz


The bitfile used for the TLU was:

The endpoint bitfile was:


The software version used for this test was: standalone/rtt_testing

Device configuration

The TLU was configured using the following commands:

pdtbutler io PROD_MASTER reset 
pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER synctime
pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER part 0 configure

The endpoint was configured using the commands below:

pdtbutler io EPT_0 reset --force-pll-cfg tests/etc/clock/devel/ENDPOINT-Si5344-50MHzRef.txt
pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 enable -a 0x1
pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status

--+++Test results Following the configuration of the TLU and timing partition 0, the following was observed:

-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER part 0 configure
Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5

Configuring partition 0
Trigger mask set to 0xf1
  Fake mask 0x1
  Phys mask 0xf
Partition 0 enabled and configured
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler io EPT_0 reset
Created device EPT_0
Design 'endpoint' on board 'fmc' on carrier 'enclustra-a35'
Resetting EPT_0
2021-06-02 17:30:05.211 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration file : /users/sp13109/rtt_testing_5_3_0/timing/tests/etc/clock/devel/ENDPOINT-Si5344-50MHzRef.txt
2021-06-02 17:30:05.214 pdt NOTICE   | Configuring PLL        : SI5394
2021-06-02 17:30:07.622 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration id   : 20180917
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

------FMC IO state-----
|   Register  | Value |
|   cdr_lol   |  0x0  |
|   cdr_los   |  0x0  |
|   mmcm_ok   |  0x0  |
| mmcm_sticky |  0x0  |
|   sfp_flt   |  0x0  |
|   sfp_los   |  0x0  |

PLL Clock frequency measurement:
PLL freq: 249.991277693
CDR freq: 249.995211599

PLL configuration id   : 20180917
-------PLL information------
|     Register    |  Value |
|   Device grade  |   0x0  |
| Device revision |   0x0  |
|   Part number   | 0x5394 |

----------PLL state----------
|      Register     | Value |
|      CAL_PLL      |  0x0  |
|        HOLD       |  0x0  |
|        LOL        |  0x0  |
|        LOS        |  0x0  |
|      LOSXAXB      |  0x0  |
|    LOSXAXB_FLG    |  0x1  |
|        OOF        |  0x0  |
|    OOF (sticky)   |  0xf  |
|   SMBUS_TIMEOUT   |  0x0  |
|      SYSINCAL     |  0x0  |
|    SYSINCAL_FLG   |  0x1  |
|      XAXB_ERR     |  0x0  |
|    XAXB_ERR_FLG   |  0x1  |


-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 enable -a 0x1
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                     0                      |
| State            | Waiting for phase adjustment command (0x6) |
| Partition        | 0                                          |
| Address          | 1                                          |
| Timestamp        | Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0000            |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x0                                        |
| EventCounter     | 0                                          |
| Buffer status    | OK                                         |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                                          |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x0    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x0    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x1    |
| ep_stat    |   0x6    |
| fdelay     |   0x0    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |          |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |
> Endpoints 0 on in partition 0
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                     0                      |
| State            | Waiting for phase adjustment command (0x6) |
| Partition        | 0                                          |
| Address          | 1                                          |
| Timestamp        | Wed, 02 Jun 2021 17:30:19 +0000            |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x1203da4b7d9aee9                          |
| EventCounter     | 0                                          |
| Buffer status    | OK                                         |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                                          |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x0    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x0    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x1    |
| ep_stat    |   0x6    |
| fdelay     |   0x0    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |    5     |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |

Delay adjustment

Sending the delay adjustment command,

bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align apply-delay 0x1 0x3 0x7 --force
Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-02 17:30:32.506 pdt NOTICE   | Coarse delay 0x3 applied
2021-06-02 17:30:32.506 pdt NOTICE   | Fine delay   0x7 applied
2021-06-02 17:30:32.506 pdt NOTICE   | Phase delay  0x0 applied
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                0                |
| State            | Ready (0x8)                     |
| Partition        | 0                               |
| Address          | 1                               |
| Timestamp        | Wed, 02 Jun 2021 17:30:38 +0000 |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x1203da4f02ce799               |
| EventCounter     | 0                               |
| Buffer status    | OK                              |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                               |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x3    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x1    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x0    |
| ep_stat    |   0x8    |
| fdelay     |   0x7    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x0    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |    23    |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align toggle-tx 0 --on
Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                0                |
| State            | Ready (0x8)                     |
| Partition        | 0                               |
| Address          | 1                               |
| Timestamp        | Wed, 02 Jun 2021 17:31:12 +0000 |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x1203da555698d8a               |
| EventCounter     | 0                               |
| Buffer status    | OK                              |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                               |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x3    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x1    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x0    |
| ep_stat    |   0x8    |
| fdelay     |   0x7    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x0    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |    57    |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align measure-delay 1
Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-02 17:31:32.973 pdt NOTICE   | Upstream endpoint reset, waiting for lock
2021-06-02 17:31:33.073 pdt NOTICE   | ept state: 0x8 ept ready: 0x1
2021-06-02 17:31:33.073 pdt NOTICE   | Endpoint locked: state= 0x8
2021-06-02 17:31:33.174 pdt NOTICE   | rx done: 1
Endpoint (adr: 1) RTT: 31
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER align measure-delay 1
Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-02 17:31:39.244 pdt NOTICE   | Upstream endpoint reset, waiting for lock
2021-06-02 17:31:39.345 pdt NOTICE   | ept state: 0x8 ept ready: 0x1
2021-06-02 17:31:39.345 pdt NOTICE   | Endpoint locked: state= 0x8
2021-06-02 17:31:39.445 pdt NOTICE   | rx done: 1
Endpoint (adr: 1) RTT: 31

Test setup - Fanout to FMC


A fanout was configured to acts as master using the fanout fw design. An Enclustra AX3+PM3 with a timing FMC (pc053d) acted as an endpoint. The output from the fanout was fed into an 1:8 passive optical splitter via single mode optical fibre. The timing FMC was connected to one of the splitter outputs using a single mode optical fibre.

Fanout 0 was used.

FMC UID: 0x49162b675e3

Test 4: 5.4.0 - 62.5MHz


The bitfile used for the fanout was:

The endpoint bitfile was:


The software version used for this test was: dune daq v2.5.0 with timing tag rtt_testing

Test results

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler io PROD_FANOUT_0 reset

Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
Design 'fanout' on board 'pc059' on carrier 'enclustra-a35'
Resetting PROD_FANOUT_0
Fanout mode enabled
2021-Jun-04 13:07:35,775 LOG [dunedaq::timing::PC059IONode::reset(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/PC059IONode.cpp:101] Reset done
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

-----PC059 IO state----
|   Register  | Value |
|   cdr_lol   |  0x1  |
|   cdr_los   |  0x1  |
|   mmcm_ok   |  0x1  |
| mmcm_sticky |   0   |
|   pll_lol   |  0x1  |
|    pll_ok   |   0   |
|  pll_sticky |   0   |
|   sfp_los   |  0xff |
|   ucdr_lol  |   0   |
|   ucdr_los  |   0   |
|   usfp_flt  |   0   |
|   usfp_los  |   0   |

PLL Clock frequency measurement:
PLL freq: 312.476371526
CDR freq: 792.126472906

PLL configuration id   : 059_0s62
-------PLL information------
|     Register    |  Value |
|   Device grade  |    0   |
| Device revision |   0x1  |
|   Part number   | 0x5345 |

----------PLL state----------
|      Register     | Value |
|      CAL_PLL      |   0   |
|        HOLD       |  0x1  |
|        LOL        |  0x1  |
|        LOS        |  0x5  |
|      LOSXAXB      |   0   |
|    LOSXAXB_FLG    |  0x1  |
|        OOF        |  0x7  |
|    OOF (sticky)   |  0xf  |
|   SMBUS_TIMEOUT   |   0   |
|      SYSINCAL     |   0   |
|    SYSINCAL_FLG   |  0x1  |
|      XAXB_ERR     |   0   |
|    XAXB_ERR_FLG   |  0x1  |

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler io PROD_FANOUT_0 reset --fanout-mode 1

Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
Design 'fanout' on board 'pc059' on carrier 'enclustra-a35'
Resetting PROD_FANOUT_0
2021-Jun-04 13:08:01,571 LOG [dunedaq::timing::PC059IONode::reset(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/PC059IONode.cpp:101] Reset done
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

-----PC059 IO state----
|   Register  | Value |
|   cdr_lol   |  0x1  |
|   cdr_los   |  0x1  |
|   mmcm_ok   |  0x1  |
| mmcm_sticky |   0   |
|   pll_lol   |  0x1  |
|    pll_ok   |   0   |
|  pll_sticky |   0   |
|   sfp_los   |  0xff |
|   ucdr_lol  |   0   |
|   ucdr_los  |   0   |
|   usfp_flt  |   0   |
|   usfp_los  |   0   |

PLL Clock frequency measurement:
PLL freq: 312.499259708
CDR freq: 791.374858396

PLL configuration id   : 059_1_62
-------PLL information------
|     Register    |  Value |
|   Device grade  |    0   |
| Device revision |   0x1  |
|   Part number   | 0x5345 |

----------PLL state----------
|      Register     | Value |
|      CAL_PLL      |   0   |
|        HOLD       |  0x1  |
|        LOL        |  0x1  |
|        LOS        |   0   |
|      LOSXAXB      |   0   |
|    LOSXAXB_FLG    |  0x1  |
|        OOF        |   0   |
|    OOF (sticky)   |  0xf  |
|   SMBUS_TIMEOUT   |   0   |
|      SYSINCAL     |   0   |
|    SYSINCAL_FLG   |  0x1  |
|      XAXB_ERR     |   0   |
|    XAXB_ERR_FLG   |  0x1  |

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 synctime

Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50400, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-Jun-04 13:08:38,573 LOG [dunedaq::timing::PDIMasterNode::sync_timestamp(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/PDIMasterNode.cpp:229] Old timestamp: 0x89e6dca5, Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:46 +0000
2021-Jun-04 13:08:38,581 LOG [dunedaq::timing::PDIMasterNode::sync_timestamp(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/PDIMasterNode.cpp:235] New timestamp: 0x12044c996b1a1fa, Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:08:38 +0000
(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER part 0 configure
Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5

Configuring partition 0
Trigger mask set to 0xf1
  Fake mask 0x1
  Phys mask 0xf
Partition 0 enabled and configured
(reverse-i-search)`': ^C
(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER part 0 status
Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5

-- Master state---

Timestamp: 0x12044c9b64706d3 -> Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:08:48 +0000

--------------Cmd gen counters--------------
|      | Accept counters | Reject counters |
| Chan |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|  0x0 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x1 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x2 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x3 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x4 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |

=> Partition 0

|    Register   | Value |
|     buf_en    |   0   |
|   frag_mask   |   0   |
|    part_en    |  0x1  |
|  rate_ctrl_en |  0x1  |
|    run_req    |   0   |
| spill_gate_en |  0x1  |
|  trig_ctr_rst |   0   |
|    trig_en    |   0   |
|   trig_mask   |  0xf1 |

| Register | Value |
|  buf_err |   0   |
| buf_warn |   0   |
|  in_run  |   0   |
| in_spill |   0   |
|  part_up |  0x1  |
|  run_int |   0   |

Event Counter: 0
Buffer status: OK
Buffer occupancy: 0

|             | Accept counters | Reject counters |
|     Cmd     |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|   TimeSync  |    7   |   0x7  |    0   |    0   |
|     Echo    |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  SpillStart |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  SpillStop  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   RunStart  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   RunStop   |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   WibCalib  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   SSPCalib  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig0  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig1  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig2  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig3  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   BeamTrig  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  NoBeamTrig |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
| ExtFakeTrig |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler io EPT_0 reset

Created device EPT_0
Design 'endpoint' on board 'fmc' on carrier 'enclustra-a35'
Resetting EPT_0
2021-Jun-04 13:09:44,378 LOG [dunedaq::timing::FMCIONode::reset(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/FMCIONode.cpp:82] Reset done
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

------FMC IO state-----
|   Register  | Value |
|   cdr_lol   |   0   |
|   cdr_los   |   0   |
|   mmcm_ok   |   0   |
| mmcm_sticky |   0   |
|   sfp_flt   |   0   |
|   sfp_los   |   0   |

PLL Clock frequency measurement:
PLL freq: 312.488411663
CDR freq: 312.491749523

PLL configuration id   : 053endpt
-------PLL information------
|     Register    |  Value |
|   Device grade  |    0   |
| Device revision |    0   |
|   Part number   | 0x5394 |

----------PLL state----------
|      Register     | Value |
|      CAL_PLL      |   0   |
|        HOLD       |   0   |
|        LOL        |   0   |
|        LOS        |   0   |
|      LOSXAXB      |   0   |
|    LOSXAXB_FLG    |  0x1  |
|        OOF        |   0   |
|    OOF (sticky)   |  0xf  |
|   SMBUS_TIMEOUT   |   0   |
|      SYSINCAL     |   0   |
|    SYSINCAL_FLG   |  0x1  |
|      XAXB_ERR     |   0   |
|    XAXB_ERR_FLG   |  0x1  |

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 part 0 configure

Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50400, partitions: 4, channels: 5

Configuring partition 0
Trigger mask set to 0xf1
  Fake mask 0x1
  Phys mask 0xf
Partition 0 enabled and configured
(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 part 0 status
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50400, partitions: 4, channels: 5

-- Master state---

Timestamp: 0x12044cb0b515511 -> Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:10:43 +0000

--------------Cmd gen counters--------------
|      | Accept counters | Reject counters |
| Chan |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|  0x0 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x1 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x2 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x3 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  0x4 |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |

=> Partition 0

|    Register   | Value |
|     buf_en    |   0   |
|   frag_mask   |   0   |
|    part_en    |  0x1  |
|  rate_ctrl_en |  0x1  |
|    run_req    |   0   |
| spill_gate_en |  0x1  |
|  trig_ctr_rst |   0   |
|    trig_en    |   0   |
|   trig_mask   |  0xf1 |

| Register | Value |
|  buf_err |   0   |
| buf_warn |   0   |
|  in_run  |   0   |
| in_spill |   0   |
|  part_up |  0x1  |
|  run_int |   0   |

Event Counter: 0
Buffer status: OK
Buffer occupancy: 0

|             | Accept counters | Reject counters |
|     Cmd     |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|   TimeSync  |   11   |   0xb  |    0   |    0   |
|     Echo    |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  SpillStart |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  SpillStop  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   RunStart  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   RunStop   |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   WibCalib  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   SSPCalib  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig0  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig1  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig2  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  FakeTrig3  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|   BeamTrig  |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
|  NoBeamTrig |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |
| ExtFakeTrig |    0   |    0   |    0   |    0   |

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler io EPT_0 reset

Created device EPT_0
Design 'endpoint' on board 'fmc' on carrier 'enclustra-a35'
Resetting EPT_0
2021-Jun-04 13:10:30,215 LOG [dunedaq::timing::FMCIONode::reset(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/FMCIONode.cpp:82] Reset done
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

------FMC IO state-----
|   Register  | Value |
|   cdr_lol   |   0   |
|   cdr_los   |   0   |
|   mmcm_ok   |   0   |
| mmcm_sticky |   0   |
|   sfp_flt   |   0   |
|   sfp_los   |   0   |

PLL Clock frequency measurement:
PLL freq: 312.488530872
CDR freq: 312.491749523

PLL configuration id   : 053endpt
-------PLL information------
|     Register    |  Value |
|   Device grade  |    0   |
| Device revision |    0   |
|   Part number   | 0x5394 |

----------PLL state----------
|      Register     | Value |
|      CAL_PLL      |   0   |
|        HOLD       |   0   |
|        LOL        |   0   |
|        LOS        |   0   |
|      LOSXAXB      |   0   |
|    LOSXAXB_FLG    |  0x1  |
|        OOF        |   0   |
|    OOF (sticky)   |  0xf  |
|   SMBUS_TIMEOUT   |   0   |
|      SYSINCAL     |   0   |
|    SYSINCAL_FLG   |  0x1  |
|      XAXB_ERR     |   0   |
|    XAXB_ERR_FLG   |  0x1  |

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 enable -a 0x1

Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                     0                      |
| State            | Waiting for phase adjustment command (0x6) |
| Partition        | 0                                          |
| Address          | 1                                          |
| Timestamp        | Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0000            |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x0                                        |
| EventCounter     | 0                                          |
| Buffer status    | OK                                         |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                                          |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x0    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x0    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x1    |
| ep_stat    |   0x6    |
| fdelay     |   0x0    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |          |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |
> Endpoints 0 on in partition 0

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status

Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                     0                      |
| State            | Waiting for phase adjustment command (0x6) |
| Partition        | 0                                          |
| Address          | 1                                          |
| Timestamp        | Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:11:18 +0000            |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x12044cb746061ff                          |
| EventCounter     | 0                                          |
| Buffer status    | OK                                         |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                                          |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x0    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x0    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x1    |
| ep_stat    |   0x6    |
| fdelay     |   0x0    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |    7     |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 align apply-delay 0x1 0x2 0x7 --force

Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50400, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-Jun-04 13:11:02,886 LOG [dunedaq::timing::VLCmdGeneratorNode::apply_endpoint_delay(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/VLCmdGeneratorNode.cpp:75] Coarse delay 0x2 applied
2021-Jun-04 13:11:02,896 LOG [dunedaq::timing::VLCmdGeneratorNode::apply_endpoint_delay(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/VLCmdGeneratorNode.cpp:76] Fine delay   0x7 applied
2021-Jun-04 13:11:02,896 LOG [dunedaq::timing::VLCmdGeneratorNode::apply_endpoint_delay(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/VLCmdGeneratorNode.cpp:77] Phase delay  0 applied
(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                0                |
| State            | Ready (0x8)                     |
| Partition        | 0                               |
| Address          | 1                               |
| Timestamp        | Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:11:45 +0000 |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x12044cbc5147e8b               |
| EventCounter     | 0                               |
| Buffer status    | OK                              |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                               |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x2    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x1    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x0    |
| ep_stat    |   0x8    |
| fdelay     |   0x7    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |    27    |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |

(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 align measure-delay -m 0 1
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50400, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-Jun-04 13:12:29,218 LOG [dunedaq::timing::GlobalNode::enable_upstream_endpoint(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/GlobalNode.cpp:96] Upstream endpoint reset, waiting for lock
Endpoint (adr: 1, mux: 0) RTT: 32
(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 align measure-delay -m 0 1
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50400, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-Jun-04 13:12:35,824 LOG [dunedaq::timing::GlobalNode::enable_upstream_endpoint(...) at /users/sp13109/daq_2_5_0/rtt_testing/sourcecode/timing/src/GlobalNode.cpp:96] Upstream endpoint reset, waiting for lock
Endpoint (adr: 1, mux: 0) RTT: 32
(dbt-pyvenv) -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                0                |
| State            | Ready (0x8)                     |
| Partition        | 0                               |
| Address          | 1                               |
| Timestamp        | Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:13:52 +0000 |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x12044cd3ff9f626               |
| EventCounter     | 0                               |
| Buffer status    | OK                              |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                               |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x2    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x1    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x0    |
| ep_stat    |   0x8    |
| fdelay     |   0x7    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |   128    |
| Echo         |    2     |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |

Test 5: 5.3.0b2 (62.5MHz)


The bitfile used for the fanout was:

The endpoint bitfile was:


The software version used for this test was: standalone/rtt_testing

Test results

    -bash-4.2$ pdtbutler io PROD_FANOUT_0 reset --fanout-mode 1 --force-pll-cfg ~/clkfiles/pc059_standalone_312_mhz-059_1_62-Registers.txt
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
Design 'fanout' on board 'pc059' on carrier 'enclustra-a35'
Resetting PROD_FANOUT_0
local master - standalone mode
2021-06-04 12:34:21.842 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration file : /users/sp13109/clkfiles/pc059_standalone_312_mhz-059_1_62-Registers.txt
2021-06-04 12:34:21.845 pdt NOTICE   | Configuring PLL        : SI5345
2021-06-04 12:34:24.230 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration id   : 059_1_62
2021-06-04 12:34:24.236 pdt NOTICE   | SFPs 0-7 enabled
2021-06-04 12:34:24.236 pdt NOTICE   | Reset done
2021-06-04 12:34:24.236 pdt NOTICE   | SFP input mux set to 0
Active sfp mux 0x0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

-----PC059 IO state----
|   Register  | Value |
|   cdr_lol   |  0x1  |
|   cdr_los   |  0x1  |
|   mmcm_ok   |  0x1  |
| mmcm_sticky |  0x0  |
|   pll_lol   |  0x1  |
|    pll_ok   |  0x0  |
|  pll_sticky |  0x0  |
|   sfp_los   |  0xff |
|   ucdr_lol  |  0x1  |
|   ucdr_los  |  0x0  |
|   usfp_flt  |  0x0  |
|   usfp_los  |  0x0  |

Active sfp mux 0

PLL Clock frequency measurement:
PLL freq: 312.499140498
CDR freq: 790.225442518

PLL configuration id   : 059_1_62
-------PLL information------
|     Register    |  Value |
|   Device grade  |   0x0  |
| Device revision |   0x1  |
|   Part number   | 0x5345 |

----------PLL state----------
|      Register     | Value |
|      CAL_PLL      |  0x0  |
|        HOLD       |  0x1  |
|        LOL        |  0x1  |
|        LOS        |  0x0  |
|      LOSXAXB      |  0x0  |
|    LOSXAXB_FLG    |  0x1  |
|        OOF        |  0x0  |
|    OOF (sticky)   |  0xf  |
|   SMBUS_TIMEOUT   |  0x0  |
|      SYSINCAL     |  0x0  |
|    SYSINCAL_FLG   |  0x1  |
|      XAXB_ERR     |  0x0  |
|    XAXB_ERR_FLG   |  0x1  |

-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 synctime
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-04 12:34:42.472 pdt NOTICE   | Old timestamp: 0x4418cbc4, Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:22 +0000
2021-06-04 12:34:42.473 pdt NOTICE   | New timestamp: 0x12044b1e2f0fa1a, Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:34:42 +0000
(reverse-i-search)`confi': cd ^Cnfig/etc/clock/
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 part 0 configure
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5

Configuring partition 0
Trigger mask set to 0xf1
  Fake mask 0x1
  Phys mask 0xf
Partition 0 enabled and configured
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler io EPT_0 reset --force-pll-cfg tests/etc/clock/devel/Si5394-053endptr_62-5MHz_4kHz-Registers.txt
Created device EPT_0
Design 'endpoint' on board 'fmc' on carrier 'enclustra-a35'
Resetting EPT_0
2021-06-04 12:36:21.196 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration file : tests/etc/clock/devel/Si5394-053endptr_62-5MHz_4kHz-Registers.txt
2021-06-04 12:36:21.200 pdt NOTICE   | Configuring PLL        : SI5394
2021-06-04 12:36:23.736 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration id   : 053endpt
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

------FMC IO state-----
|   Register  | Value |
|   cdr_lol   |  0x0  |
|   cdr_los   |  0x0  |
|   mmcm_ok   |  0x0  |
| mmcm_sticky |  0x0  |
|   sfp_flt   |  0x0  |
|   sfp_los   |  0x0  |

PLL Clock frequency measurement:
PLL freq: 312.488530872
CDR freq: 312.491868732

PLL configuration id   : 053endpt
-------PLL information------
|     Register    |  Value |
|   Device grade  |   0x0  |
| Device revision |   0x0  |
|   Part number   | 0x5394 |

----------PLL state----------
|      Register     | Value |
|      CAL_PLL      |  0x0  |
|        HOLD       |  0x0  |
|        LOL        |  0x0  |
|        LOS        |  0x0  |
|      LOSXAXB      |  0x0  |
|    LOSXAXB_FLG    |  0x1  |
|        OOF        |  0x0  |
|    OOF (sticky)   |  0xf  |
|   SMBUS_TIMEOUT   |  0x0  |
|      SYSINCAL     |  0x0  |
|    SYSINCAL_FLG   |  0x1  |
|      XAXB_ERR     |  0x0  |
|    XAXB_ERR_FLG   |  0x1  |

-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 enable -a 0x1
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                     0                      |
| State            | Waiting for phase adjustment command (0x6) |
| Partition        | 0                                          |
| Address          | 1                                          |
| Timestamp        | Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0000            |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x0                                        |
| EventCounter     | 0                                          |
| Buffer status    | OK                                         |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                                          |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x0    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x0    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x1    |
| ep_stat    |   0x6    |
| fdelay     |   0x0    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |          |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |
> Endpoints 0 on in partition 0
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                     0                      |
| State            | Waiting for phase adjustment command (0x6) |
| Partition        | 0                                          |
| Address          | 1                                          |
| Timestamp        | Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:37:12 +0000            |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x12044b3a2915aa8                          |
| EventCounter     | 0                                          |
| Buffer status    | OK                                         |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                                          |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x0    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x0    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x1    |
| ep_stat    |   0x6    |
| fdelay     |   0x0    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |    8     |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 part 0 status
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5

-- Master state---

Timestamp: 0x12044b3d561d39a -> Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:37:29 +0000

--------------Cmd gen counters--------------
|      | Accept counters | Reject counters |
| Chan |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|  0x0 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x1 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x2 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x3 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x4 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |

=> Partition 0

|    Register   | Value |
|     buf_en    |  0x0  |
|   frag_mask   |  0x0  |
|    part_en    |  0x1  |
|  rate_ctrl_en |  0x1  |
|    run_req    |  0x0  |
| spill_gate_en |  0x1  |
|  trig_ctr_rst |  0x0  |
|    trig_en    |  0x0  |
|   trig_mask   |  0xf1 |

| Register | Value |
|  buf_err |  0x0  |
| buf_warn |  0x0  |
|  in_run  |  0x0  |
| in_spill |  0x0  |
|  part_up |  0x1  |
|  run_int |  0x0  |

Event Counter: 0
Buffer status: OK
Buffer occupancy: 0

|             | Accept counters | Reject counters |
|     Cmd     |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|   TimeSync  |   122  |  0x7a  |    0   |   0x0  |
|     Echo    |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  SpillStart |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  SpillStop  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   RunStart  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   RunStop   |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   WibCalib  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   SSPCalib  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig0  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig1  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig2  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig3  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   BeamTrig  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  NoBeamTrig |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
| ExtFakeTrig |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |

(reverse-i-search)`aling': pdtbutler mst ^Cing -h
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 align apply-delay 0x1 0x3 0x7 --force
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-04 12:37:28.366 pdt NOTICE   | Coarse delay 0x3 applied
2021-06-04 12:37:28.366 pdt NOTICE   | Fine delay   0x7 applied
2021-06-04 12:37:28.366 pdt NOTICE   | Phase delay  0x0 applied
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                0                |
| State            | Ready (0x8)                     |
| Partition        | 0                               |
| Address          | 1                               |
| Timestamp        | Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:38:20 +0000 |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x12044b46cc5cda4               |
| EventCounter     | 0                               |
| Buffer status    | OK                              |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                               |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x3    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x1    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x0    |
| ep_stat    |   0x8    |
| fdelay     |   0x7    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x0    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |    61    |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 align measure-delay -m 0 1
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-04 12:37:53.327 pdt NOTICE   | SFP input mux set to 0
2021-06-04 12:37:53.528 pdt NOTICE   | Upstream endpoint reset, waiting for lock
2021-06-04 12:37:53.628 pdt NOTICE   | ept state: 0x8 ept ready: 0x1
2021-06-04 12:37:53.628 pdt NOTICE   | Endpoint locked: state= 0x8
2021-06-04 12:37:53.729 pdt NOTICE   | rx done: 1
Endpoint (adr: 1, mux: 0) RTT: 33

-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 align apply-delay 0x1 0x2 0x7 --force
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-04 12:54:04.265 pdt NOTICE   | Coarse delay 0x2 applied
2021-06-04 12:54:04.265 pdt NOTICE   | Fine delay   0x7 applied
2021-06-04 12:54:04.265 pdt NOTICE   | Phase delay  0x0 applied
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 align measure-delay -m 0 1
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-04 12:54:06.749 pdt NOTICE   | SFP input mux set to 0
2021-06-04 12:54:06.950 pdt NOTICE   | Upstream endpoint reset, waiting for lock
2021-06-04 12:54:07.050 pdt NOTICE   | ept state: 0x8 ept ready: 0x1
2021-06-04 12:54:07.050 pdt NOTICE   | Endpoint locked: state= 0x8
2021-06-04 12:54:07.151 pdt NOTICE   | rx done: 1
Endpoint (adr: 1, mux: 0) RTT: 32

Test 6: 5.2.1 (50MHz)


The bitfile used for the fanout was: The endpoint bitfile was:

The software version used for this test was: standalone/rtt_testing

Test results

-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler io PROD_FANOUT_0 reset
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
Design 'fanout' on board 'pc059' on carrier 'enclustra-a35'
Resetting PROD_FANOUT_0
Fanout mode enabled
2021-06-04 12:11:00.067 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration file : /users/sp13109/rtt_testing_5_3_0/timing/tests/etc/clock/wr/FANOUT_PLL_WIDEBW_SFPIN.txt
2021-06-04 12:11:00.069 pdt NOTICE   | Configuring PLL        : SI5345
2021-06-04 12:11:02.332 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration id   : pc059_10
2021-06-04 12:11:02.337 pdt NOTICE   | SFPs 0-7 enabled
2021-06-04 12:11:02.337 pdt NOTICE   | Reset done
2021-06-04 12:11:02.338 pdt NOTICE   | SFP input mux set to 0
Active sfp mux 0x0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

-----PC059 IO state----
|   Register  | Value |
|   cdr_lol   |  0x1  |
|   cdr_los   |  0x1  |
|   mmcm_ok   |  0x1  |
| mmcm_sticky |  0x0  |
|   pll_lol   |  0x1  |
|    pll_ok   |  0x0  |
|  pll_sticky |  0x0  |
|   sfp_los   |  0xff |
|   ucdr_lol  |  0x0  |
|   ucdr_los  |  0x0  |
|   usfp_flt  |  0x0  |
|   usfp_los  |  0x0  |

Active sfp mux 0

PLL Clock frequency measurement:
PLL freq: 249.999622343
CDR freq: 791.949804753

PLL configuration id   : pc059_10
-------PLL information------
|     Register    |  Value |
|   Device grade  |   0x0  |
| Device revision |   0x1  |
|   Part number   | 0x5345 |

----------PLL state----------
|      Register     | Value |
|      CAL_PLL      |  0x0  |
|        HOLD       |  0x1  |
|        LOL        |  0x1  |
|        LOS        |  0x5  |
|      LOSXAXB      |  0x0  |
|    LOSXAXB_FLG    |  0x1  |
|        OOF        |  0x7  |
|    OOF (sticky)   |  0xf  |
|   SMBUS_TIMEOUT   |  0x0  |
|      SYSINCAL     |  0x0  |
|    SYSINCAL_FLG   |  0x1  |
|      XAXB_ERR     |  0x0  |
|    XAXB_ERR_FLG   |  0x1  |

-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler io PROD_FANOUT_0 reset  ^C
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler io PROD_FANOUT_0 reset --fanout-mode 1
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
Design 'fanout' on board 'pc059' on carrier 'enclustra-a35'
Resetting PROD_FANOUT_0
local master - standalone mode
2021-06-04 12:11:29.609 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration file : /users/sp13109/rtt_testing_5_3_0/timing/tests/etc/clock/devel/PDTS_PC059_FANOUT.txt
2021-06-04 12:11:29.612 pdt NOTICE   | Configuring PLL        : SI5345
2021-06-04 12:11:31.932 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration id   : pc059_08
2021-06-04 12:11:31.937 pdt NOTICE   | SFPs 0-7 enabled
2021-06-04 12:11:31.937 pdt NOTICE   | Reset done
2021-06-04 12:11:31.938 pdt NOTICE   | SFP input mux set to 0
Active sfp mux 0x0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

-----PC059 IO state----
|   Register  | Value |
|   cdr_lol   |  0x1  |
|   cdr_los   |  0x1  |
|   mmcm_ok   |  0x1  |
| mmcm_sticky |  0x0  |
|   pll_lol   |  0x1  |
|    pll_ok   |  0x0  |
|  pll_sticky |  0x0  |
|   sfp_los   |  0xff |
|   ucdr_lol  |  0x0  |
|   ucdr_los  |  0x0  |
|   usfp_flt  |  0x0  |
|   usfp_los  |  0x0  |

Active sfp mux 0

PLL Clock frequency measurement:
PLL freq: 249.999383924
CDR freq: 791.102226772

PLL configuration id   : pc059_08
-------PLL information------
|     Register    |  Value |
|   Device grade  |   0x0  |
| Device revision |   0x1  |
|   Part number   | 0x5345 |

----------PLL state----------
|      Register     | Value |
|      CAL_PLL      |  0x0  |
|        HOLD       |  0x1  |
|        LOL        |  0x1  |
|        LOS        |  0x5  |
|      LOSXAXB      |  0x0  |
|    LOSXAXB_FLG    |  0x1  |
|        OOF        |  0x5  |
|    OOF (sticky)   |  0xf  |
|   SMBUS_TIMEOUT   |  0x0  |
|      SYSINCAL     |  0x0  |
|    SYSINCAL_FLG   |  0x1  |
|      XAXB_ERR     |  0x0  |
|    XAXB_ERR_FLG   |  0x1  |

-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_MASTER synctime
Created device PROD_MASTER
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |       tlu      |
| Board revision |    kTLURev1    |
|    Board UID   | 0x5410ecbba408 |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    overlord    |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-04 12:11:55.790 pdt NOTICE   | Old timestamp: 0x12044a1f7b5abb5, Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:11:54 +0000
2021-06-04 12:11:55.791 pdt NOTICE   | New timestamp: 0x12044a1f8f6a31a, Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:11:55 +0000
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 synctime
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-04 12:12:07.274 pdt NOTICE   | Old timestamp: 0x696e8eb2, Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:35 +0000
2021-06-04 12:12:07.274 pdt NOTICE   | New timestamp: 0x12044a21cb9e741, Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:12:07 +0000
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 part 0 configure
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5

Configuring partition 0
Trigger mask set to 0xf1
  Fake mask 0x1
  Phys mask 0xf
Partition 0 enabled and configured
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler io EPT_0 reset
Created device EPT_0
Design 'endpoint' on board 'fmc' on carrier 'enclustra-a35'
Resetting EPT_0
2021-06-04 12:12:31.256 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration file : /users/sp13109/rtt_testing_5_3_0/timing/tests/etc/clock/devel/ENDPOINT-Si5344-50MHzRef.txt
2021-06-04 12:12:31.260 pdt NOTICE   | Configuring PLL        : SI5394
2021-06-04 12:12:34.309 pdt NOTICE   | PLL configuration id   : 20180917
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

------FMC IO state-----
|   Register  | Value |
|   cdr_lol   |  0x0  |
|   cdr_los   |  0x0  |
|   mmcm_ok   |  0x0  |
| mmcm_sticky |  0x0  |
|   sfp_flt   |  0x0  |
|   sfp_los   |  0x0  |

PLL Clock frequency measurement:
PLL freq: 249.991039275
CDR freq: 249.994019507

PLL configuration id   : 20180917
-------PLL information------
|     Register    |  Value |
|   Device grade  |   0x0  |
| Device revision |   0x0  |
|   Part number   | 0x5394 |

----------PLL state----------
|      Register     | Value |
|      CAL_PLL      |  0x0  |
|        HOLD       |  0x0  |
|        LOL        |  0x0  |
|        LOS        |  0x0  |
|      LOSXAXB      |  0x0  |
|    LOSXAXB_FLG    |  0x1  |
|        OOF        |  0x0  |
|    OOF (sticky)   |  0xf  |
|   SMBUS_TIMEOUT   |  0x0  |
|      SYSINCAL     |  0x0  |
|    SYSINCAL_FLG   |  0x1  |
|      XAXB_ERR     |  0x0  |
|    XAXB_ERR_FLG   |  0x1  |

-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 enable -a 0x1
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                     0                      |
| State            | Waiting for phase adjustment command (0x6) |
| Partition        | 0                                          |
| Address          | 1                                          |
| Timestamp        | Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0000            |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x0                                        |
| EventCounter     | 0                                          |
| Buffer status    | OK                                         |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                                          |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x0    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x0    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x1    |
| ep_stat    |   0x6    |
| fdelay     |   0x0    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |          |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |
> Endpoints 0 on in partition 0
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler ept EPT_0 0 status
Created endpoint device EPT_0
-----------Hardware info----------
|   Board type   |      fmc      |
| Board revision |    kFMCRev3   |
|    Board UID   | 0x49162b675e3 |
|  Carrier type  | enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |    endpoint   |

|    0    |
| 0x50100 |
|     Endpoint     |                     0                      |
| State            | Waiting for phase adjustment command (0x6) |
| Partition        | 0                                          |
| Address          | 1                                          |
| Timestamp        | Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:13:01 +0000            |
| Timestamp (hex)  | 0x12044a2bf081d50                          |
| EventCounter     | 0                                          |
| Buffer status    | OK                                         |
| Buffer occupancy | 0                                          |

--- Endpoint state ---
|  Endpoint  |    0     |
| buf_err    |   0x0    |
| buf_warn   |   0x0    |
| cdelay     |   0x0    |
| ep_rdy     |   0x0    |
| ep_rsto    |   0x1    |
| ep_stat    |   0x6    |
| fdelay     |   0x0    |
| in_run     |   0x0    |
| in_spill   |   0x0    |
| sfp_tx_dis |   0x1    |

--- Command counters ---
|   Endpoint   |    0     |
| TimeSync     |    13    |
| Echo         |          |
| SpillStart   |          |
| SpillStop    |          |
| RunStart     |          |
| RunStop      |          |
| WibCalib     |          |
| SSPCalib     |          |
| FakeTrig0    |          |
| FakeTrig1    |          |
| FakeTrig2    |          |
| FakeTrig3    |          |
| BeamTrig     |          |
| NoBeamTrig   |          |
| ExtFakeTrig  |          |
| None         |          |
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 part 0 status
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5

-- Master state---

Timestamp: 0x12044a2f81b285f -> Fri, 04 Jun 2021 12:13:20 +0000

--------------Cmd gen counters--------------
|      | Accept counters | Reject counters |
| Chan |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|  0x0 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x1 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x2 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x3 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  0x4 |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |

=> Partition 0

|    Register   | Value |
|     buf_en    |  0x0  |
|   frag_mask   |  0x0  |
|    part_en    |  0x1  |
|  rate_ctrl_en |  0x1  |
|    run_req    |  0x0  |
| spill_gate_en |  0x1  |
|  trig_ctr_rst |  0x0  |
|    trig_en    |  0x0  |
|   trig_mask   |  0xf1 |

| Register | Value |
|  buf_err |  0x0  |
| buf_warn |  0x0  |
|  in_run  |  0x0  |
| in_spill |  0x0  |
|  part_up |  0x1  |
|  run_int |  0x0  |

Event Counter: 0
Buffer status: OK
Buffer occupancy: 0

|             | Accept counters | Reject counters |
|     Cmd     |  cnts  |   hex  |  cnts  |   hex  |
|   TimeSync  |   59   |  0x3b  |    0   |   0x0  |
|     Echo    |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  SpillStart |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  SpillStop  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   RunStart  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   RunStop   |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   WibCalib  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   SSPCalib  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig0  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig1  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig2  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  FakeTrig3  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|   BeamTrig  |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
|  NoBeamTrig |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |
| ExtFakeTrig |    0   |   0x0  |    0   |   0x0  |

-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 align apply-delay 0x1 0x3 0x2 --force
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-04 12:17:18.501 pdt NOTICE   | Coarse delay 0x3 applied
2021-06-04 12:17:18.501 pdt NOTICE   | Fine delay   0x2 applied
2021-06-04 12:17:18.501 pdt NOTICE   | Phase delay  0x0 applied
-bash-4.2$ pdtbutler mst PROD_FANOUT_0 align measure-delay -m 0 1
Created device PROD_FANOUT_0
-----------Hardware info-----------
|   Board type   |      pc059     |
| Board revision |   kPC059Rev1   |
|    Board UID   | 0xd88039d9248e |
|  Carrier type  |  enclustra-a35 |
|   Design type  |     fanout     |

Master FW rev: 0x50100, partitions: 4, channels: 5
2021-06-04 12:17:21.239 pdt NOTICE   | SFP input mux set to 0
2021-06-04 12:17:21.440 pdt NOTICE   | Upstream endpoint reset, waiting for lock
2021-06-04 12:17:21.540 pdt NOTICE   | ept state: 0x8 ept ready: 0x1
2021-06-04 12:17:21.541 pdt NOTICE   | Endpoint locked: state= 0x8
2021-06-04 12:17:21.641 pdt NOTICE   | rx done: 1
Endpoint (adr: 1, mux: 0) RTT: 30

-- SudarshanParamesvaran - 2021-06-02

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Topic revision: r3 - 2021-06-08 - SudarshanParamesvaran
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