Appendix: Documentation Review Process

1. Introduction

EMI technical documentation associated to EMI products is reviewed by the Documentation Team in detail on each EMI major release. For each EMI Update, the Documentation Team monitors whether the introduced changes have any impact on the documentation, making sure the documentation is kept up to date.

The Documentation Team is lead by the SA2.2 task and is comprised of members from the SA2 and NA2 activities.

2. EMI 1 Documentation Review Process

The process followed to evaluate the EMI 1 Documentation is reported in the EMI 1 Documentation Review Process [R6]. Note that this process does no longer apply and the EMI 1 Updates Documentation Review Process should be now followed.

3. EMI 1 Updates Documentation Review Process

The Documentation Team is responsible for monitoring changes in the documentation associated to any EMI updates.

The Documentation Team checks the certification report [R7] of release tasks in status Certified or Ready for Testbed or Deployed on Testbed in the release tracker [R3]. The reason for several possible states is that the deployment of the new product version in the EMI testbed must progress independenlty from the documentation review. The documentation review must be done the latest when the task is in status Deployed on Testbed.

In particular, the Documentation Team checks the following questions of the certification report:

  • Are there documentation changes in this release? [ Yes/No ]
  • If Yes, are the changes reported in the Component Release Notes? [ Yes/No/NA ]

Depending on the answer to the previous questions, the following actions need to be applied:

Documentation changes? Reported in the Release Notes? Relevant documents are indeed updated Link to the Documentation in the EMI web pages is still the same Message to be posted in the release task
YES YES YES YES Documentation Review DONE and OK
NO YES YES Documentation Review DONE. Release Notes to be updated mentioning that there are documentation changes
YES NO YES Documentation Review DONE. Further actions are needed by the PT and they will be tracked in task #XXXX
YES YES NO Documentation Review DONE AND OK. Further actions in the EMI web pages will be tracked in task #XXXX
NO - - - Documentation Review DONE and OK

When further actions are needed, a documentation task is opened by the Documentation Team. See section 6 for more details.

4. EMI 2 and EMI 3 Documentation Review Process

The process followed to evaluate the EMI 2 Documentation is reported in the EMI 2 Documentation Review Process twiki. The same process is applicable for EMI 3 Documentation Review.

5. Updates of the Documentation without an associated release task

In case documentation needs to be updated (i.e. A GGUS ticket reporting a documentation mistake or a PT prepares a new version of the document) and there is no relevant release task associated, the Documentation Team is responsible for opening a documentation task.

The documentation task is opened by the Documentation Team based on the information available in the GGUS ticket or by the information provided by the PT in the mail sent to the Documentation Team. See section 6 for more details.

The Documentation Team should therefore monitor the status of the GGUS EMI Dashboard [R5] and follow up on Documentation related tickets.

6. How to manage documentation tasks

Documentation issues are tracked in EMT tasks in the EMT tracker [R4].

EMT tasks tracking documentation issues should be of the category EMI Documentation.

The task is always created by the Documentation Team and it is assigned to:

  • The PT when they need to provide an updated version of a document or a missing document. Once they provide the relevant links, the Documentation Team verifies them.
    • If the links have changed to respect to what it is availble in the EMI web pages or the document is new and needs to be added in the EMI web pages, the Documentation Team re-assigns the EMT task to emi-emt-docs so that the EMI release web pages are updated. Once the EMI web pages are updated, emi-emt-docs moves the EMT task to Done. It's the Documentation Team responsibility to verify that the web pages are actually updated and to close the EMT task.
    • If no action is required in the EMI web pages, the Documentation Team moves the EMT task to Done and closes it.
  • emi-emt-docs if only an update on the EMI web pages is needed. Once the EMI web pages are updated, emi-emt-docs moves the EMT task to Done. It's the Documentation Team responsibility to verify that the web pages are actually updated and to close the EMT task.

7. Contacts

Documentation Team

8. Table of References

Reference URL
R1 EMI 1 Documentation Review Shared Spreadsheet
R2 EMI 1 Documentation Review Responsibilities
R3 EMI Release tracker
R4 EMI EMT tracker
R5 GGUS EMI Dashboard
R6 EMI 1 Documentation Review Process
R7 EMI Certification Report

9. Logbook

v2.2 (In progress)

  • 26.04.2011: Change SA2.5 references with Documentation Team. Define EMI 2 Review Process.

v2.1 (Approved in 08.08.2011)

  • 08.08.2011: Align with latest changes in the Change Management Policy. Documentation should be reviewed when tasks are moved to Certified.

v2.0 (Approved in 21.07.2011)

  • 13.07.2011: Changed the Documentation Review Process for Updates after feedback received in the EMT. Align it with the Certification Policy.
  • 04.07.2011: Added sections for EMI 1 Updates and EMI 2.
  • 01.07.2011: Added table of references.

v1.0 (Approved in 18.04.2011)

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif DocReviewSurvey.gif r3 r2 r1 manage 122.3 K 2011-04-05 - 17:20 MariaALANDESPRADILLO  
Unknown file formatxlsx Doc_Review_EMI1.xlsx r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 12.9 K 2011-04-20 - 16:15 MariaALANDESPRADILLO  
PDFpdf EMI_SA2_Doc_Review_Process_EMI1.pdf r1 manage 567.6 K 2011-07-01 - 15:30 MariaALANDESPRADILLO  
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Topic revision: r25 - 2013-01-18 - MariaALANDESPRADILLO
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