WLCG Http Proxy Discovery Task Force

Contents of this page:


  • Define the WLCG-wide standards for grid jobs to find out what HTTP proxy or proxies to use


  • This problem has already been attempted to be solved in many different ways, none of them very completely, for example by CernVM, GlideinWMS, ATLAS site configurator, generator files for ATLAS & CMS, and now the Shoal tool for cloud proxies
  • Having a standard would make it much easier for new applications to use local http proxy caches


All members can be contacted at wlcg-ops-coord-tf-httpproxydiscovery@cernNOSPAMPLEASE.ch

Task Overview

Task DeadlineSorted ascending Progress Affected VO Affected Siites Comment
Update CVMFS client to robustly support round-robin proxies December 2014 100% All All Tracked in JIRA ticket Implemented for cvmfs 2.1.20
Get critical mass of sites registered in GOCDB/OIM February 2015 100% All All Done
Implement squid monitoring based on GOCDB/OIM November 2014 100% All All Done by Alastair Dewhurst
Implement WPAD service wlcg-wpad.cern.ch/wpad.dat September 2016 100% All All Done by Dave Dykstra.






The task force agreed to the standards in HttpProxyDiscoveryProposal, and the http://wlcg-wpad.cern.ch/wpad.dat service is now in operation. Strong negative feedback was received from the first site that attempted to implement http://wpad/wpad.dat (that is, CERN) so the task force agreed that clients would first try an additional URL http://grid-wpad/wpad.dat. In addition, a http://wlcg-wpad.fnal.gov/wpad.dat service has been made available as an identical partner to the one in cern.ch.

In summary, WLCG clients SHOULD attempt to read Proxy Auto Config files from the following URLs:

http://grid-wpad/wpad.dat; http://wpad/wpad.dat; http://wlcg-wpad.cern.ch/wpad.dat; http://wlcg-wpad.fnal.gov/wpad.dat
In general they SHOULD be tried in that order, although clients MAY choose to reverse the order of the last two.

This topic: LCG > WebHome > WLCGCommonComputingReadinessChallenges > WLCGOperationsWeb > WLCGOpsCoordination > HttpProxyDiscoveryTaskForce
Topic revision: r27 - 2020-03-18 - DaveDykstra
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