WLCG VO token usage examples

On this page we spell out how to get SciTokens from the WLCG VO that can be used for development and tests.

To register in the WLCG VO, follow the instructions on its login page:

Then, on the client host as root:

yum install https://github.com/indigo-dc/oidc-agent/releases/download/v3.3.1/oidc-agent-3.3.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

yum install https://repo.opensciencegrid.org/osg/3.6/el7/release/x86_64/htgettoken-1.11-1.osg36.el7.x86_64.rpm

Newer versions of oidc-agent are available from GitHub, while the newest releases are only available from repo.data.kit.edu.
The latest version tested with these examples was 4.5.1 so far.
NOTE: installing oidc-agent-cli is sufficient for simple (e.g. non-interactive) CLI use cases!

As an unprivileged user:

(umask 077; oidc-agent > oidc-env.sh)
source oidc-env.sh

(umask 077; uuidgen > oidc-pw.txt)

(umask 077; oidc-gen --pw-cmd="cat $PWD/oidc-pw.txt" -w device wlcg)

Follow the instructions... If all went well, a token can be acquired and examined as follows:

(umask 077; oidc-token -t 3500 wlcg > /tmp/wlcg-token)

httokendecode -H /tmp/wlcg-token

One can restrict the scopes and audiences like this:

(umask 077; oidc-token -s compute.create -s compute.read -s compute.cancel -s compute.modify \
 --aud 'target-ce-1.domain:9619 target-ce-2.somewhere:9619 .....' -t 3500 wlcg > /tmp/wlcg-token)

An environment variable can be used for convenience:

export BEARER_TOKEN_FILE=/tmp/wlcg-token
httokendecode -H

NOTE: for the WLCG VO, the token has a maximum lifetime of 1 hour,
which also is the value used whenever a new token needs to be acquired,
viz. when the lifetime of the most recently acquired token is lower than
the minimum lifetime requested in the oidc-token command.

Get the token subject string as follows:

httokendecode -H /tmp/wlcg-token | awk '$1 ~ /sub/ { print $2 }' | tr -d \",

On an HTCondor CE that should accept jobs submitted with these tokens,
it must be added to a mapfile under /etc/condor-ce/mapfiles.d e.g. like this
(replace the example UUID with the token subject; the target account must exist):

# cat /etc/condor-ce/mapfiles.d/11-scitokens.conf
SCITOKENS /^https:\/\/wlcg\.cloud\.cnaf\.infn\.it\/,8c3c01a9-ee96-4f6e-989c-ad1e279244ae$/ wlcg001

On the next login, presuming the oidc-agent is still running:

source oidc-env.sh

ps -p $OIDCD_PID -o command= | grep -q oidc-agent && echo Running || echo Not running

If the original oidc-agent is no longer running (and presuming $PWD is the same as before):

(umask 077; oidc-agent > oidc-env.sh)
source oidc-env.sh

oidc-add --pw-cmd="cat $PWD/oidc-pw.txt" wlcg

Then tokens can again be acquired as before:

(umask 077; oidc-token -t 3500 wlcg > /tmp/wlcg-token)

export BEARER_TOKEN_FILE=/tmp/wlcg-token

httokendecode -H
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