------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Welcome to ROOT 6.06/08 http://root.cern.ch | | (c) 1995-2016, The ROOT Team | | Built for linuxx8664gcc | | From heads/v6-06-00-patches@v6-06-06-30-g3bae07b, Sep 01 2016, 14:28:05 | | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Processing /afs/cern.ch/sw/geant4/user/vnivanch/verification/verification/electromagnetic/root/Reader.C... ### Input file is opened ### Input file is opened Type of analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Welcome to ROOT 6.06/08 http://root.cern.ch | | (c) 1995-2016, The ROOT Team | | Built for linuxx8664gcc | | From heads/v6-06-00-patches@v6-06-06-30-g3bae07b, Sep 01 2016, 14:28:05 | | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Processing /afs/cern.ch/sw/geant4/user/vnivanch/verification/verification/electromagnetic/root/ReaderHec.C... ### Input file is opened ### Input file is opened ### Input file is opened ### Input file is opened ### Input file is opened ### Input file is opened ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Welcome to ROOT 6.06/08 http://root.cern.ch | | (c) 1995-2016, The ROOT Team | | Built for linuxx8664gcc | | From heads/v6-06-00-patches@v6-06-06-30-g3bae07b, Sep 01 2016, 14:28:05 | | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Processing /afs/cern.ch/sw/geant4/user/vnivanch/verification/verification/electromagnetic/root/ReaderHec.C... ### Input file is opened ### Input file is opened ### Input file is opened ### Input file is opened ### Input file is opened ### Input file is opened ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Welcome to ROOT 6.06/08 http://root.cern.ch | | (c) 1995-2016, The ROOT Team | | Built for linuxx8664gcc | | From heads/v6-06-00-patches@v6-06-06-30-g3bae07b, Sep 01 2016, 14:28:05 | | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Processing /afs/cern.ch/sw/geant4/user/vnivanch/verification/verification/electromagnetic/hecatlas/Plot.C... Next file: idx= 0 file= ../geant4-10-04-ref-08/tbhec30gev.root txtx= 10.4ref08 bins= 10 Draw idx= 0 Next file: idx= 1 file= ../geant4-10-04-patch-01/tbhec30gev.root txtx= 10.4p01 Error in : file ../geant4-10-04-patch-01/tbhec30gev.root does not exist Check file: ../geant4-10-04-patch-01/tbhec30.root bins= 10 Draw idx= 1 Next file: idx= 2 file= ../geant4-10-03-patch-03/tbhec30gev.root txtx= 10.3p03 Error in : file ../geant4-10-03-patch-03/tbhec30gev.root does not exist Check file: ../geant4-10-03-patch-03/tbhec30.root bins= 10 Draw idx= 2 Next file: idx= 3 file= ../geant4-10-02-patch-03/tbhec30gev.root txtx= 10.2p03 Error in : file ../geant4-10-02-patch-03/tbhec30gev.root does not exist Check file: ../geant4-10-02-patch-03/tbhec30.root bins= 10 Draw idx= 3 Next file: idx= 4 file= ../geant4-09-06-patch-04/tbhec30gev.root txtx= 9.6p04 Error in : file ../geant4-09-06-patch-04/tbhec30gev.root does not exist Check file: ../geant4-09-06-patch-04/tbhec30.root bins= 10 Draw idx= 4 Info in : png file Ahecatlas.png has been created Done! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Welcome to ROOT 6.06/08 http://root.cern.ch | | (c) 1995-2016, The ROOT Team | | Built for linuxx8664gcc | | From heads/v6-06-00-patches@v6-06-06-30-g3bae07b, Sep 01 2016, 14:28:05 | | Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Processing /afs/cern.ch/sw/geant4/user/vnivanch/verification/verification/electromagnetic/hecatlas/PlotE.C... Next file: idx= 0 file= ../geant4-10-04-ref-08/tbhec.root bins= 6 0. y= 0.45 s= 0.2095 chi2= 2.41387 1. y= 0.41 s= 0.2099 chi2= 4.41368 2. y= 0.02 s= 0.2138 chi2= 4.41834 3. y= 0.25 s= 0.2115 chi2= 5.15596 4. y= 0.03 s= 0.2137 chi2= 5.16647 5. y= 0.17 s= 0.2123 chi2= 5.50618 Draw idx= 0 txtx= 10.4ref08 #Chi^{2}/n=1.1 Next file: idx= 1 file= ../geant4-10-04-ref-08/tbhecGS.root bins= 6 0. y= 0.31 s= 0.2109 chi2= 1.13756 1. y= 0.24 s= 0.2116 chi2= 1.81701 2. y= 0.41 s= 0.2099 chi2= 3.81682 3. y= 0.49 s= 0.2091 chi2= 6.68462 4. y= 0.29 s= 0.2111 chi2= 7.67914 5. y= 0.31 s= 0.2109 chi2= 8.8167 Draw idx= 1 txtx= 10.4ref08 GS #Chi^{2}/n=1.76 Next file: idx= 2 file= ../geant4-10-04-patch-01/tbhec.root bins= 6 0. y= 0.05 s= 0.2135 chi2= 0.0292117 1. y= 0.09 s= 0.2131 chi2= 0.124047 2. y= 0.54 s= 0.2086 chi2= 3.61568 3. y= 0.04 s= 0.2136 chi2= 3.63436 4. y= 0.2 s= 0.212 chi2= 4.10526 5. y= 0.21 s= 0.2119 chi2= 4.62469 Draw idx= 2 txtx= 10.4p01 #Chi^{2}/n=0.92 Next file: idx= 3 file= ../geant4-10-04-patch-01/tbhecGS.root bins= 6 0. y= 0.15 s= 0.2125 chi2= 0.26422 1. y= 0.44 s= 0.2096 chi2= 2.57084 2. y= 0.05 s= 0.2135 chi2= 2.60006 3. y= 0.29 s= 0.2111 chi2= 3.59458 4. y= 0.31 s= 0.2109 chi2= 4.73214 5. y= 0.39 s= 0.2101 chi2= 6.5398 Draw idx= 3 txtx= 10.4p01 GS #Chi^{2}/n=1.3 Next file: idx= 4 file= ../geant4-10-03-patch-03/tbhec.root bins= 6 0. y= 0.25 s= 0.2115 chi2= 0.737618 1. y= 0.3 s= 0.211 chi2= 1.80244 2. y= -0.07 s= 0.2147 chi2= 1.85935 3. y= 0.14 s= 0.2126 chi2= 2.08941 4. y= -0.12 s= 0.2152 chi2= 2.25624 5. y= 0.15 s= 0.2125 chi2= 2.52046 Draw idx= 4 txtx= 10.3p03 #Chi^{2}/n=0.5 Next file: idx= 5 file= ../geant4-10-02-patch-03/tbhec.root bins= 6 0. y= 0.22 s= 0.2118 chi2= 0.570356 1. y= 0.07 s= 0.2133 chi2= 0.627668 2. y= 0.12 s= 0.2128 chi2= 0.796516 3. y= -0.11 s= 0.2151 chi2= 0.936777 4. y= 0.48 s= 0.2092 chi2= 3.68734 5. y= 0.07 s= 0.2133 chi2= 3.74465 Draw idx= 5 txtx= 10.2p03 #Chi^{2}/n=0.74 Info in : png file Ahec_res.png has been created Done!