Search for electroweak production of supersymmetric states in scenarios with compressed mass spectra at TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in scenarios with compressed mass spectra in final states with two low-momentum leptons and missing transverse momentum is presented. This search uses proton-proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2015-2016, corresponding to 36.1 fb of integrated luminosity at TeV. Events with same-flavor pairs of electrons or muons with opposite electric charge are selected. The data are found to be consistent with the Standard Model prediction. Results are interpreted using simplified models of R-parity-conserving supersymmetry in which there is a small mass difference between the masses of the produced supersymmetric particles and the lightest neutralino. Exclusion limits at 95% confidence level are set on next-to-lightest neutralino masses of up to 145 GeV for Higgsino production and 175 GeV for wino production, and slepton masses of up to 190 GeV for pair production of sleptons. In the compressed mass regime, the exclusion limits extend down to mass splittings of 2.5 GeV for Higgsino production, 2 GeV for wino production, and 1 GeV for slepton production. The results are also interpreted in the context of a radiatively-driven natural supersymmetry model with non-universal Higgs boson masses.
21 December 2017
Table 01
Simulated samples of Standard Model background processes. The PDF set refers to that used for the matrix element.
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Table 02
Summary of event selection criteria. The binning scheme used to define the final signal regions is shown in Table 3. Signal leptons and signal jets are used when applying all requirements.
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Table 03
Signal region binning for the electroweakino and slepton SRs. Each SR is defined by the lepton flavor (ee, μμ, or ℓℓ for both) and a range of m
ℓℓ (for electroweakino SRs) or m
T2100 (for slepton SRs) in GeV. The inclusive bins are used to set model-independent limits, while the exclusive bins are used to derive exclusion limits on signal models.
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Table 04
Definition of control and validation regions. The common selection criteria in Table 2 are implied unless otherwise specified.
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Table 05
Left to right: The first two columns present observed (N
obs) and expected (N
exp) event yields in the inclusive signal regions. The latter are obtained by the background-only fit of the control regions, and the errors include both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The next two columns show the observed 95% CL upper limits on the visible cross-section (⟨εσ⟩
obs95) and on the number of signal events (S
obs95). The fifth column (S
exp95) shows what the 95% CL upper limit on the number of signal events would be, given an observed number of events equal to the expected number (and pm1σ deviations from the expectation) of background events. The last column indicates the discovery p-value (p(s = 0)), which is capped at 0.5.
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Table 06
Observed event yields and exclusion fit results with the signal strength parameter set to zero for the exclusive electroweakino and slepton signal regions. Background processes containing fewer than two prompt leptons are categorized as `Fake/nonprompt'. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. Uncertainties in the fitted background estimates combine statistical and systematic uncertainties.
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Figure 01a
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1± production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 01b
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1± production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 01c
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1± production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 01d
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1± production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 01e
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1± production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 01f
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1± production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 01g
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1± production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 02a
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 02b
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 02c
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 02d
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 02e
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 02f
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 02g
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 03a
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 03b
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 03c
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 03d
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 03e
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 03f
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 03g
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 04a
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 04b
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 04c
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 04d
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 04e
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 04f
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 04g
Truth acceptances for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 05a
Truth acceptances for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 05b
Truth acceptances for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 05c
Truth acceptances for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 05d
Truth acceptances for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 05e
Truth acceptances for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 05f
Truth acceptances for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Numbers overlaid on the mass planes are the acceptance × 10
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Figure 06a
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 06b
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 06c
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 06d
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 06e
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 06f
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 06g
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1+ production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 07a
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 07b
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 07c
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 07d
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 07e
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 07f
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 07g
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 08a
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 08b
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 08c
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 08d
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 08e
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 08f
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 08g
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
10 production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 09a
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 09b
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 09c
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 09d
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 09e
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 09f
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 09g
Efficiencies for the Higgsino χ̃
1- production process in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 10a
Efficiencies for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 10b
Efficiencies for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 10c
Efficiencies for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 10d
Efficiencies for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 10e
Efficiencies for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 10f
Efficiencies for the ℓ̃ℓ̃ production in the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Efficiencies are computed as the ``acceptance times efficiency" divided by the acceptance. The black line indicates the maximum allowed value of Δ m or m
T2 for the inclusive signal region under study.
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Figure 11
Signal lepton efficiencies for electrons and muons, averaged over all Higgsino and slepton samples. Efficiencies are shown for leptons within detector acceptance, and with lepton p
T within a factor of 3 of Δ m(ℓ,χ̃
10) for slepton samples, or within a factor of 3 of Δ m(χ̃
10)/2 for Higgsino samples. Uncertainty bands represent the range of efficiencies observed across all signal samples for the given p
T bin. The η-dependence is consistent with values reported in ATLAS combined performance papers.
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Figure 12a
Cross-sections of the Higgsino signal grid for each production process denoted in the caption.
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Figure 12b
Cross-sections of the Higgsino signal grid for each production process denoted in the caption.
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Figure 12c
Cross-sections of the Higgsino signal grid for each production process denoted in the caption.
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Figure 12d
Cross-sections of the Higgsino signal grid for each production process denoted in the caption.
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Figure 13a
Cross-sections of the wino--bino signal grid for each production process in the caption.
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Figure 13b
Cross-sections of the wino--bino signal grid for each production process in the caption.
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Figure 14
Total cross-sections of the slepton simplified model signal grid. Slepton refers to a the scalar partners of the left- and right-handed electrons and muons, which are assumed to be mass degenerate m(ẽ
L) = m(ẽ
R) = m(μ̃
L) = m(μ̃
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Figure 15a
Distributions after the background-only fit of the control regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow indicates the final requirement used to define the selection.
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Figure 15b
Distributions after the background-only fit of the control regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow indicates the final requirement used to define the selection.
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Figure 15c
Distributions after the background-only fit of the control regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow indicates the final requirement used to define the selection.
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Figure 15d
Distributions after the background-only fit of the control regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow indicates the final requirement used to define the selection.
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Figure 15e
Distributions after the background-only fit of the control regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow indicates the final requirement used to define the selection.
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Figure 15f
Distributions after the background-only fit of the control regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow indicates the final requirement used to define the selection.
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Figure 16a
Distributions after the background-only fit in validation regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow in the E
Tmiss / H
Tlep distributions indicates the minimum value of the final requirement used to define the selection. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 16b
Distributions after the background-only fit in validation regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow in the E
Tmiss / H
Tlep distributions indicates the minimum value of the final requirement used to define the selection. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 16c
Distributions after the background-only fit in validation regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow in the E
Tmiss / H
Tlep distributions indicates the minimum value of the final requirement used to define the selection. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 16d
Distributions after the background-only fit in validation regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow in the E
Tmiss / H
Tlep distributions indicates the minimum value of the final requirement used to define the selection. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 16e
Distributions after the background-only fit in validation regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow in the E
Tmiss / H
Tlep distributions indicates the minimum value of the final requirement used to define the selection. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 16f
Distributions after the background-only fit in validation regions. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow in the E
Tmiss / H
Tlep distributions indicates the minimum value of the final requirement used to define the selection. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 17a
Distributions after the background-only fit for the same-sign validation regions, where the subleading lepton is either the electron ee+μ e or muon μμ + eμ. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 17b
Distributions after the background-only fit for the same-sign validation regions, where the subleading lepton is either the electron ee+μ e or muon μμ + eμ. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 17c
Distributions after the background-only fit for the same-sign validation regions, where the subleading lepton is either the electron ee+μ e or muon μμ + eμ. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 17d
Distributions after the background-only fit for the same-sign validation regions, where the subleading lepton is either the electron ee+μ e or muon μμ + eμ. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 17e
Distributions after the background-only fit for the same-sign validation regions, where the subleading lepton is either the electron ee+μ e or muon μμ + eμ. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 17f
Distributions after the background-only fit for the same-sign validation regions, where the subleading lepton is either the electron ee+μ e or muon μμ + eμ. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 18
Distributions after the background-only fit for the same-sign validation region. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 19a
Distributions after the exclusion fit to the SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ signal regions with the signal strength parameter set to zero. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow in the E
Tmiss / H
Tlep distribution indicates the minimum value of the final requirement used to define the selection. Benchmark Higgsino H̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines.
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Figure 19b
Distributions after the exclusion fit to the SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ signal regions with the signal strength parameter set to zero. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow in the E
Tmiss / H
Tlep distribution indicates the minimum value of the final requirement used to define the selection. Benchmark Higgsino H̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines.
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Figure 20a
Distributions after the exclusion fit to the SRℓℓ-m
T2100 signal regions with the signal strength parameter set to zero. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow in the E
Tmiss / H
Tlep distribution indicates the minimum value of the final requirement used to define the selection. Benchmark slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 20b
Distributions after the exclusion fit to the SRℓℓ-m
T2100 signal regions with the signal strength parameter set to zero. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The last bin includes overflow. The blue arrow in the E
Tmiss / H
Tlep distribution indicates the minimum value of the final requirement used to define the selection. Benchmark slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 21a
Distributions after the background-only fit of kinematic variables used to define selections common to all signal regions, i.e. not including requirements specific to the electroweakino or slepton SR definitions. Blue arrows in the upper panel denote the final requirement used to define the common SR, otherwise all selections are applied. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The first (last) bin includes underflow (overflow). Benchmark Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 21b
Distributions after the background-only fit of kinematic variables used to define selections common to all signal regions, i.e. not including requirements specific to the electroweakino or slepton SR definitions. Blue arrows in the upper panel denote the final requirement used to define the common SR, otherwise all selections are applied. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The first (last) bin includes underflow (overflow). Benchmark Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 21c
Distributions after the background-only fit of kinematic variables used to define selections common to all signal regions, i.e. not including requirements specific to the electroweakino or slepton SR definitions. Blue arrows in the upper panel denote the final requirement used to define the common SR, otherwise all selections are applied. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The first (last) bin includes underflow (overflow). Benchmark Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 21d
Distributions after the background-only fit of kinematic variables used to define selections common to all signal regions, i.e. not including requirements specific to the electroweakino or slepton SR definitions. Blue arrows in the upper panel denote the final requirement used to define the common SR, otherwise all selections are applied. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The first (last) bin includes underflow (overflow). Benchmark Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 21e
Distributions after the background-only fit of kinematic variables used to define selections common to all signal regions, i.e. not including requirements specific to the electroweakino or slepton SR definitions. Blue arrows in the upper panel denote the final requirement used to define the common SR, otherwise all selections are applied. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The first (last) bin includes underflow (overflow). Benchmark Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 21f
Distributions after the background-only fit of kinematic variables used to define selections common to all signal regions, i.e. not including requirements specific to the electroweakino or slepton SR definitions. Blue arrows in the upper panel denote the final requirement used to define the common SR, otherwise all selections are applied. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The first (last) bin includes underflow (overflow). Benchmark Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 21g
Distributions after the background-only fit of kinematic variables used to define selections common to all signal regions, i.e. not including requirements specific to the electroweakino or slepton SR definitions. Blue arrows in the upper panel denote the final requirement used to define the common SR, otherwise all selections are applied. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The first (last) bin includes underflow (overflow). Benchmark Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 21h
Distributions after the background-only fit of kinematic variables used to define selections common to all signal regions, i.e. not including requirements specific to the electroweakino or slepton SR definitions. Blue arrows in the upper panel denote the final requirement used to define the common SR, otherwise all selections are applied. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The first (last) bin includes underflow (overflow). Benchmark Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 21i
Distributions after the background-only fit of kinematic variables used to define selections common to all signal regions, i.e. not including requirements specific to the electroweakino or slepton SR definitions. Blue arrows in the upper panel denote the final requirement used to define the common SR, otherwise all selections are applied. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The first (last) bin includes underflow (overflow). Benchmark Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 21j
Distributions after the background-only fit of kinematic variables used to define selections common to all signal regions, i.e. not including requirements specific to the electroweakino or slepton SR definitions. Blue arrows in the upper panel denote the final requirement used to define the common SR, otherwise all selections are applied. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The first (last) bin includes underflow (overflow). Benchmark Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 21k
Distributions after the background-only fit of kinematic variables used to define selections common to all signal regions, i.e. not including requirements specific to the electroweakino or slepton SR definitions. Blue arrows in the upper panel denote the final requirement used to define the common SR, otherwise all selections are applied. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. The first (last) bin includes underflow (overflow). Benchmark Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals are overlaid as dashed lines. Orange arrows in the Data/SM panel indicate values that are beyond the y-axis range.
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Figure 22
Comparison of expected and observed event yields in the inclusive signal regions after the background-only fit. Background processes containing fewer than two prompt leptons are categorized as `Fake/nonprompt'. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. Uncertainties in the background estimates include both the statistical and systematic uncertainties, where σ
tot denotes the total uncertainty.
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Figure 26a
Numbers show 95% CL model-dependent upper limits on the inclusive Higgsino signal cross-sections.
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Figure 26b
Numbers show 95% CL model-dependent upper limits on the inclusive Higgsino signal cross-sections.
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Figure 27a
Numbers show 95% CL model-dependent upper limits on the inclusive signal cross-sections of the wino--bino model.
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Figure 27b
Numbers show 95% CL model-dependent upper limits on the inclusive signal cross-sections of the wino--bino model.
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Figure 28a
Numbers show the 95% CL model-dependent upper limits on the slepton signal cross-sections, assuming a fourfold mass degeneracy m(ẽ
L,R) = m(μ̃
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Figure 28b
Numbers show the 95% CL model-dependent upper limits on the slepton signal cross-sections, assuming a fourfold mass degeneracy m(ẽ
L,R) = m(μ̃
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Figure 29
Expected and observed 95% CL cross-section upper limits as a function of the universal gaugino mass m
1/2 for the NUHM2 model. The gray numbers indicate the values of the observed limit. The green and yellow bands around the expected limit indicate the ± 1σ and ± 2σ uncertainties, respectively. The expected signal production cross-sections as well as the associated uncertainty are indicated with the blue solid and dashed lines. The lower x-axis indicates the difference between the χ̃
20 and χ̃
10 masses for different values of m
1/2. A fit of signals to the m
ℓℓ spectrum is used to derive this limit.
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Figure 30a
Model-dependent exclusion limits as presented in the main text, but with a logarithmic scale for the axis labeling the mass splitting.
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Figure 30b
Model-dependent exclusion limits as presented in the main text, but with a logarithmic scale for the axis labeling the mass splitting.
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Figure 30c
Model-dependent exclusion limits as presented in the main text, but with a logarithmic scale for the axis labeling the mass splitting.
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Figure 31
Higgsino simplified model exclusion limits as presented in the main text, but projected into the m(χ̃
1±) - m(χ̃
10) vs m(χ̃
1±) plane with a logarithmic scale for the axis labeling the mass splitting.
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Table 01
Observed event yields and exclusion fit results with the signal strength parameter set to zero for the exclusive electroweakino and slepton signal regions. Background processes containing fewer than two prompt leptons are categorized as `Fake/nonprompt'. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. Uncertainties in the fitted background estimates combine statistical and systematic uncertainties.
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Table 02
Observed event yields and background-only fit results for the inclusive electroweakino and slepton signal regions. Background processes containing fewer than two prompt leptons are categorized as `Fake/nonprompt'. The category `Others' contains rare backgrounds from triboson, Higgs boson, and the remaining top-quark production processes listed in Table 1. Uncertainties in the fitted background estimates combine statistical and systematic uncertainties.
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Table 06
Upper limits on observed (expected) Higgsino simplified model signal cross section σ
obs (exp)95 and signal strength σ
obs (exp)95 / σ
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Table 07
Upper limits on observed (expected) wino--bino simplified model signal cross section σ
obs (exp)95 and signal strength σ
obs (exp)95 / σ
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Table 08
Upper limits on observed (expected) slepton simplified model signal cross section σ
obs (exp)95 and signal strength σ
obs (exp)95 / σ
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Table 09
Event counts for Higgsino H̃ and slepton ℓ̃ signals after sequential selections for the inclusive SRℓℓ-m
ℓℓ and SRℓℓ-m
T2100 regions. Weighted events are normalised to mathcalL = 36.1 fb
-1 and the inclusive cross section σ, while raw MC events are also shown. The generator filter with efficiency ε
filt applied to the Higgsino signal requires truth E
Tmiss > 50 GeV and at least 2 leptons with p
T > 3 GeV, while only the E
Tmiss > 50 GeV requirement is applied to the slepton signal. The mathcalB refers to the branching ratio Z
(*) → ℓ
- in the Higgsino processes. ``Lepton truth matching" requires that the selected leptons are consistent with being decay products of the SUSY process. ``Lepton author 16 veto" removes a class of electron candidates reconstructed with algorithms designed to identify photon conversions.
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Table 10
Event counts for the χ̃
1+ process of the Higgsino m(χ̃
20, χ̃
10) = (110, 100) GeV signal and sequentially with each addition requirement for selections common to all signal regions (SRs), followed by those optimised for Higgsinos and sleptons. ``Lepton truth matching" requires that the selected leptons are consistent with being decay products of the SUSY process. ``Lepton author 16 veto" removes a class of electron candidates reconstructed with algorithms designed to identify photon conversions. Weighted events are normalised to 36.1 fb
-1 and the raw Monte Carlo events are also displayed.
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Table 11
Event counts for the χ̃
1- process of the Higgsino m(χ̃
20, χ̃
10) = (110, 100) GeV signal and sequentially with each addition requirement for selections common to all signal regions (SRs), followed by those optimised for Higgsinos and sleptons. ``Lepton truth matching" requires that the selected leptons are consistent with being decay products of the SUSY process. ``Lepton author 16 veto" removes a class of electron candidates reconstructed with algorithms designed to identify photon conversions. Weighted events are normalised to 36.1 fb
-1 and the raw Monte Carlo events are also displayed.
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Table 12
Event counts for the χ̃
10 process of the Higgsino m(χ̃
20, χ̃
10) = (110, 100) GeV signal and sequentially with each addition requirement followed by those optimised for Higgsinos and sleptons. Weighted events are normalised to 36.1 fb
-1 and the raw Monte Carlo events are also displayed.
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Table 13
Event counts for the χ̃
1- process of the Higgsino m(χ̃
20, χ̃
10) = (110, 100) GeV signal and sequentially with each addition requirement for selections common to all signal regions (SRs). ``Lepton truth matching" requires that the selected leptons are consistent with being decay products of the SUSY process. ``Lepton author 16 veto" removes a class of electron candidates reconstructed with algorithms designed to identify photon conversions. Weighted events are normalised to 36.1 fb
-1 and the raw Monte Carlo events are also displayed.
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