Patch Release 2.0.1

Shortly after the release of Corryvreckan 2.0 and just before the BTTB9 workshop, we are announcing the first patch release for v2.0.1 comprising 30 commits described below. As of now, the release is available in the repository. The following issues have been fixed and improvements have been made: Modules: AlignmentDUTResidual: Add plots to show shifts/rotations vs. iteration AnalysisEfficiency: Add 2D TEfficiency for efficiency map EventDefinitionM26: Update README and make more robust (allow absolute or relative paths, remove case-sensitivity of parameters) Documentation: [Read More]

Corryvreckan at the BTTB9

Like last year, we have the pleasure to announce that Corryvreckan will be represented at the 9th Beam Tests and Test Beams Workshop taking place in fully virtually this time, from February 8th to 10th 2021. In a 2.5h tutorial you will be guided through the framework and its functionality in depth. Newcomers will learn how to setup and configure an analysis and everybody with prior knowledge of the software will have the chance to learn more about the advanced event building mechanisms and the EUDAQ2 integration. [Read More]

Release 2.0

About one year after our first stable release in December 2019, we are proud and happy to announce that just before Christmas, on December 22nd, Corryvreckan version 2.0 was officially released. It goes along with a publication about the software, which has been submitted to JINST and is available on arXiv: In addition, a new Zenodo entry can be used as a further official reference to the software: https://zenodo. [Read More]

New Corryvreckan Virtual Lab Course Available

Newcomers to Corryvreckan and test-beam analysis, please continue reading. A brand-new virtual lab course is now available at the University of Heidelberg as part of the Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum (“Advanced Physics Lab”) for Bachelor students. But you don’t need to be a student in Heidelberg. If you want to get started with Corryvreckan or test-beam analysis more generally, download it here and follow along. The lab course can be performed from anywhere and at your own pace. [Read More]

Patch Release 1.0.3

It might have seemed quiet in the past months, but a lot of work on Corryvreckan has been going on. Part of this work ended up in patch release 1.0.3, which comprises a total of 96 commits. It is available in the repository as of now. The most notable improvements and bug fixes are: General: The copyright and licensing information has been updated in all header files. Build system: [Read More]

Corryvreckan at the BTTB8

It’s a great pleasure to announce that Corryvreckan will be represented at the 8th Beam Tests and Test Beams Workshop taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia, from January 27th to 31st 2020: A general introduction talk will outline the software framework, give an overview of its features and improvements since BTTB7, and explain the flexible event building mechanisms. Two 2.5h tutorials will guide through the framework and its functionality in depth. Newcomers will learn how to setup and configure an analysis and everybody with prior knowledge of the software will have the chance to learn more about the advanced event building mechanisms and the EUDAQ2 integration. [Read More]

Patch Release 1.0.2

Over the past month, many improvements and bug fixes have been made to Corryvreckan. These 45 commits have been consolidated in Patch Release 1.0.2, which is now available in the repository. The following notable improvements have been implemented: CMake: updated targets including Eigen3 and ROOT allow C++11, 14, and 17 Testing: updated naming of spatial and time cut parameters to use absolute values updated pass conditions Logging: [Read More]

Patch Release 1.0.1

It has not even been a week since Corryvreckan Release 1.0. But we were not taking a rest so we can announce our first patch release comprising 13 commits. The release is available in the repository as of now.

The following issues have been fixed and improvements have been made:

  • Track class: bug fix, chi2 and chi2ndof can now be retrieved correctly when reading in a file with the [FileReader]

  • Testing:

    • additional CI tests for the [FileWriter] and for the [FileReader] have been added.
    • every test downloads only the required data set
    • allow a test not to have a defined dataset, but then the test needs a dependency
  • Docker Image:

    • update to new EUDAQ2 version 2.4.2
    • update to new Peary version 0.9.12

Release 1.0

We are proud to announce that last Friday the first stable Corryvreckan version 1.0, was officially released. The source code can be found in the repository.

If you would like to get started with Corryvreckan, please have a look at the extensive user manual as well as the doxygen code documentation.

If you are working on the analysis of your test beam data, we invite you to have a look at Corryvreckan, check out the examples, get to know the framework and configure your own analysis.

In case of issues, please make use of the Corryvreckan issue tracker or ask questions and take part in discussions with other users in the Corryvreckan forum.

A few of the main features of the Corryvreckan framework are:

Framework Infrastructure

  • Fully modular architecture allowing for easy customization
  • Easy to add new modules for new analysis, other detectors, etc.
  • Configuration in intuitive and flexible file format (based on TOML)
  • Easy-to-use description of detector geometry

Flexible Event Building

  • Combine devices with different readout schemes: data-driven, frame-based, and triggered
  • Include AIDA Trigger Logic Unit (TLU) as auxiliary device


  • Output of produced ROOT files with analysis histograms
  • EUDAQ2EventLoader module to read in data recorded with the EUDAQ2 data acquisition framework
  • Possibility to write out data files to reprocess within the framework later
  • Possibility to read in data files from Allpix Squared

Manual and Code Documentation

  • Full documentation and code reference available
  • High-quality code base with full continuous integration (CI) for extensive testing

We would like to express great thanks to all those who contributed and will keep you up to date regarding new features and patch releases. We would also be happy to receive any feedback or suggestions as well as contributions of any kind. The software is released under the MIT license, so it is free to use and can be modify to the user’s needs.

Best wishes, Morag Williams, Jens Kroeger, Simon Spannagel

Welcome to the New Website

Welcome to the new website for the Corryvreckan project. Get to know the project, read through the documentation and explore the source code.