Inscription form

 Personal data
First name:
Do you work at CERN?


A one-semester course comprises about 17 lessons. Please check the boxes corresponding to the courses you wish to subscribe to. The corresponding course fees will be filled in as you go. Discounts apply for early payment, students, multiple course and yearly subscriptions. The final deadline for the early payment discount is 4 February (second semester).

Early Payment or Student discount (Valid for second semester payments up to 04 February and students). Preferred currency: SFr
Semester 1 Semester 2 Course fee
Monday Boogie-Woogie Basics/Progressing 18:30-19:30 -
West Coast Swing Basics1 19:30-20:30 -
West Coast Swing Basics2 20:30-21:30 -
West Coast Swing Progressing 21:30-22:30 -
Tuesday Salsa Basics (*) 19:00-20:00 -
Salsa Progressing (*) 20:00-21:00 -
Salsa Advanced 21:00-22:00 -
Wednesday Ballroom Basics 18:30-19:30 -
Ballroom Progressing (*) 19:30-20:30 -
Ballroom Advanced 20:30-21:30 -
Thursday Tango Basics 19:00-20:00 -
Tango Progressing 20:00-21:00 -
Tango: thematic course Progressing/Advanced 21:00-22:00 -
Club Membership fee0

(*)Course inscription subject to special conditions. Contact us for further information.
 Final details
I have read the CERN Dancing Club regulations.
I wish to receive an email confirmation of my inscription

  • All information provided is treated confidentially. It will be used only by the CERN Dancing Club and will not be communicated to anyone else.
  • Please do provide an email address, so that we can send you a confirmation of this inscription —if so desired— and so that we can keep you informed of possible course cancellations and provide notice of events organized by the CDC.
  • There is no need to subscribe in couples. The CDC will make an effort to balance the number of men and women in any course. Mind you, this is hard to get perfect.
  • Inscriptions are considered final only when full payment has been received.