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  Beam Documentation for NA48/NA62


The updated geometry files 'Beatch' for the P42 and K12 beams to experiments NA42 and NA62 are listed here with descriptions of their contents: - (click here for a short description of the file format)


The K12 beam optics for the 2023 data-taking period can be found here.


TURTLE is a ray-tracing programme for in-beam particles, (referred to as "PI" or "KA" in HALO). HALO also tracks muons ("MU"), which, if they have left the nominal beam aperture, are referred to as "HALO"). A TURTLE output corresponding to the 2023 beam is available here. Four earlier HALO outputs exist, one for each parent particle: pi+, K+, pi-, K-. The entries in the corresponding histograms should therefore be summed. The normalization is chosen such that each entry represents a nominal, instantaneous rate of 10 kHz or 1 x 10^4 muons per effective second of spill. An average of 1 entry/cm^2 (= 10^4 muons/cm^2/second) thereby corresponds to an annual dose of ~5 Gy, assuming a year of 100 days of running with an effective duty-cycle of 0.2.

Last updated 26.July,2023 cd ls gobeao cp k12hika+2023 ~/www/k12hika+2923.txt beatoweb cp k12hika+2023 ~/www/k12hika+2023.txt