Gavin Salam's web
photo of me Welcome to my home page!

I am a researcher in theoretical particle physics. My interests centre on the question of how to develop and use our understanding of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD, the theory of quarks and gluons) in order to get the most out of high-energy particle colliders, notably the LHC, including applications to Higgs physics, searches for new particles and studies of heavy-ion collisions.

The links to the left provide a technical overview of my research activities. A gentler introduction to some of my work can be found in some of the videos and other resources at CollidingParticles.

You can contact me at:

Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics
Clarendon Laboratory
Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3PU
United Kingdom


All Souls College
Oxford OX1 4AL
United Kingdom


My work is funded by the European Research Council (PanScales project) and by a Royal Society Research Professorship.