B513 Planning Meeting, 15th December 2003

Present:           Tony Cass, Anne Funken, Jukka Lindroos, Jose Miranda-Vizuete, Tim Whibley

1.             Previous Minutes

  1. 1.1) The false floor void has been cleaned to a reasonably acceptable standard after some insistence from IT for the difficult areas. Tim will provide written feedback to Paul Pepinster and Cleaning done. Not brilliant, but acceptable. Tim to provide comments to Pepinster and Mauro Nonis.
  2. 3.1) The last sentence should have been completed to read “[the layout plan should] also indicate the locations of the new ducts for the underfloor air flow.”

2.             Substation Status

  1. The civil engineering work is advancing as expected. The painting of the 18kV cell has started to allow installation of the false floor from early January. The old UPS room doorway will have been walled up and the new one installed by the end of the year but there is still some concern for the installation of the new batteries if the temporary walling remains in place.
  2. The transformers and the 400V switchgear have been ordered. Sample covers for the transformers have been ordered but the definitive housing has yet to be agreed. This has some bearing on the waterproofing arrangements for the sockets on the bunker. This is to be discussed further at the réunion de chantier.
  3. The transformers are expected to arrive in April and the 400V switchboards in May. Orders will be replaced for the rest of the equipment early in the new year to allow installation work from June. Anne considers that commissioning is possible even without the use of the caniveaux by the existing transformers. Recabling later will be possible without interruption to IT services.

3.             Machine Room Upgrade Status

  1. Almost all of the electrical distribution equipment is in place. Unfortunately, the 48V switchboard was installed in the wrong bay but it does not need to be moved as Jukka agrees that the hvac ducting can be adjusted in consequence. A reception meeting is scheduled for January 12th.
  2. The order for the false floor grills has been sent to Steel Systems who confirm a delivery date at the end of March. Installation will be shortly thereafter. Any move of equipment to the refurbished area will thus be delayed to early March. Tony hoped that with good planning the move could be completed by July/August such that the upgrade of the right hand side could start in the second half of the year.
  3. It was agreed to finish the plaster block wall in one go once left hand half is free rather than to start work now on the area near the external networking equipment.
  4. The radiator along the archive store wall will be removed in January.

4.             B513 HVAC Planning

  1. Jukka needs to plan the placement of the new ducting and have this included on the coordination plan by Nigel. Installation of the ducting in the new critical equipment area along the Salève side wall must be complete by early April to allow migration of the AIS servers during the Easter break (i.e. from 5th April). Jukka will issue a price enquiry for this work now and then launch a tender for the remainder of the work. The need to announce the tender at the March Finance Committee will be reviewed—the deadline for submission of FC papers is in January.

5.             Vault HVAC situation

  1. Jukka will contact ST/CV colleagues to discuss the situation; he considered that a move of the perforated tiles could help to reduce temperatures in the middle zone. In future, IT should contact either Serge Deleval or Nicole Bangert in case of doubts.

6.             AOB

  1. Next Meeting: 2pm, Friday 16th January.