B513 Planning Meeting, 9th November 2001

Present:          Nigel Baddams, Tony Cass, Marc Collignon, Anne Funken, Dick Minchin, Bruno Pichler, Mario Vergari

1.             Previous Minutes

2.             Order Status and Work Planning

·         The tender/order for the false floor will now be separate from that for the heavy construction work. Further investigations into the fixing arrangements for false floor feet show that

a.       constructors guarantee the quality of fixation whether or not glue or bolts are used, and

b.      the difference in the type of feet that are used means that a bolted structure costs three times more than a glued structure.

Given this last point, we should not insist on bolted feet. Tony commented that the fixation mechanism is less important now that we are pre-installing light cables rather than dragging around heavy IBM channel cables.

·         Whatever the fixation mechanism, we have to take into account the floor rails for the old tape racks. Dick pointed out that these rails are prouder of floor in some areas as the floor slopes.

3.             Floor Plan Review

4.             B513 Substation

5.             AOB