B513 Planning Meeting, 27th June 2002

Present:           Tony Cass, Anne Funken, Jukka Lindroos

1.             Previous Minutes

  1. The previous minutes were updated with various corrections from Anne.

2.             Planning for the new Substation

  1. Sizing of the bunker depends on
  1. the required battery lifetime for the 200kW UPS solution.
    To a large extent, the useful lifetime depends on how quickly the vault would overheat in the absence of air-conditioning. For a full load of 100kW, the temperature would rise to 40
    °C in 40 minutes. For the moment, Tony still prefers to assume a 2 hour requirement for this UPS.
  2. The space required for the 2MW UPS—which depends in turn on the air conditioning requirements.
    The heat load for the MGE solution is confirmed at 200kW. Anne commented that ST Microelectronics have reserved an area of 40m ´ 100m for 6 MGE UPS units. This is not felt to be necessary, but the existing UPS area is not sufficient. Although all 11 units will fit, the size of the room is such that a maximum of 5 can be cooled—and this requires the installation of a dedicated hvac unit in the room.
  3. Jukka will consider options for adding cooling capacity to the current UPS area. If possible, we should make use of capacity in the general hvac system as this allows free cooling in winter. However, an extra duct would have to be installed. Account must also be taken of the hvac needs of the telephone exchange and batteries, both of which are covered by the hvac unit that cools the UPS today. [Anne also noted that the desire to use the existing hvac system could conflict with the need to run the UPS air conditioning from the UPS itself—see point 2.8.]
  4. Unfortunately, we still have no information on the heat load for Gutor systems. This should be available by the end of July but in the meanwhile the design office will prepare a bunker layout assuming the use of MGE UPS systems. Two versions will be prepared, one assuming the use of 2MVA transformers (the preferred solution), the other for 3MVA transformers.
  5. Despite the general contract with Gutor for UPS systems, a tender could be required for our UPS systems or could be useful to obtain the best price for the large systems. If bunker construction is to start in 2002 then the bunker layout must assume a worst case for UPS requirements. Unless the Gutor space/hvac requirements are greater than for the MGE solution, therefore, the layout prepared during July will be sent to the external design consultancy.
  6. Assuming construction begins at the end of 2002, the new substation should be in operation for January/February 2004. It was noted that the switchover implies an interruption for any equipment connected to the existing PDUs. As the PDUs in the vault  have two inputs, equipment in the vault will be unaffected. (Equally, any equipment connected to any new PDUs installed in the machine room would also be unaffected.)
  7. The power needs of the UPS and air conditioning systems were also discussed. During any power failure, the hvac units must be powered from the 2MW UPS, but this load is estimated at 20kW, thus there is little interference with the physics load. Finally, although larger than expected, the power loads of the UPS and associated systems are still believed to fit within the available capacity.

3.             Upgrading the existing machine room

  1. If all goes according to schedule, the equipment in the “right hand side” (from in front of the operator area to the barn wall) of the machine room will have been moved to the vault or removed by June 2003. We should therefore start to plan for the upgrade of the electrical distribution in this area.

4.             AOB

  1. Dave and Anne are to agree the initial location of the Magelis screen. The cable should be long enough to reach any part of the operators console and also to reach into the barn.
  1. Next meeting: 25th July, 14:00