B513 Planning Meeting, 28th November 2002

Present:           Nigel Baddams, Tony Cass, Anne Funken, Jukka Lindroos, Jose Miranda

1.             Previous Minutes

  1. Approved.

2.             Substation Planning

2.1.                Timescale

  1. The substation project and existing B513 plans were shown to the prospective design study bureau on Tuesday. A quote for the  work required will be prepared by early next week. Provided that an order leaves CERN quickly there is some hope that the study could be completed by February 15th although Jose considered the end of February as more realistic.
  2. A tender will be required. Given the likely return date of the final plans from the design study bureau, the tender documents are unlikely to be sent out before mid-March—and this assumes that the documents need only be prepared in French (as only French and Swiss Romand firms are qualified by the Market Survey). With an 8-week delay period for response work cannot start before June. On this schedule, completion would be expected in November.
  3. With this timescale, it will be impossible to install all of the electrical equipment before the restart of acclerator operations in spring 2004. It would, however, be possible to install the 18kV switchgear and the low voltage equipment necessary to ensure a separate supply and backup for the critical computing load. No new transformers would be installed at this stage.
  4. Equipment to support the physics load would be installed during the second half of 2004, including connections to the new switchboards to be installed in the machine room, but no additional power would be available before the 2004/5 accelerator shutdown.
  5. Overall, it was felt that this schedule made some sense. The alternative would be to delay construction and target the complete installation for the 2004/5 shutdown. This would be possible but might limit options for equipment installation during the latter part of 2004.

2.2.                Bunker Plans

  1. Nigel proposed to extend the ducts that pass across the S-206 corridor into the substation such that they would vent through the dalle of the bunker. This would require dedicated protection above the vent but reduce the concreter work required, simplifying construction. Additionally, clearance would be marginally increased in the relevant areas. This proposal was agreed.
  1. Anne still does not have the detailed information on the sizing of the equipment for the low voltage room but felt that there is enough margin to prepare the construction plans based on the current equipment layout.
  2. Looking forwards, there is sufficient space in the 18kV room for the equipment necessary to provide a 3.3kV supply to any future 2.5MW chillers. However, there would be no redundancy for the 3.3kV supply and there would be little room for manoeuvre if changes in the 400V supply were required.
  3. A review of the plans prepared by Nigel showed that the locations of the caniveaux need to be revised and due account taken of the possibility to construct them taking into account equipment in the technical areas off the S-206 corridor.
  4. There was a further discussions of options to provide air conditioning (or ventilation) to the different rooms in the substation. Jukka and Nigel need to discuss duct routing options in more detail.
  5. Plans are ready to give to design study bureau.

3.             AOB

  1. Jose and Nigel commented that the civil engineering work will require closing half of the car park between B513 and Restaurant 2—with the loss of 30-40 places. Replacement measures could be considered along the road opposite B186.
  1. Next meeting, 10:30am Thursday 5th December. The aim for this meeting is to agree the final plans to be given to the design study bureau. Points to be addressed before this meeting include
    1. air conditioning arrangements and duct location, and
    2. the positions of the caniveaux.