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Tracking with Classical Radiation

!!!!  Tracking with a wrapped command     !!!!!!!!!!
 CALL FIND_ORBIT_x(als,X,wrapped_state,1.0e-5_dp,fibre1=1)
    WRITE(6,'(A)') " Closed orbit with Radiation "
    WRITE(6,'(6(1x,E15.8))') x
    call GET_loss(als,energy,deltap)
    write(6,'(a32,2(1x,E15.8))') "Energy loss: GEV and DeltaP/p0c ",energy,deltap

call TRACK_PROBE_X(ALS,y,wrapped_state, FIBRE1=1)

normal=id   ! Normal is a regular Normalform type
write(6,*) "Tunes "
write(6,*) normal%tune(1:3)
write(6,*) "Damping decrements"
write(6,*) normal%damping(1:3)

!!!!!!!!!!   end of Tracking with  a wrapped command    !!!!!!!!!!

N.B. This is a deterministic map with classical radiation. Without a cavity, as in a real machine, the beam will eventually collapse into the aperture.


Frank Schmidt 2010-10-15